// // IntroduceQueryExpressions.cs // // Modified by Luís Reis (Copyright (C) 2013) // // Copyright header of the original version follows: // // Copyright (c) 2011 AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp; using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.PatternMatching; namespace ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp { static class NRefactoryExtensions { public static T Detach(this T node) where T : AstNode { node.Remove(); return node; } public static T CopyAnnotationsFrom(this T node, AstNode other) where T : AstNode { foreach (object annotation in other.Annotations) { node.AddAnnotation(annotation); } return node; } public static Expression WithName(this Expression node, string patternGroupName) { return new NamedNode(patternGroupName, node); } } /// /// Decompiles query expressions. /// Based on C# 4.0 spec, §7.16.2 Query expression translation /// public class IntroduceQueryExpressions { static readonly InvocationExpression castPattern = new InvocationExpression { Target = new MemberReferenceExpression { Target = new AnyNode("inExpr"), MemberName = "Cast", TypeArguments = { new AnyNode("targetType") } }}; public Expression ConvertFluentToQuery(Expression node) { node = node.Clone(); var artificialParent = new ExpressionStatement(); artificialParent.Expression = node; DecompileQueries(node); // After all queries were decompiled, detect degenerate queries (queries not property terminated with 'select' or 'group') // and fix them, either by adding a degenerate select, or by combining them with another query. foreach (QueryExpression query in artificialParent.Descendants.OfType()) { QueryFromClause fromClause = (QueryFromClause)query.Clauses.First(); if (IsDegenerateQuery(query)) { string identifierName = fromClause.Identifier; // introduce select for degenerate query query.Clauses.Add(new QuerySelectClause { Expression = new IdentifierExpression(identifierName) }); } if (fromClause.Type.IsNull) { // See if the data source of this query is a degenerate query, // and combine the queries if possible. QueryExpression innerQuery = fromClause.Expression as QueryExpression; while (IsDegenerateQuery(innerQuery)) { QueryFromClause innerFromClause = (QueryFromClause)innerQuery.Clauses.First(); if (fromClause.Identifier != innerFromClause.Identifier && !innerFromClause.Identifier.StartsWith("<>")) break; // Replace the fromClause with all clauses from the inner query fromClause.Remove(); foreach (var identifierChild in innerQuery.Descendants.OfType().Where(identifier => identifier.Name == innerFromClause.Identifier)) { //When the identifier is "<>X", then replace it with the outer one identifierChild.ReplaceWith(fromClause.IdentifierToken.Clone()); } QueryClause insertionPos = null; foreach (var clause in innerQuery.Clauses) { query.Clauses.InsertAfter(insertionPos, insertionPos = clause.Detach()); } fromClause = innerFromClause; innerQuery = fromClause.Expression as QueryExpression; } } } return artificialParent.Expression.Clone(); } bool IsDegenerateQuery(QueryExpression query) { if (query == null) return false; var lastClause = query.Clauses.LastOrDefault(); return !(lastClause is QuerySelectClause || lastClause is QueryGroupClause); } void DecompileQueries(AstNode node) { QueryExpression query = DecompileQuery(node as InvocationExpression); if (query != null) node.ReplaceWith(query); } Expression ExtractQuery(MemberReferenceExpression mre) { var inExpression = mre.Target.Clone(); var inContent = DecompileQuery(inExpression as InvocationExpression) ?? inExpression; return inContent; } QueryExpression DecompileQuery(InvocationExpression invocation) { if (invocation == null) return null; MemberReferenceExpression mre = invocation.Target as MemberReferenceExpression; if (mre == null) return null; switch (mre.MemberName) { case "Select": { if (invocation.Arguments.Count != 1) return null; string parameterName; Expression body; if (MatchSimpleLambda(invocation.Arguments.Single(), out parameterName, out