using System; namespace Xamarin.PropertyEditing { public enum ValueSource { /// /// Value is the property's default value, which is not the same as the default value of the property type. /// Default = 0, Local = 1, Binding = 2, Resource = 3, Style = 4, Inherited = 5, DefaultStyle = 6, /// /// The property's value comes from multiple sources. /// Unknown = 7, /// /// The property's value is unset but its unset value isn't known. /// Unset = 8, } [Flags] public enum ValueSources { /// /// Property can indicate its unset and not simply at the same value as its value type. /// /// /// Platforms like WPF can make a distinction between whether the value has no value set by any means, /// or if a value is set locally (even if it's the same as the default for the value type). Only platforms /// that can support this distinction should enable this source. /// Default = 1, Local = 2, Binding = 4, Resource = 8, Style = 16 } }