// wds_constants.h // // WinDirStat - Directory Statistics // Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Bernhard Seifert // Copyright (C) 2004-2017 WinDirStat Team (windirstat.net) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // #ifndef __WDS_CONSTANTS_H_VER__ #define __WDS_CONSTANTS_H_VER__ 2017112319 #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)) || defined(__MCPP) #pragma once #endif // Check for "#pragma once" support namespace wds { // Single character constants const TCHAR chrSharp = _T('#'); const TCHAR chrBracketOpen = _T('('); const TCHAR chrBracketClose = _T(')'); const TCHAR chrComma = _T(','); const TCHAR chrDot = _T('.'); const TCHAR chrColon = _T(':'); const TCHAR chrAt = _T('\x40'); const TCHAR chrBackslash = _T('\\'); const TCHAR chrPipe = _T('|'); const TCHAR chrZero = _T('0'); const TCHAR chrSmallA = _T('a'); const TCHAR chrCapA = _T('A'); const TCHAR chrCapB = _T('B'); const TCHAR chrCapC = _T('C'); const TCHAR chrCapZ = _T('Z'); // Constants strings const LPCTSTR strEmpty = _T(""); const LPCTSTR strBlankSpace = _T(" "); const LPCTSTR strStar = _T("*"); const LPCTSTR strComma = _T(","); const LPCTSTR strDot = _T("."); const LPCTSTR strBackslash = _T("\\"); const LPCTSTR strPipe = _T("|"); const LPCTSTR strDollar = _T("$"); const LPCTSTR strPercent = _T("%"); const LPCTSTR strExplorerKey = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer"); #define STR_LANG_SUFFIX ".wdslng" const LPCTSTR strLangSuffix = _T(STR_LANG_SUFFIX); # define STR_RESOURCE_PREFIX "wdsr" const LPCTSTR strLangPrefix = _T(STR_RESOURCE_PREFIX); const LPCTSTR strInvalidAttributes = _T("??????"); const LPCTSTR strAttributeReadonly = _T("R"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY*/ const LPCTSTR strAttributeHidden = _T("H"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN*/ const LPCTSTR strAttributeSystem = _T("S"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM*/ /* don't need FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, directories are visualized in other ways */ const LPCTSTR strAttributeArchive = _T("A"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE*/ /* don't need FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE */ /* don't need FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL */ const LPCTSTR strAttributeTemporary = _T("T"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY*/ const LPCTSTR strAttributeSparse = _T("~"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE*/ const LPCTSTR strAttributeReparsePoint = _T("@"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT*/ const LPCTSTR strAttributeCompressed = _T("C"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED*/ const LPCTSTR strAttributeOffline = _T("_"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE*/ const LPCTSTR strAttributeNotContentIndexed = _T("i"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED*/ const LPCTSTR strAttributeEncrypted = _T("E"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED*/ const LPCTSTR strAttributeIntegrityStream = _T("I"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INTEGRITY_STREAM*/ const LPCTSTR strAttributeVirtual = _T("V"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL*/ /* don't need FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SCRUB_DATA */ const LPCTSTR strAttributeEA = _T("+"); /*FILE_ATTRIBUTE_EA*/ const int iLangCodeLength = _countof(STR_RESOURCE_PREFIX) - 1; const int iNumDriveLetters = (chrCapZ - chrCapA) + 1; } #endif // __WDS_CONSTANTS_H_VER__