# Lodi Theme This theme is a Hugo port of [Alexis Collado's portfolio website](http://www.alexiscollado.com). It is meant to be a portfolio theme, with sections for describing yourself, your process, and some case studies. ![](images/screenshot.png) ## Installation Follow the themes guide on the [Hugo website](https://gohugo.io/themes/installing-and-using-themes/). Briefly, within your Hugo folder: ```sh $ cd themes $ git clone https://github.com/xaviablaza/hugo-lodi-theme.git ``` ## Getting started Copy everything within `exampleSite` into the root of your website folder, and edit it to your hearts content! If you're lazy, you can do this within the `themes` folder: ```sh $ cp -r hugo-lodi-theme/exampleSite/* ../ ``` Add `theme = "hugo-lodi-theme"` to the `config.toml` in your root folder, or when serving, use `hugo server -t hugo-lodi-theme` ## Adding a new case study At the root of your Hugo site, you can use ```sh $ hugo new mypost.md ``` to generate a new case study post. To find the post, you can go to `content/mypost.md` and you can use that file to write details about your case study and the body of your case study in markdown. ```yaml --- # This determines what shows up first, lower weight = shows up first weight: 1 # This is what appears as the tab's title title: "Cope | Alexis Collado" # This is the description in the tag description: "I set a direction for the branding and identity of the product and crafted a functioning prototype ready for usability testing and development." # This the heading of the navigation at the top of the case study nav_heading: "Cope Case Study" # This is what appears in the case studies section, place this image at the /static/img folder thumbnail: "cope.jpg" # This is the title of the case study in the case studies section case_short_title: "Cope iOS App" # This is the title of the case study in the case study page case_title: "Cope iOS App" # This is the subtitle of the case study in the case studies section and the case study page case_subtitle: "Mobile App Design" # This is the case description in the case studies section case_description: "Cope is a mobile app that allows mental health help seekers track their symptoms and medication. I helped them create a minimum viable product for testing." # This is the featured image of the case, place this image at /post_title_here/img folder # e.g. /mypost/img case_feature_img: "featured-cope.jpg" # This is the case summary in the case itself case_summary: "Cope is an application that helps users track their mental health. Progress is measured through the use of a check-in system, calendar, medicine tracker and a summary dashboard. I created a minimum viable product for this application." # Your team members team: ["Alexis Collado", "Carlos Arcenas", "Kat Uytiepo", "John Palomo"] # Roles of your team members roles: ["Branding and Identity", "User Interface Design", "Prototyping", "User Research"] # Methods your team members used methods: ["Sketching", "Mockups", "Guerilla Testing"] # Links at the bottom of the case study and where they link to # img is the svg that's part of the button. You can use eyeball.svg or download.svg # Place your custom svgs into /static/svg button_links: - link: "https://marvelapp.com/g4b64e/screen/14364499" img: "eyeball.svg" text: "View Prototype" - link: "http://copenow.co/" img: "eyeball.svg" text: "View Landing Page" - link: "cope.pdf" img: "download.svg" text: "Download Feature Sets" # Testimonial text testimonial: "Alexis designed everything for Cope from the ground up. What I really like about him is his true understanding and grasp of what makes a great UI great. He knows that the user experience needs a lot of refining from customers and he isn't shy to take feedback even if it's critical. Alexis is one of those rare people who just gets it." # Testimonial photo, place this at /post_title_here/img # e.g. /mypost/img testimonial_photo: "john.jpg" # Author of testimonial testimonial_author: "John Robert Palomo" # Testimonial subtitle, usually position of the testimonial author testimonial_subtitle: "Co-founder, Cope" date: {{ .Date }} draft: false # Write the content of your case study below the three dashed lines. You can use markdown and raw HTML. --- ``` ## Credits Credits for this theme goes fully to Alexis Collado, UX design lodi and cofounder of the User Experience Society. More werpa to you.