// item.cpp - Implementation of CItem // // WinDirStat - Directory Statistics // Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Bernhard Seifert // Copyright (C) 2004-2017 WinDirStat Team (windirstat.net) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // #include "stdafx.h" #include "windirstat.h" #include "dirstatdoc.h" // GetItemColor() #include "mainframe.h" #include #include "selectobject.h" #include "WorkLimiter.h" #include "item.h" #include "globalhelpers.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif namespace { CString GetFreeSpaceItemName() { return LoadString(IDS_FREESPACE_ITEM); } CString GetUnknownItemName() { return LoadString(IDS_UNKNOWN_ITEM); } const SIZE sizeDeflatePacman = { 1, 2 }; // File attribute packing const unsigned char INVALID_m_attributes = 0x80; } CItem::CItem(ITEMTYPE type, LPCTSTR name, bool dontFollow) : m_type(type) , m_etype(static_cast(type & ~ITF_FLAGS)) , m_name(name) , m_extension_cached(false) , m_size(0) , m_files(0) , m_subdirs(0) , m_done(false) , m_ticksWorked(0) , m_readJobs(0) , m_attributes(0) { if(GetType() == IT_FILE || dontFollow || GetType() == IT_FREESPACE || GetType() == IT_UNKNOWN || GetType() == IT_MYCOMPUTER) { SetReadJobDone(); m_readJobs = 0; } else if(GetType() == IT_DIRECTORY || GetType() == IT_DRIVE || GetType() == IT_FILESFOLDER) { SetReadJobDone(false); } if(GetType() == IT_DRIVE) { m_name = FormatVolumeNameOfRootPath(m_name); } ZeroMemory(&m_lastChange, sizeof(m_lastChange)); } CItem::~CItem() { for(int i = 0; i < m_children.GetSize(); i++) { delete m_children[i]; } } CRect CItem::TmiGetRectangle() const { return m_rect; } void CItem::TmiSetRectangle(const CRect& rc) { m_rect = rc; } bool CItem::DrawSubitem(int subitem, CDC *pdc, CRect rc, UINT state, int *width, int *focusLeft) const { if(subitem == COL_NAME) { return CTreeListItem::DrawSubitem(subitem, pdc, rc, state, width, focusLeft); } if(subitem != COL_SUBTREEPERCENTAGE) { return false; } bool showReadJobs = MustShowReadJobs(); if(showReadJobs && !GetOptions()->IsPacmanAnimation()) { return false; } if(showReadJobs && IsDone()) { return false; } if(width != NULL) { *width = GetSubtreePercentageWidth(); return true; } DrawSelection(GetTreeListControl(), pdc, rc, state); if(showReadJobs) { rc.DeflateRect(sizeDeflatePacman); DrawPacman(pdc, rc, GetTreeListControl()->GetItemSelectionBackgroundColor(this)); } else { rc.DeflateRect(2, 5); for(int i = 0; i < GetIndent(); i++) { rc.left += rc.Width() / 10; } DrawPercentage(pdc, rc, GetFraction(), GetPercentageColor()); } return true; } CString CItem::GetText(int subitem) const { CString s; switch (subitem) { case COL_NAME: { s = m_name; } break; case COL_SUBTREEPERCENTAGE: if(IsDone()) { ASSERT(m_readJobs == 0); //s = "ok"; } else { if(m_readJobs == 1) s.LoadString(IDS_ONEREADJOB); else s.FormatMessage(IDS_sREADJOBS, FormatCount(m_readJobs).GetString()); } break; case COL_PERCENTAGE: if(GetOptions()->IsShowTimeSpent() && MustShowReadJobs() || IsRootItem()) { s.Format(_T("[%s s]"), FormatMilliseconds(GetTicksWorked()).GetString()); } else { s.Format(_T("%s%%"), FormatDouble(GetFraction() * 100).GetString()); } break; case COL_SUBTREETOTAL: { s = FormatBytes(GetSize()); } break; case COL_ITEMS: if(GetType() != IT_FILE && GetType() != IT_FREESPACE && GetType() != IT_UNKNOWN) { s = FormatCount(GetItemsCount()); } break; case COL_FILES: if(GetType() != IT_FILE && GetType() != IT_FREESPACE && GetType() != IT_UNKNOWN) { s = FormatCount(GetFilesCount()); } break; case COL_SUBDIRS: if(GetType() != IT_FILE && GetType() != IT_FREESPACE && GetType() != IT_UNKNOWN) { s = FormatCount(GetSubdirsCount()); } break; case COL_LASTCHANGE: if(GetType() != IT_FREESPACE && GetType() != IT_UNKNOWN) { s = FormatFileTime(m_lastChange); } break; case COL_ATTRIBUTES: if(GetType() != IT_FREESPACE && GetType() != IT_UNKNOWN && GetType() != IT_MYCOMPUTER && GetType() != IT_FILESFOLDER) { s = FormatAttributes(GetAttributes()); } break; default: { ASSERT(0); } break; } return s; } COLORREF CItem::GetItemTextColor() const { // Get the file/folder attributes DWORD attr = GetAttributes(); // This happens e.g. on a Unicode-capable FS when using ANSI APIs // to list files with ("real") Unicode names if(attr == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { return CTreeListItem::GetItemTextColor(); } // Check for compressed flag if(attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) { return GetWDSApp()->AltColor(); } else if(attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED) { return GetWDSApp()->AltEncryptionColor(); } else { // The rest is not colored return CTreeListItem::GetItemTextColor(); } } int CItem::CompareSibling(const CTreeListItem *tlib, int subitem) const { CItem *other = (CItem *)tlib; int r = 0; switch (subitem) { case COL_NAME: if(GetType() == IT_DRIVE) { ASSERT(other->GetType() == IT_DRIVE); r = signum(GetPath().CompareNoCase(other->GetPath())); } else { r = signum(m_name.CompareNoCase(other->m_name)); } break; case COL_SUBTREEPERCENTAGE: if(MustShowReadJobs()) { r = usignum(m_readJobs, other->m_readJobs); } else { r = signum(GetFraction() - other->GetFraction()); } break; case COL_PERCENTAGE: { r = signum(GetFraction() - other->GetFraction()); } break; case COL_SUBTREETOTAL: { r = usignum(GetSize(), other->GetSize()); } break; case COL_ITEMS: { r = usignum(GetItemsCount(), other->GetItemsCount()); } break; case COL_FILES: { r = usignum(GetFilesCount(), other->GetFilesCount()); } break; case COL_SUBDIRS: { r = usignum(GetSubdirsCount(), other->GetSubdirsCount()); } break; case COL_LASTCHANGE: { if(m_lastChange < other->m_lastChange) { return -1; } else if(m_lastChange == other->m_lastChange) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } break; case COL_ATTRIBUTES: { r = signum(GetSortAttributes() - other->GetSortAttributes()); } break; default: { ASSERT(false); } break; } return r; } int CItem::GetChildrenCount() const { return int(m_children.GetSize()); } CTreeListItem *CItem::GetTreeListChild(int i) const { return m_children[i]; } int CItem::GetImageToCache() const { // (Caching is done in CTreeListItem::m_vi.) int image; if(GetType() == IT_MYCOMPUTER) { image = GetMyImageList()->getMyComputerImage(); } else if(GetType() == IT_FILESFOLDER) { image = GetMyImageList()->getFilesFolderImage(); } else if(GetType() == IT_FREESPACE) { image = GetMyImageList()->getFreeSpaceImage(); } else if(GetType() == IT_UNKNOWN) { image = GetMyImageList()->getUnknownImage(); } else { CString path = GetPath(); if(GetType() == IT_DIRECTORY && GetWDSApp()->IsVolumeMountPoint(path)) { image = GetMyImageList()->getMountPointImage(); } else if(GetType() == IT_DIRECTORY && GetWDSApp()->IsFolderJunction(path)) { image = GetMyImageList()->getJunctionImage(); } else { image = GetMyImageList()->getFileImage(path); } } return image; } void CItem::DrawAdditionalState(CDC *pdc, const CRect& rcLabel) const { if(!IsRootItem() && this == GetDocument()->GetZoomItem()) { CRect rc = rcLabel; rc.InflateRect(1, 0); rc.bottom++; CSelectStockObject sobrush(pdc, NULL_BRUSH); CPen pen(PS_SOLID, 2, GetDocument()->GetZoomColor()); CSelectObject sopen(pdc, &pen); pdc->Rectangle(rc); } } int CItem::GetSubtreePercentageWidth() { return 105; } CItem *CItem::FindCommonAncestor(const CItem *item1, const CItem *item2) { const CItem *parent = item1; while(!parent->IsAncestorOf(item2)) { parent = parent->GetParent(); } ASSERT(parent != NULL); return const_cast(parent); } bool CItem::IsAncestorOf(const CItem *item) const { const CItem *p = item; while(p != NULL) { if(p == this) { break; } p = p->GetParent(); } return (p != NULL); } ULONGLONG CItem::GetProgressRange() const { switch (GetType()) { case IT_MYCOMPUTER: { return GetProgressRangeMyComputer(); } case IT_DRIVE: { return GetProgressRangeDrive(); } case IT_DIRECTORY: case IT_FILESFOLDER: case IT_FILE: { return 0; } case IT_FREESPACE: case IT_UNKNOWN: default: { ASSERT(0); return 0; } } } ULONGLONG CItem::GetProgressPos() const { switch (GetType()) { case IT_MYCOMPUTER: { return GetProgressPosMyComputer(); } case IT_DRIVE: { return GetProgressPosDrive(); } case IT_DIRECTORY: { return m_files + m_subdirs; } case IT_FILE: case IT_FILESFOLDER: case IT_FREESPACE: case IT_UNKNOWN: default: { ASSERT(0); return 0; } } } const CItem *CItem::UpwardGetRoot() const { if(GetParent() == NULL) { return this; } else { return GetParent()->UpwardGetRoot(); } } void CItem::UpdateLastChange() { ZeroMemory(&m_lastChange, sizeof(m_lastChange)); if(GetType() == IT_DIRECTORY || GetType() == IT_FILE) { CString path = GetPath(); int i = path.ReverseFind(wds::chrBackslash); CString basename = path.Mid(i + 1); CString pattern; pattern.Format(_T("%s\\..