# SITE SETUP # Guide: https://wowchemy.com/docs/getting-started/ # Documentation: https://wowchemy.com/docs/ # This file is formatted using YAML syntax - learn more at https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/yaml/ # Appearance theme: minimal day_night: true font: '' font_size: L # SEO site_type: Person local_business_type: '' org_name: '' description: '' twitter: '' # Contact (edit or remove options as required) email: test@example.org phone: 888 888 88 88 address: street: 450 Serra Mall city: Stanford region: CA postcode: '94305' country: United States country_code: US coordinates: latitude: '37.4275' longitude: '-122.1697' directions: Enter Building 1 and take the stairs to Office 200 on Floor 2 office_hours: - 'Monday 10:00 to 13:00' - 'Wednesday 09:00 to 10:00' appointment_url: 'https://calendly.com' contact_links: - icon: twitter icon_pack: fab name: DM Me link: 'https://twitter.com/Twitter' - icon: skype icon_pack: fab name: Skype Me link: 'skype:echo123?call' - icon: keybase icon_pack: fab name: Chat on Keybase link: 'https://keybase.io/' - icon: comments icon_pack: fas name: Discuss on Forum link: 'https://discourse.gohugo.io' # Site header main_menu: enable: true align: l show_logo: true show_language: false show_day_night: true show_search: true highlight_active_link: true # Localization date_format: 'Jan 2, 2006' time_format: '3:04 PM' address_format: en-us # Site features highlight: true highlight_languages: - r math: false diagram: false privacy_pack: false edit_page: repo_url: '' content_dir: '' repo_branch: main editable: page: false post: false book: false show_related: book: true page: false post: true project: true publication: true event: true reading_time: true section_pager: false docs_section_pager: true sharing: true copyright_license: enable: false allow_derivatives: false share_alike: true allow_commercial: false notice: 'This work is licensed under {license}' abstract_length: 135 plugins_js: [] avatar: gravatar: false shape: circle publications: date_format: January 2006 citation_style: apa projects: post_view: 2 publication_view: 2 talk_view: 2 breadcrumb: page_types: book: true comments: provider: '' commentable: post: true book: true project: true publication: true event: true disqus: shortname: '' show_count: true commento: url: '' search: provider: wowchemy algolia: app_id: '' api_key: '' index_name: '' show_logo: false map: provider: mapnik api_key: '' zoom: 15 marketing: google_analytics: '' google_tag_manager: '' google_site_verification: '' baidu_site_verification: '' baidu_tongji: '' cms: branch: master local_backend: false icon: pack: ai: true