body)) { QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression(); query.Clauses.Add(new QueryFromClause { Identifier = parameterName, Expression = ExtractQuery(mre) }); query.Clauses.Add(new QuerySelectClause { Expression = body.Detach() }); return query; } return null; } case "Cast": { if (invocation.Arguments.Count == 0 && mre.TypeArguments.Count == 1) { var typeArgument = mre.TypeArguments.First(); QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression(); string varName = GenerateVariableName(); query.Clauses.Add(new QueryFromClause { Identifier = varName, Expression = ExtractQuery(mre), Type = typeArgument.Detach() }); return query; } return null; } case "GroupBy": { if (invocation.Arguments.Count == 2) { string parameterName1, parameterName2; Expression keySelector, elementSelector; if (MatchSimpleLambda(invocation.Arguments.ElementAt(0), out parameterName1, out keySelector) && MatchSimpleLambda(invocation.Arguments.ElementAt(1), out parameterName2, out elementSelector) && parameterName1 == parameterName2) { QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression(); query.Clauses.Add(new QueryFromClause { Identifier = parameterName1, Expression = ExtractQuery(mre) }); query.Clauses.Add(new QueryGroupClause { Projection = elementSelector.Detach(), Key = keySelector.Detach() }); return query; } } else if (invocation.Arguments.Count == 1) { string parameterName; Expression keySelector; if (MatchSimpleLambda(invocation.Arguments.Single(), out parameterName, out keySelector)) { QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression(); query.Clauses.Add(new QueryFromClause { Identifier = parameterName, Expression = ExtractQuery(mre) }); query.Clauses.Add(new QueryGroupClause { Projection = new IdentifierExpression(parameterName), Key = keySelector.Detach() }); return query; } } return null; } case "SelectMany": { if (invocation.Arguments.Count != 2) return null; string parameterName; Expression collectionSelector; if (!MatchSimpleLambda(invocation.Arguments.ElementAt(0), out parameterName, out collectionSelector)) return null; LambdaExpression lambda = invocation.Arguments.ElementAt(1) as LambdaExpression; if (lambda != null && lambda.Parameters.Count == 2 && lambda.Body is Expression) { ParameterDeclaration p1 = lambda.Parameters.ElementAt(0); ParameterDeclaration p2 = lambda.Parameters.ElementAt(1); QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression(); query.Clauses.Add(new QueryFromClause { Identifier = p1.Name, Expression = ExtractQuery(mre) }); query.Clauses.Add(new QueryFromClause { Identifier = p2.Name, Expression = collectionSelector.Detach() }); query.Clauses.Add(new QuerySelectClause { Expression = ((Expression)lambda.Body).Detach() }); return query; } return null; } case "Where": { if (invocation.Arguments.Count != 1) return null; string parameterName; Expression body; if (MatchSimpleLambda(invocation.Arguments.Single(), out parameterName, out body)) { QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression(); query.Clauses.Add(new QueryFromClause { Identifier = parameterName, Expression = ExtractQuery(mre) }); query.Clauses.Add(new QueryWhereClause { Condition = body.Detach() }); return query; } return null; } case "OrderBy": case "OrderByDescending": case "ThenBy": case "ThenByDescending": { if (invocation.Arguments.Count != 1) return null; string parameterName; Expression orderExpression; if (MatchSimpleLambda(invocation.Arguments.Single(), out parameterName, out orderExpression)) { if (ValidateThenByChain(invocation, parameterName)) { QueryOrderClause orderClause = new QueryOrderClause(); InvocationExpression tmp = invocation; while (mre.MemberName == "ThenBy" || mre.MemberName == "ThenByDescending") { // insert new ordering at beginning orderClause.Orderings.InsertAfter( null, new QueryOrdering { Expression = orderExpression.Detach(), Direction = (mre.MemberName == "ThenBy" ? QueryOrderingDirection.None : QueryOrderingDirection.Descending) }); tmp = (InvocationExpression)mre.Target; mre = (MemberReferenceExpression)tmp.Target; MatchSimpleLambda(tmp.Arguments.Single(), out