\\%s"), path.GetString(), basename.GetString()); CFileFindWDS finder; BOOL b = finder.FindFile(pattern); if(!b) { return; // no chance } finder.FindNextFile(); finder.GetLastWriteTime(&m_lastChange); SetAttributes(finder.GetAttributes()); } } CItem *CItem::GetChild(int i) const { return m_children[i]; } CItem *CItem::GetParent() const { return (CItem *)CTreeListItem::GetParent(); } int CItem::FindChildIndex(const CItem *child) const { for(int i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) { if(child == m_children[i]) { return i; } } ASSERT(0); return 0; } void CItem::AddChild(CItem *child) { ASSERT(!IsDone()); // SetDone() computed m_childrenBySize // This sequence is essential: First add numbers, then CTreeListControl::OnChildAdded(), // because the treelist will display it immediately. // If we did it the other way round, CItem::GetFraction() could ASSERT. UpwardAddSize(child->GetSize()); UpwardAddReadJobs(child->GetReadJobs()); UpwardUpdateLastChange(child->GetLastChange()); m_children.Add(child); child->SetParent(this); GetTreeListControl()->OnChildAdded(this, child); } void CItem::RemoveChild(int i) { CItem *child = GetChild(i); m_children.RemoveAt(i); GetTreeListControl()->OnChildRemoved(this, child); delete child; } void CItem::RemoveAllChildren() { GetTreeListControl()->OnRemovingAllChildren(this); for(int i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) { delete m_children[i]; } m_children.SetSize(0); } void CItem::UpwardAddSubdirs(ULONGLONG dirCount) { m_subdirs += dirCount; if(GetParent() != NULL) { GetParent()->UpwardAddSubdirs(dirCount); } } void CItem::UpwardSubtractSubdirs(ULONGLONG dirCount) { m_subdirs -= dirCount; if(GetParent() != NULL) { GetParent()->UpwardSubtractSubdirs(dirCount); } } void CItem::UpwardAddFiles(ULONGLONG fileCount) { m_files += fileCount; if(GetParent() != NULL) { GetParent()->UpwardAddFiles(fileCount); } } void CItem::UpwardSubtractFiles(ULONGLONG fileCount) { m_files -= fileCount; if(GetParent() != NULL) { GetParent()->UpwardSubtractFiles(fileCount); } } void CItem::UpwardAddSize(ULONGLONG bytes) { m_size += bytes; if(GetParent() != NULL) { GetParent()->UpwardAddSize(bytes); } } void CItem::UpwardSubtractSize(ULONGLONG bytes) { m_size -= bytes; if(GetParent() != NULL) { GetParent()->UpwardSubtractSize(bytes); } } void CItem::UpwardAddReadJobs(ULONGLONG count) { m_readJobs += count; if(GetParent() != NULL) { GetParent()->UpwardAddReadJobs(count); } } void CItem::UpwardSubtractReadJobs(ULONGLONG count) { m_readJobs -= count; if(GetParent() != NULL) { GetParent()->UpwardSubtractReadJobs(count); } } // This method increases the last change void CItem::UpwardUpdateLastChange(const FILETIME& t) { if(m_lastChange < t) { m_lastChange = t; if(GetParent() != NULL) { GetParent()->UpwardUpdateLastChange(t); } } } // This method may also decrease the last change void CItem::UpwardRecalcLastChange() { UpdateLastChange(); for(int i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) { if(m_lastChange < GetChild(i)->GetLastChange()) { m_lastChange = GetChild(i)->GetLastChange(); } } if(GetParent() != NULL) { GetParent()->UpwardRecalcLastChange(); } } ULONGLONG CItem::GetSize() const { return m_size; } void CItem::SetSize(ULONGLONG ownSize) { ASSERT(IsLeaf(GetType())); ASSERT(ownSize >= 0); m_size = ownSize; } ULONGLONG CItem::GetReadJobs() const { return m_readJobs; } FILETIME CItem::GetLastChange() const { return m_lastChange; } void