using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using AppKit; using Foundation; using Xamarin.PropertyEditing.ViewModels; namespace Xamarin.PropertyEditing.Mac { internal class PropertyTableDelegate : NSOutlineViewDelegate { public PropertyTableDelegate (IHostResourceProvider hostResources, PropertyTableDataSource dataSource) { if (hostResources == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (hostResources)); if (dataSource == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (dataSource)); this.hostResources = hostResources; this.dataSource = dataSource; } public void UpdateExpansions (NSOutlineView outlineView) { this.isUpdatingExpansions = true; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (this.dataSource.DataContext.FilterText)) { outlineView.ExpandItem (null, true); } else { foreach (PanelGroupViewModel g in this.dataSource.DataContext.ArrangedEditors) { NSObjectFacade item; if (!this.dataSource.TryGetFacade (g, out item)) continue; if (this.dataSource.DataContext.GetIsExpanded (g.Category)) EnsureOpenOrClose (outlineView, item, open: true); else EnsureOpenOrClose (outlineView, item, open: false); } } this.isUpdatingExpansions = false; } public override NSView GetView (NSOutlineView outlineView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, NSObject item) { GetVMGroupCellItendifiterFromFacade (item, out EditorViewModel evm, out PanelGroupViewModel group, out var cellIdentifier); if (group != null) { var categoryContainer = (CategoryContainerControl)outlineView.MakeView (CategoryIdentifier, this); if (categoryContainer == null) { categoryContainer = new CategoryContainerControl (this.hostResources, outlineView) { Identifier = CategoryIdentifier, TableView = outlineView, }; } ((UnfocusableTextField)categoryContainer.Subviews[1]).StringValue = group.Category; if (this.dataSource.DataContext.GetIsExpanded (group.Category)) { SynchronizationContext.Current.Post (s => { outlineView.ExpandItem (item); }, null); } return categoryContainer; } NSView editorOrContainer = null; if (this.firstCache.TryGetValue (cellIdentifier, out IEditorView editor)) { this.firstCache.Remove (cellIdentifier); editorOrContainer = (editor.NativeView is PropertyEditorControl) ? new EditorContainer (this.hostResources, editor) { Identifier = cellIdentifier } : editor.NativeView; } else { editorOrContainer = GetEditor (cellIdentifier, evm, outlineView); editor = ((editorOrContainer as EditorContainer)?.EditorView) ?? editorOrContainer as IEditorView; } if (editorOrContainer is EditorContainer ec) { ec.ViewModel = evm; ec.Label = evm.Name; #if DEBUG // Currently only used to highlight which controls haven't been implemented if (editor == null) ec.LabelTextColor = NSColor.Red; #endif } if (editor != null) { var ovm = evm as ObjectPropertyViewModel; if (ovm != null && editorOrContainer is EditorContainer container) { if (container.LeftEdgeView == null) { if (ovm.CanDelve) container.LeftEdgeView = outlineView.MakeView ("NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey", outlineView); } else if (!ovm.CanDelve) { container.LeftEdgeView = null; } } else if (!(editorOrContainer is EditorContainer)) { editor.ViewModel = evm; } bool openObjectRow = ovm != null && outlineView.IsItemExpanded (item); if (!openObjectRow) { var parent = outlineView.GetParent (item); openObjectRow = (parent != null && ((NSObjectFacade)parent).Target is ObjectPropertyViewModel); } SetRowValueBackground (editorOrContainer, openObjectRow); // Force a row update due to new height, but only when we are non-default if (editor.IsDynamicallySized) { nint index = outlineView.RowForItem (item); outlineView.NoteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged (new NSIndexSet (index)); } } else if (editorOrContainer is PanelHeaderEditorControl header) { header.ViewModel = this.dataSource.DataContext; } return editorOrContainer; } public override bool ShouldSelectItem (NSOutlineView outlineView, NSObject item) { return (!(item is NSObjectFacade) || !