## Sites using Hugo-theme-Jane - [虞双齐爱折腾](https://yushuangqi.com/) - @ysqi 个人技术博客. - [Duy Do](http://duydo.me) - Personal blog on computer science and maths in English and Vietnamese by [@duydo](https://github.com/duydo) - [Notes on Blue Skies](https://terrty.net) - Personal blog in Russian by @paskal - [贤民的比特记忆](http://www.xianmin.org/) - A Chinese blog. - [TeaTech](https://maiyang.me/) - Gopher @yangwenmai. - [AxdLog](https://axdlog.com) - Personal blog in English and traditional Chinese by @MaxdSre - [Time](https://ifttl.com/) - Personal Blog - [IT & Laws](https://itlaws.cn/) - itLaws,一个律师的关于IT、法律的博客 - [赫赫文王](https://kqh.ac/) - 不务正业的历史系学生一个 - [Potioneer's Essays](https://william-yeh.net/) - Personal blog on software development in traditional Chinese by @William-Yeh - [联盟少侠博客](https://shaoxia.xyz/) - 一个日记博客.Simple Blog, Simple Days。 - [贺鑫杂技](https://www.hexin.me/) - Personal Blog @Maczam - [Thinking,Writing And Waiting](https://blog.fallleaf.net) - A personal blog about telecom, life and guitar - [beihai](https://www.wingsxdu.com/) - Gopher @beihai,机械专业的 IT 学生 - [Daniel's mind paradise](https://hustdanielhu.com/) - 图形学/编程语言理论/游戏开发 - 一个游戏程序员的 blog