CItem::SetLastChange(const FILETIME& t) { m_lastChange = t; } // Encode the attributes to fit 1 byte void CItem::SetAttributes(DWORD attr) { /* Bitmask of m_attributes: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | | | |__ 1 == R (0x01) | | | | | | |____ 1 == H (0x02) | | | | | |______ 1 == S (0x04) | | | | |________ 1 == A (0x08) | | | |__________ 1 == Reparse point (0x10) | | |____________ 1 == C (0x20) | |______________ 1 == E (0x40) |________________ 1 == invalid attributes (0x80) */ DWORD ret = attr; if(ret == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { m_attributes = (unsigned char)INVALID_m_attributes; return; } ret &= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | // Mask out lower 3 bits FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; // Prepend the archive attribute ret |= (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) >> 2; // --> At this point the lower nibble is fully used // Now shift the reparse point and compressed attribute into the lower 2 bits of // the high nibble. ret |= (attr & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED)) >> 6; // Shift the encrypted bit by 8 places ret |= (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED) >> 8; m_attributes = (unsigned char)ret; } // Decode the attributes encoded by SetAttributes() DWORD CItem::GetAttributes() const { DWORD ret = m_attributes; if(ret & INVALID_m_attributes) return INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES; ret &= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | // Mask out lower 3 bits FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; // FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ret |= (m_attributes & 0x08) << 2; // FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED ret |= (m_attributes & 0x30) << 6; // FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED ret |= (m_attributes & 0x40) << 8; return ret; } // Returns a value which resembles sorting of RHSACE considering gaps int CItem::GetSortAttributes() const { DWORD ret = 0; // We want to enforce the order RHSACE with R being the highest priority // attribute and E being the lowest priority attribute. ret += (m_attributes & 0x01) ? 1000000 : 0; // R ret += (m_attributes & 0x02) ? 100000 : 0; // H ret += (m_attributes & 0x04) ? 10000 : 0; // S ret += (m_attributes & 0x08) ? 1000 : 0; // A ret += (m_attributes & 0x20) ? 100 : 0; // C ret += (m_attributes & 0x40) ? 10 : 0; // E return (m_attributes & INVALID_m_attributes) ? 0 : ret; } double CItem::GetFraction() const { if((!GetParent()) || (GetParent()->GetSize() == 0)) { return 1.0; } return (double) GetSize() / GetParent()->GetSize(); } ITEMTYPE CItem::GetType() const { return m_etype; } bool CItem::IsRootItem() const { return ((m_type & ITF_ROOTITEM) != 0); } CString CItem::GetPath() const { CString path = UpwardGetPathWithoutBackslash(); if(GetType() == IT_DRIVE || GetType() == IT_FILESFOLDER && GetParent()->GetType() == IT_DRIVE) { path += _T("\\"); } return path; } bool CItem::HasUncPath() const { CString path = GetPath(); return (path.GetLength() >= 2 && path.Left(2) == _T("\\\\")); } CString CItem::GetFindPattern() const { CString pattern = GetPath(); if(pattern.Right(1) != wds::chrBackslash) { pattern += _T("\\"); } pattern += _T("*.*"); return pattern; } // Returns the path for "Explorer here" or "Command Prompt here" CString CItem::GetFolderPath() const { CString path; if(GetType() == IT_MYCOMPUTER) { path = GetParseNameOfMyComputer(); } else { path = GetPath(); if(GetType() == IT_FILE) { int i = path.ReverseFind(wds::chrBackslash); ASSERT(i != -1); path = path.Left(i + 1); } } return path; } // returns the path for the mail-report CString CItem::GetReportPath() const { CString path = UpwardGetPathWithoutBackslash(); if(GetType() == IT_DRIVE || GetType() == IT_FILESFOLDER) { path += _T("\\"); } if((GetType() == IT_FILESFOLDER) || (GetType() == IT_FREESPACE) || (GetType() == IT_UNKNOWN)) { path += GetName(); } return path; } CString CItem::GetName() const { return