(((NSObjectFacade)item).Target is PanelGroupViewModel)); } public override void ItemDidExpand (NSNotification notification) { NSObjectFacade facade = notification.UserInfo.Values[0] as NSObjectFacade; var outline = (NSOutlineView)notification.Object; nint row = outline.RowForItem (facade); if (this.isUpdatingExpansions) { NSView view = outline.GetView (0, row, makeIfNecessary: true); if (view.Subviews[0] is NSButton expander) expander.State = NSCellStateValue.On; return; } if (facade.Target is PanelGroupViewModel group) this.dataSource.DataContext.SetIsExpanded (group.Category, isExpanded: true); else if (facade.Target is ObjectPropertyViewModel ovm) { NSView view = outline.GetView (0, row, makeIfNecessary: false); SetRowValueBackground (view, valueBackground: true); } } public override void ItemDidCollapse (NSNotification notification) { NSObjectFacade facade = notification.UserInfo.Values[0] as NSObjectFacade; var outline = (NSOutlineView)notification.Object; nint row = outline.RowForItem (facade); if (this.isUpdatingExpansions) { NSView view = outline.GetView (0, row, makeIfNecessary: true); if (view.Subviews[0] is NSButton expander) expander.State = NSCellStateValue.Off; return; } if (facade.Target is PanelGroupViewModel group) this.dataSource.DataContext.SetIsExpanded (group.Category, isExpanded: false); else if (facade.Target is ObjectPropertyViewModel ovm) { NSView view = outline.GetView (0, row, makeIfNecessary: false); SetRowValueBackground (view, valueBackground: false); } } public override void DidRemoveRowView (NSOutlineView outlineView, NSTableRowView rowView, nint row) { if (rowView.Subviews[0] is EditorContainer ec) { ec.ViewModel = null; } } public override nfloat GetRowHeight (NSOutlineView outlineView, NSObject item) { EditorViewModel vm; PanelGroupViewModel group; string cellIdentifier; GetVMGroupCellItendifiterFromFacade (item, out vm, out group, out cellIdentifier); if (group != null) return 24; if (!this.registrations.TryGetValue (cellIdentifier, out EditorRegistration registration)) { registration = new EditorRegistration (); if (cellIdentifier == nameof (PanelHeaderEditorControl)) { registration.RowSize = 54; } else { NSView editorOrContainer = GetEditor (cellIdentifier, vm, outlineView); IEditorView view = ((editorOrContainer as EditorContainer)?.EditorView) ?? editorOrContainer as IEditorView; if (view == null) { registration.RowSize = 24; } else if (view.IsDynamicallySized) { registration.SizingInstance = view; } else { this.registrations[cellIdentifier] = registration = new EditorRegistration { RowSize = view.GetHeight (vm) }; this.firstCache[cellIdentifier] = view; } } this.registrations[cellIdentifier] = registration; } return registration.GetHeight (vm); } private class EditorRegistration { public nint RowSize; public IEditorView SizingInstance; public nint GetHeight (EditorViewModel vm) { if (SizingInstance != null) return SizingInstance.GetHeight (vm); else return RowSize; } } public const string CategoryIdentifier = "label"; private PropertyTableDataSource dataSource; private bool isUpdatingExpansions; private readonly PropertyEditorSelector editorSelector = new PropertyEditorSelector (); private readonly IHostResourceProvider hostResources; private readonly Dictionary registrations = new Dictionary (); private readonly Dictionary firstCache = new Dictionary (); private void EnsureOpenOrClose (NSOutlineView outline, NSObjectFacade item, bool open) { if (open) outline.ExpandItem (item); else outline.CollapseItem (item); NSView view = GetViewForItem (outline, item, makeIfNeccessary: true); if (view.Subviews[0] is NSButton expander) expander.State = (open) ? NSCellStateValue.On : NSCellStateValue.Off; } private NSView GetViewForItem (NSOutlineView outline, NSObjectFacade facade, bool makeIfNeccessary = false) { nint row = outline.RowForItem (facade); return outline.GetView (0, row, makeIfNeccessary); } private void SetRowValueBackground (NSView view, bool valueBackground) { if (view == null) return; if (valueBackground) { var c = this.hostResources.GetNamedColor (NamedResources.ValueBlockBackgroundColor); view.SetValueForKey (c, new NSString ("backgroundColor")); } else { view.SetValueForKey (NSColor.Clear, new NSString ("backgroundColor")); } } private NSView GetEditor (string identifier, EditorViewModel vm, NSOutlineView outlineView) { var view = outlineView.MakeView (identifier, this); if (view != null) return view; if (vm != null) { IEditorView editor = this.editorSelector.GetEditor (this.hostResources, vm); var editorControl = editor?.NativeView as PropertyEditorControl; if (editorControl != null) { editorControl.TableView = outlineView; } else if (editor?.NativeView != null) { editor.NativeView.Identifier = identifier; return editor.NativeView; } return new EditorContainer (this.hostResources, editor) { Identifier = identifier }; } else return new PanelHeaderEditorControl (this.hostResources); } private void GetVMGroupCellItendifiterFromFacade (NSObject item, out EditorViewModel vm, out PanelGroupViewModel group, out string cellIdentifier) { var facade = (NSObjectFacade)item; vm = facade.Target as EditorViewModel; group = facade.Target as PanelGroupViewModel; cellIdentifier = facade.Target == null ? nameof (PanelHeaderEditorControl) : (group == null) ? vm.GetType ().FullName : group.Category; } } }