parameterName, out orderExpression); } // insert new ordering at beginning orderClause.Orderings.InsertAfter( null, new QueryOrdering { Expression = orderExpression.Detach(), Direction = (mre.MemberName == "OrderBy" ? QueryOrderingDirection.None : QueryOrderingDirection.Descending) }); QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression(); query.Clauses.Add(new QueryFromClause { Identifier = parameterName, Expression = ExtractQuery(mre) }); query.Clauses.Add(orderClause); return query; } } return null; } case "Join": case "GroupJoin": { if (invocation.Arguments.Count != 4) return null; Expression source1 = mre.Target; Expression source2 = invocation.Arguments.ElementAt(0); string elementName1, elementName2; Expression key1, key2; if (!MatchSimpleLambda(invocation.Arguments.ElementAt(1), out elementName1, out key1)) return null; if (!MatchSimpleLambda(invocation.Arguments.ElementAt(2), out elementName2, out key2)) return null; LambdaExpression lambda = invocation.Arguments.ElementAt(3) as LambdaExpression; if (lambda != null && lambda.Parameters.Count == 2 && lambda.Body is Expression) { ParameterDeclaration p1 = lambda.Parameters.ElementAt(0); ParameterDeclaration p2 = lambda.Parameters.ElementAt(1); QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression(); query.Clauses.Add(new QueryFromClause { Identifier = elementName1, Expression = source1.Detach() }); QueryJoinClause joinClause = new QueryJoinClause(); joinClause.JoinIdentifier = elementName2; // join elementName2 joinClause.InExpression = source2.Detach(); // in source2 Match castMatch = castPattern.Match(source2); if (castMatch.Success) { Expression target = castMatch.Get("inExpr").Single().Detach(); joinClause.Type = castMatch.Get("targetType").Single().Detach(); joinClause.InExpression = target; } joinClause.OnExpression = key1.Detach(); // on key1 joinClause.EqualsExpression = key2.Detach(); // equals key2 if (mre.MemberName == "GroupJoin") { joinClause.IntoIdentifier = p2.Name; // into p2.Name } query.Clauses.Add(joinClause); Expression resultExpr = ((Expression)lambda.Body).Detach(); if (p1.Name != elementName1) { foreach (var identifier in resultExpr.Descendants.OfType().Where(id => id.Name == p1.Name)) { identifier.Name = elementName1; } } if (p2.Name != elementName2 && mre.MemberName != "GroupJoin") { foreach (var identifier in resultExpr.Descendants.OfType().Where(id => id.Name == p2.Name)) { identifier.Name = elementName2; } } query.Clauses.Add(new QuerySelectClause { Expression = resultExpr }); return query; } return null; } default: return null; } } int id = 1; string GenerateVariableName() { return "<>" + id++; } /// /// Ensure that all ThenBy's are correct, and that the list of ThenBy's is terminated by an 'OrderBy' invocation. /// bool ValidateThenByChain(InvocationExpression invocation, string expectedParameterName) { if (invocation == null || invocation.Arguments.Count != 1) return false; MemberReferenceExpression mre = invocation.Target as MemberReferenceExpression; if (mre == null) return false; string parameterName; Expression body; if (!MatchSimpleLambda(invocation.Arguments.Single(), out parameterName, out body)) return false; if (parameterName != expectedParameterName) return false; if (mre.MemberName == "OrderBy" || mre.MemberName == "OrderByDescending") return true; else if (mre.MemberName == "ThenBy" || mre.MemberName == "ThenByDescending") return ValidateThenByChain(mre.Target as InvocationExpression, expectedParameterName); else return false; } /// Matches simple lambdas of the form "a => b" bool MatchSimpleLambda(Expression expr, out string parameterName, out Expression body) { LambdaExpression lambda = expr as LambdaExpression; if (lambda != null && lambda.Parameters.Count == 1 && lambda.Body is Expression) { ParameterDeclaration p = lambda.Parameters.Single(); if (p.ParameterModifier == ParameterModifier.None) { parameterName = p.Name; body = (Expression)lambda.Body; return true; } } parameterName = null; body = null; return false; } } }