m_name; } CString CItem::GetExtension() const { if (m_extension_cached) return m_extension; CString ext; CString name = GetName(); switch (GetType()) { case IT_FILE: { int i = name.ReverseFind(wds::chrDot); if(i == -1) { ext = L"."; } else { // Faster than name.Mid(i); LPCTSTR alpha = static_cast(name); ext = &alpha[i]; } ext.MakeLower(); break; } case IT_FREESPACE: case IT_UNKNOWN: { ext = name; } break; default: ASSERT(0); } m_extension = ext; m_extension_cached = true; return ext; } ULONGLONG CItem::GetFilesCount() const { return m_files; } ULONGLONG CItem::GetSubdirsCount() const { return m_subdirs; } ULONGLONG CItem::GetItemsCount() const { return m_files + m_subdirs; } bool CItem::IsReadJobDone() const { return m_readJobDone; } void CItem::SetReadJobDone(bool done) { if(!IsReadJobDone() && done) { UpwardSubtractReadJobs(1); } else { UpwardSubtractReadJobs(m_readJobs - 1); } m_readJobDone = done; } bool CItem::IsDone() const { return m_done; } void CItem::SetDone() { if(m_done) { return; } if(GetType() == IT_DRIVE) { UpdateFreeSpaceItem(); if(GetDocument()->OptionShowUnknown()) { CItem *unknown = FindUnknownItem(); ULONGLONG total; ULONGLONG free; CDirstatApp::getDiskFreeSpace(GetPath(), total, free); ULONGLONG unknownspace = total - GetSize(); if(!GetDocument()->OptionShowFreeSpace()) { unknownspace -= free; } unknown->SetSize(unknownspace); UpwardAddSize(unknownspace); } } // #ifdef _DEBUG // for(int i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) // { // ASSERT(GetChild(i)->IsDone()); // } // #endif // _DEBUG //m_children.FreeExtra(); // Doesn't help much. qsort(m_children.GetData(), m_children.GetSize(), sizeof(CItem *), &_compareBySize); ZeroMemory(&m_rect, sizeof(m_rect)); m_done = true; } DWORD CItem::GetTicksWorked() const { return m_ticksWorked; } void CItem::AddTicksWorked(DWORD more) { m_ticksWorked += more; } void CItem::DoSomeWork(CWorkLimiter* limiter) { if(IsDone()) { return; } StartPacman(true); DriveVisualUpdateDuringWork(); const DWORD start = ::GetTickCount(); if(GetType() == IT_DRIVE || GetType() == IT_DIRECTORY) { if(!IsReadJobDone()) { ULONGLONG dirCount = 0; ULONGLONG fileCount = 0; CList files; CFileFindWDS finder; BOOL b = finder.FindFile(GetFindPattern()); while(b) { DriveVisualUpdateDuringWork(); b = finder.FindNextFile(); if(finder.IsDots()) { continue; } if(GetOptions()->IsSkipHidden() && finder.IsHidden()) { continue; } if(finder.IsDirectory()) { dirCount++; AddDirectory(finder); } else { fileCount++; FILEINFO fi; fi.name = finder.GetFileName(); fi.attributes = finder.GetAttributes(); // Retrieve file size fi.length = finder.GetCompressedLength(); finder.GetLastWriteTime(&fi.lastWriteTime); // (We don't use GetLastWriteTime(CTime&) here, because, if the file has // an invalid timestamp, that function would ASSERT and throw an Exception.) files.AddTail(fi); } } // CItem *filesFolder = 0; // if(dirCount > 0 && fileCount > 1) // { // filesFolder = new CItem(IT_FILESFOLDER, LoadString(IDS_FILES_ITEM)); // filesFolder->SetReadJobDone(); // AddChild(filesFolder); // } // if(fileCount > 0) // { // filesFolder = this; // } for(POSITION pos = files.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; files.GetNext(pos)) { const FILEINFO& fi = files.GetAt(pos); this->AddFile(fi); } // if(filesFolder != NULL) // { this->UpwardAddFiles(fileCount); // } UpwardAddSubdirs(dirCount); SetReadJobDone(); AddTicksWorked(::GetTickCount() - start); } if(GetType() == IT_DRIVE) { UpdateFreeSpaceItem(); } if(limiter->IsDone()) { StartPacman(false); return; } } if(GetType() == IT_DRIVE || GetType() == IT_DIRECTORY || GetType() == IT_MYCOMPUTER) { ASSERT(IsReadJobDone()); if(IsDone()) { StartPacman(false); return; } if(GetChildrenCount() == 0) { SetDone(); StartPacman(false); return; } DWORD startChildren = ::GetTickCount(); while(!limiter->IsDone()) { DWORD minticks = UINT_MAX; CItem *minchild = NULL; for(int i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) { CItem *child = GetChild(i); if(child->IsDone()) { continue; } if(child->GetTicksWorked() < minticks) { minticks = child->GetTicksWorked(); minchild = child; } } if(minchild == NULL) { SetDone(); break; } if (!limiter->IsDone()) { minchild->DoSomeWork(limiter); } } AddTicksWorked(::GetTickCount() - startChildren); } else { SetDone(); } StartPacman(false); } // Return: false if deleted bool CItem::StartRefresh() { ASSERT(GetType() != IT_FREESPACE); ASSERT(GetType() != IT_UNKNOWN); m_ticksWorked = 0; // Special case IT_MYCOMPUTER if(GetType() == IT_MYCOMPUTER) { ZeroMemory(&m_lastChange, sizeof(m_lastChange)); for(int i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) { GetChild(i)->StartRefresh(); } return true; } ASSERT(GetType() == IT_FILE || GetType() == IT_DRIVE || GetType() == IT_DIRECTORY || GetType() == IT_FILESFOLDER); bool wasExpanded = IsVisible() && IsExpanded(); int oldScrollPosition = 0; if(IsVisible()) { oldScrollPosition = GetScrollPosition(); } UncacheImage(); // Upward clear data UpdateLastChange(); UpwardSetUndone(); UpwardSubtractReadJobs(GetReadJobs()); ASSERT(GetReadJobs() == 0); if(GetType() == IT_FILE) { GetParent()->UpwardSubtractFiles(1); } else { UpwardSubtractFiles(GetFilesCount()); } ASSERT(GetFilesCount() == 0); if(GetType() == IT_DIRECTORY || GetType() == IT_DRIVE) { UpwardSubtractSubdirs(GetSubdirsCount()); } ASSERT(GetSubdirsCount() == 0); UpwardSubtractSize(GetSize()); ASSERT(GetSize() == 0); RemoveAllChildren(); UpwardRecalcLastChange(); // Special case IT_FILESFOLDER if(GetType() == IT_FILESFOLDER) { CFileFindWDS finder; BOOL b = finder.FindFile(GetFindPattern()); while(b) { b = finder.FindNextFile(); if(finder.IsDirectory()) continue; FILEINFO fi; fi.name = finder.GetFileName(); fi.attributes = finder.GetAttributes(); // Retrieve file size fi.length = finder.GetCompressedLength(); finder.GetLastWriteTime(&fi.lastWriteTime); AddFile(fi); UpwardAddFiles(1); } SetDone(); if(wasExpanded) { GetTreeListControl()->ExpandItem(this); } return true; } ASSERT(GetType() == IT_FILE || GetType() == IT_DRIVE || GetType() == IT_DIRECTORY); // The item may have been deleted. bool deleted = false; if(GetType() == IT_DRIVE) { deleted = !DriveExists(GetPath()); } else if(GetType() == IT_FILE) { deleted = !::PathFileExists(GetPath()); } else if(GetType() == IT_DIRECTORY) { deleted = !FolderExists(GetPath()); } if(deleted) { if(GetParent() == NULL) { GetDocument()->UnlinkRoot(); } else { GetParent()->UpwardRecalcLastChange(); GetParent()->RemoveChild(GetParent()->FindChildIndex(this)); // --> delete this } return false; } // Case IT_FILE if(GetType() == IT_FILE) { CFileFindWDS finder; BOOL b = finder.FindFile(GetPath()); if(b) { finder.FindNextFile(); if(!finder.IsDirectory()) { FILEINFO fi; fi.name = finder.GetFileName(); fi.attributes = finder.GetAttributes(); // Retrieve file size fi.length = finder.GetCompressedLength(); finder.GetLastWriteTime(&fi.lastWriteTime); SetLastChange(fi.lastWriteTime); UpwardAddSize(fi.length); UpwardUpdateLastChange(GetLastChange()); GetParent()->UpwardAddFiles(1); } } SetDone(); return true; } ASSERT(GetType() == IT_DRIVE || GetType() == IT_DIRECTORY); if(GetType() == IT_DIRECTORY && !IsRootItem() && GetWDSApp()->IsVolumeMountPoint(GetPath()) && !GetOptions()->IsFollowMountPoints()) { return true; } if(GetType() == IT_DIRECTORY && !IsRootItem() && GetWDSApp()->IsFolderJunction(GetPath()) && !GetOptions()->IsFollowJunctionPoints()) { return true; } // Initiate re-read SetReadJobDone(false); // Re-create and if(GetType() == IT_DRIVE) { if(GetDocument()->OptionShowFreeSpace()) { CreateFreeSpaceItem(); } if(GetDocument()->OptionShowUnknown()) { CreateUnknownItem(); } } { CWorkLimiter limiter; limiter.Start(0); DoSomeWork(&limiter); } if(wasExpanded) { GetTreeListControl()->ExpandItem(this); } if(IsVisible()) { SetScrollPosition(oldScrollPosition); } return true; } void CItem::UpwardSetUndone() { if(GetType() == IT_DRIVE && IsDone() && GetDocument()->OptionShowUnknown()) { int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) { if(GetChild(i)->GetType() == IT_UNKNOWN) { break; } } CItem *unknown = GetChild(i); UpwardSubtractSize(unknown->GetSize()); unknown->SetSize(0); } m_done = false; if(GetParent() != NULL) { GetParent()->UpwardSetUndone(); } } void CItem::RefreshRecycler() { ASSERT(GetType() == IT_DRIVE); DWORD dummy; CString system; int i = 0; BOOL b = GetVolumeInformation(GetPath(), NULL, 0, NULL, &dummy, &dummy, system.GetBuffer(128), 128); system.ReleaseBuffer(); if(!b) { VTRACE(_T("GetVolumeInformation(%s) failed."), GetPath().GetString()); return; // nix zu machen } CString recycler; if(system.CompareNoCase(_T("NTFS")) == 0) { recycler = _T("recycler"); } else if(system.CompareNoCase(_T("FAT32")) == 0) { recycler = _T("recycled"); } else { VTRACE(_T("%s: unknown file system type %s"), GetPath().GetString(), system.GetString()); return; // nix zu machen. } for(i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) { if(GetChild(i)->GetName().CompareNoCase(recycler) == 0) { break; } } if(i >= GetChildrenCount()) { VTRACE(_T("%s: Recycler(%s) not found."), GetPath().GetString(), recycler.GetString()); return; // nicht gefunden } GetChild(i)->StartRefresh(); } void CItem::CreateFreeSpaceItem() { ASSERT(GetType() == IT_DRIVE); UpwardSetUndone(); ULONGLONG total; ULONGLONG free; CDirstatApp::getDiskFreeSpace(GetPath(), total, free); CItem *freespace = new CItem(IT_FREESPACE, GetFreeSpaceItemName()); freespace->SetSize(free); freespace->SetDone(); AddChild(freespace); } CItem *CItem::FindFreeSpaceItem() const { int i = FindFreeSpaceItemIndex(); if(i < GetChildrenCount()) { return GetChild(i); } else { return NULL; } } void CItem::UpdateFreeSpaceItem() { ASSERT(GetType() == IT_DRIVE); if(!GetDocument()->OptionShowFreeSpace()) { return; } CItem *freeSpaceItem = FindFreeSpaceItem(); ASSERT(freeSpaceItem != NULL); ULONGLONG total; ULONGLONG free; CDirstatApp::getDiskFreeSpace(GetPath(), total, free); ULONGLONG before = freeSpaceItem->GetSize(); ULONGLONG diff = free - before; freeSpaceItem->UpwardAddSize(diff); ASSERT(freeSpaceItem->GetSize() == free); } void CItem::RemoveFreeSpaceItem() { ASSERT(GetType() == IT_DRIVE); UpwardSetUndone(); int i = FindFreeSpaceItemIndex(); ASSERT(i < GetChildrenCount()); CItem *freespace = GetChild(i); UpwardSubtractSize(freespace->GetSize()); RemoveChild(i); } void CItem::CreateUnknownItem() { ASSERT(GetType() == IT_DRIVE); UpwardSetUndone(); CItem *unknown = new CItem(IT_UNKNOWN, GetUnknownItemName()); unknown->SetDone(); AddChild(unknown); } CItem *CItem::FindUnknownItem() const { int i = FindUnknownItemIndex(); if(i < GetChildrenCount()) { return GetChild(i); } else { return NULL; } } void CItem::RemoveUnknownItem() { ASSERT(GetType() == IT_DRIVE); UpwardSetUndone(); int i = FindUnknownItemIndex(); ASSERT(i < GetChildrenCount()); CItem *unknown = GetChild(i); UpwardSubtractSize(unknown->GetSize()); RemoveChild(i); } CItem *CItem::FindDirectoryByPath(const CString& path) { CString myPath = GetPath(); myPath.MakeLower(); int i = 0; while(i < myPath.GetLength() && i < path.GetLength() && myPath[i] == path[i]) { i++; } if(i < myPath.GetLength()) { return NULL; } if(i >= path.GetLength()) { ASSERT(myPath == path); return this; } for(i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) { CItem *item = GetChild(i)->FindDirectoryByPath(path); if(item != NULL) { return item; } } return NULL; } void CItem::RecurseCollectExtensionData(CExtensionData *ed) { GetWDSApp()->PeriodicalUpdateRamUsage(); ITEMTYPE type = GetType(); if(IsLeaf(type)) { if(type == IT_FILE) { CString ext = GetExtension(); SExtensionRecord r; if(ed->Lookup(ext, r)) { r.bytes += GetSize(); r.files++; } else { r.bytes = GetSize(); r.files = 1; } ed->SetAt(ext, r); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) { GetChild(i)->RecurseCollectExtensionData(ed); } } } int __cdecl CItem::_compareBySize(const void *p1, const void *p2) { CItem *item1 = *(CItem **)p1; CItem *item2 = *(CItem **)p2; ULONGLONG size1 = item1->GetSize(); ULONGLONG size2 = item2->GetSize(); // TODO: Use 2nd sort column (as set in our TreeListView?) return usignum(size2, size1); // biggest