// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.TypeSystem; using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.TypeSystem; using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.TypeSystem.Implementation; using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Utils; namespace ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp { [Serializable] public class CSharpProjectContent : IProjectContent { string assemblyName; string fullAssemblyName; string projectFileName; string location; Dictionary unresolvedFiles; List assemblyReferences; CompilerSettings compilerSettings; public CSharpProjectContent() { this.unresolvedFiles = new Dictionary(Platform.FileNameComparer); this.assemblyReferences = new List(); this.compilerSettings = new CompilerSettings(); compilerSettings.Freeze(); } protected CSharpProjectContent(CSharpProjectContent pc) { this.assemblyName = pc.assemblyName; this.fullAssemblyName = pc.fullAssemblyName; this.projectFileName = pc.projectFileName; this.location = pc.location; this.unresolvedFiles = new Dictionary(pc.unresolvedFiles, Platform.FileNameComparer); this.assemblyReferences = new List(pc.assemblyReferences); this.compilerSettings = pc.compilerSettings; } public IEnumerable Files { get { return unresolvedFiles.Values; } } public IEnumerable AssemblyReferences { get { return assemblyReferences; } } public string ProjectFileName { get { return projectFileName; } } public string AssemblyName { get { return assemblyName; } } public string FullAssemblyName { get { return fullAssemblyName; } } public string Location { get { return location; } } public CompilerSettings CompilerSettings { get { return compilerSettings; } } object IProjectContent.CompilerSettings { get { return compilerSettings; } } public IEnumerable AssemblyAttributes { get { return this.Files.SelectMany(f => f.AssemblyAttributes); } } public IEnumerable ModuleAttributes { get { return this.Files.SelectMany(f => f.ModuleAttributes); } } public IEnumerable TopLevelTypeDefinitions { get { return this.Files.SelectMany(f => f.TopLevelTypeDefinitions); } } public IUnresolvedFile GetFile(string fileName) { IUnresolvedFile file; if (unresolvedFiles.TryGetValue(fileName, out file)) return file; else return null; } public virtual ICompilation CreateCompilation() { var solutionSnapshot = new DefaultSolutionSnapshot(); ICompilation compilation = new SimpleCompilation(solutionSnapshot, this, assemblyReferences); solutionSnapshot.AddCompilation(this, compilation); return compilation; } public virtual ICompilation CreateCompilation(ISolutionSnapshot solutionSnapshot) { return new SimpleCompilation(solutionSnapshot, this, assemblyReferences); } protected virtual CSharpProjectContent Clone() { return new CSharpProjectContent(this); } /// /// Sets both the short and the full assembly names. /// /// New full assembly name. public IProjectContent SetAssemblyName(string newAssemblyName) { CSharpProjectContent pc = Clone(); pc.fullAssemblyName = newAssemblyName; int pos = newAssemblyName != null ? newAssemblyName.IndexOf(',') : -1; pc.assemblyName = pos < 0 ? newAssemblyName : newAssemblyName.Substring(0, pos); return pc; } public IProjectContent SetProjectFileName(string newProjectFileName) { CSharpProjectContent pc = Clone(); pc.projectFileName = newProjectFileName; return pc; } public IProjectContent SetLocation(string newLocation) { CSharpProjectContent pc = Clone(); pc.location = newLocation; return pc; } public IProjectContent SetCompilerSettings(object compilerSettings) { if (!(compilerSettings is CompilerSettings)) throw new ArgumentException("Settings must be an instance of " + typeof(CompilerSettings).FullName, "compilerSettings"); CSharpProjectContent pc = Clone(); pc.compilerSettings = (CompilerSettings)compilerSettings; pc.compilerSettings.Freeze(); return pc; } public IProjectContent AddAssemblyReferences(IEnumerable references) { return AddAssemblyReferences(references.ToArray()); } public IProjectContent AddAssemblyReferences(params IAssemblyReference[] references) { CSharpProjectContent pc = Clone(); pc.assemblyReferences.AddRange(references); return pc; } public IProjectContent RemoveAssemblyReferences(IEnumerable references) { return RemoveAssemblyReferences(references.ToArray()); } public IProjectContent RemoveAssemblyReferences(params IAssemblyReference[] references) { CSharpProjectContent pc = Clone(); foreach (var r in references) pc.assemblyReferences.Remove(r); return pc; } /// /// Adds the specified files to the project content. /// If a file with the same name already exists, updated the existing file. /// public IProjectContent AddOrUpdateFiles(IEnumerable newFiles) { CSharpProjectContent pc = Clone(); foreach (var file in newFiles) { pc.unresolvedFiles[file.FileName] = file; } return pc; } /// /// Adds the specified files to the project content. /// If a file with the same name already exists, this method updates the existing file. /// public IProjectContent AddOrUpdateFiles(params IUnresolvedFile[] newFiles) { return AddOrUpdateFiles((IEnumerable)newFiles); } /// /// Removes the files with the specified names. /// public IProjectContent RemoveFiles(IEnumerable fileNames) { CSharpProjectContent pc = Clone(); foreach (var fileName in fileNames) { pc.unresolvedFiles.Remove(fileName); } return pc; } /// /// Removes the files with the specified names. /// public IProjectContent RemoveFiles(params string[] fileNames) { return RemoveFiles((IEnumerable)fileNames); } [Obsolete("Use RemoveFiles/AddOrUpdateFiles instead")] public IProjectContent UpdateProjectContent(IUnresolvedFile oldFile, IUnresolvedFile newFile) { if (oldFile == null && newFile == null) return this; if (oldFile != null && newFile != null) { if (!Platform.FileNameComparer.Equals(oldFile.FileName, newFile.FileName)) throw new ArgumentException("When both oldFile and newFile are specified, they must use the same file name."); } CSharpProjectContent pc = Clone(); if (newFile == null) pc.unresolvedFiles.Remove(oldFile.FileName); else pc.unresolvedFiles[newFile.FileName] = newFile; return pc; } [Obsolete("Use RemoveFiles/AddOrUpdateFiles instead")] public IProjectContent UpdateProjectContent(IEnumerable oldFiles, IEnumerable newFiles) { CSharpProjectContent pc = Clone(); if (oldFiles != null) { foreach (var oldFile in oldFiles) { pc.unresolvedFiles.Remove(oldFile.FileName); } } if (newFiles != null) { foreach (var newFile in newFiles) { pc.unresolvedFiles.Add(newFile.FileName, newFile); } } return pc; } IAssembly IAssemblyReference.Resolve(ITypeResolveContext context) { if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); var cache = context.Compilation.CacheManager; IAssembly asm = (IAssembly)cache.GetShared(this); if (asm != null) { return asm; } else { asm = new CSharpAssembly(context.Compilation, this); return (IAssembly)cache.GetOrAddShared(this, asm); } } } }