first } ULONGLONG CItem::GetProgressRangeMyComputer() const { ASSERT(GetType() == IT_MYCOMPUTER); ULONGLONG range = 0; for(int i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) { range += GetChild(i)->GetProgressRangeDrive(); } return range; } ULONGLONG CItem::GetProgressPosMyComputer() const { ASSERT(GetType() == IT_MYCOMPUTER); ULONGLONG pos = 0; for(int i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) { pos += GetChild(i)->GetProgressPosDrive(); } return pos; } ULONGLONG CItem::GetProgressRangeDrive() const { ULONGLONG total; ULONGLONG free; CDirstatApp::getDiskFreeSpace(GetPath(), total, free); total -= free; ASSERT(total >= 0); return total; } ULONGLONG CItem::GetProgressPosDrive() const { ULONGLONG pos = GetSize(); CItem *fs = FindFreeSpaceItem(); if(fs != NULL) { pos -= fs->GetSize(); } return pos; } COLORREF CItem::GetGraphColor() const { COLORREF color; switch (GetType()) { case IT_UNKNOWN: { color = RGB(255,255,0) | CTreemap::COLORFLAG_LIGHTER; } break; case IT_FREESPACE: { color = RGB(100,100,100) | CTreemap::COLORFLAG_DARKER; } break; case IT_FILE: { color = GetDocument()->GetCushionColor(GetExtension()); } break; default: { color = RGB(0,0,0); } break; } return color; } bool CItem::MustShowReadJobs() const { if(GetParent() != NULL) { return !GetParent()->IsDone(); } else { return !IsDone(); } } COLORREF CItem::GetPercentageColor() const { int i = GetIndent() % GetOptions()->GetTreelistColorCount(); return GetOptions()->GetTreelistColor(i); } int CItem::FindFreeSpaceItemIndex() const { int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) { if(GetChild(i)->GetType() == IT_FREESPACE) { break; } } return i; // maybe == GetChildrenCount() (=> not found) } int CItem::FindUnknownItemIndex() const { int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < GetChildrenCount(); i++) { if(GetChild(i)->GetType() == IT_UNKNOWN) { break; } } return i; // maybe == GetChildrenCount() (=> not found) } CString CItem::UpwardGetPathWithoutBackslash() const { CString path; if(GetParent() != NULL) { path = GetParent()->UpwardGetPathWithoutBackslash(); } switch (GetType()) { case IT_MYCOMPUTER: { // empty } break; case IT_DRIVE: { // (we don't use our parent's path here.) path = PathFromVolumeName(m_name); } break; case IT_DIRECTORY: { if(!path.IsEmpty()) { path += _T("\\"); } path += m_name; } break; case IT_FILE: { path += _T("\\") + m_name; } break; case IT_FILESFOLDER: break; case IT_FREESPACE: case IT_UNKNOWN: break; default: { ASSERT(0); } } return path; } void CItem::AddDirectory(CFileFindWDS& finder) { bool dontFollow = GetWDSApp()->IsVolumeMountPoint(finder.GetFilePath()) && !GetOptions()->IsFollowMountPoints(); dontFollow |= GetWDSApp()->IsFolderJunction(finder.GetFilePath()) && !GetOptions()->IsFollowJunctionPoints(); CItem *child = new CItem(IT_DIRECTORY, finder.GetFileName(), dontFollow); FILETIME t; finder.GetLastWriteTime(&t); child->SetLastChange(t); child->SetAttributes(finder.GetAttributes()); AddChild(child); } void CItem::AddFile(const FILEINFO& fi) { CItem *child = new CItem(IT_FILE, fi.name); child->SetSize(fi.length); child->SetLastChange(fi.lastWriteTime); child->SetAttributes(fi.attributes); child->SetDone(); AddChild(child); } void CItem::DriveVisualUpdateDuringWork() { MSG msg; while(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_PAINT, WM_PAINT, PM_REMOVE)) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } GetMainFrame()->DrivePacman(); UpwardDrivePacman(); } void CItem::UpwardDrivePacman() { if(!GetOptions()->IsPacmanAnimation()) { return; } DrivePacman(); if(GetParent() != NULL) { GetParent()->UpwardDrivePacman(); } } void CItem::DrivePacman() { if(!IsVisible()) { return; } if(!CTreeListItem::DrivePacman(GetReadJobs())) { return; } int i = GetTreeListControl()->FindTreeItem(this); CClientDC dc(GetTreeListControl()); CRect rc = GetTreeListControl()->GetWholeSubitemRect(i, COL_SUBTREEPERCENTAGE); rc.DeflateRect(sizeDeflatePacman); DrawPacman(&dc, rc, GetTreeListControl()->GetItemSelectionBackgroundColor(i)); }