# hugo-theme-pure A port of [hexo-theme-pure](https://github.com/cofess/hexo-theme-pure) for Hugo. Powerful & Clean. [Iconfont](http://blog.cofess.com/hexo-theme-pure/iconfont/demo_fontclass.html) [简体中文](README-ZH.md) ## Contribute Since I mainly do back-end development, I don’t know anything about the front-end (`CSS` or something). It’s a hard-hitting transplant. Some of the features that I like very much don’t know how to add it. It’s a waste of time to study too long, so If you have a very good `feature` and hope to put it up, it would be best. The file structure of `repo` is roughly referred to [hexo-theme-pure](https://github.com/cofess/hexo-theme-pure) and should be clearer. It can be modified according to your needs. If you look at the file structure a little, you will find that the function has not been implemented. ## Changelog 1. [2019-11-19] Add `mainSections` param to avoid hard code.You can set this param to choose which directory under your content folder you want to render. `posts` by default. You can also unset it,but there seems have some problem. 2. [2019-11-19] Support MathJax([PR](https://github.com/xiaoheiAh/hugo-theme-pure/pull/20)) Reference:[MathJax-With-Hugo](https://gohugo.io/content-management/formats/#mathjax-with-hugo)& Upgrade jQuery version([PR](https://github.com/xiaoheiAh/hugo-theme-pure/pull/19)). e.g. ```latex $$\begin{cases} a_1x+b_1y+c_1z=d_1\\ a_2x+b_2y+c_2z=d_2\\ a_3x+b_3y+c_3z=d_3\\ \end{cases} $$ ``` not-set-mmark set-mmark 3. [2019-12-07] beautify toc by [tocbot](https://github.com/tscanlin/tocbot/) 4. [2019-12-24] support pagination ## Screenshots ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xiaoheiAh/hugo-theme-pure/master/images/grey.png) ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xiaoheiAh/hugo-theme-pure/master/images/black.png) ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xiaoheiAh/hugo-theme-pure/master/images/blue.png) ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xiaoheiAh/hugo-theme-pure/master/images/green.png) ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xiaoheiAh/hugo-theme-pure/master/images/purple.png) ## Installation ```bash $ cd $HUGO_ROOT $ git clone https://github.com/xiaoheiAh/hugo-theme-pure themes/pure $ ./hugo server -t pure ``` ### **Note** 1. Please copy the config.yml under the `exampleSite` folder to the root folder of your Hugo Site. Feel free to change it. If you don't like `.yml` file, you can also convert it to you want. 2. Your post should under the `posts` folder, like this : `hugo new posts/any.md` ## Multilingual Translations are collected from the [`themes/even/i18n/`](https://github.com/olOwOlo/hugo-theme-even/tree/master/i18n) folder (built into the theme), as well as present in `i18n` at your root of project. You can specify `defaultContentLanguage` to use translations. ```yml defaultContentLanguage: zh # en,fr... ``` Currently supports English and Chinese, you can see `en.yml` and `zh.yml` under `pure/i18n`. If you want to support other language, you can copy any yml file under `i18n` and rename to new language, then feel free to translate. ## Favicon & Images You should put you images into `static` folder at your root project. When specify `favicon` or `donate qr code` , don't use absolute url like `/favicon.ico`, please use relative url like `favicon.ico` or `donate/alipay.png` ## Menu Icons You can configure the menu according to the icons of [Iconfont](http://blog.cofess.com/hexo-theme-pure/iconfont/demo_fontclass.html), the following is configuration. ```yml menuIcons: enable: true home: icon-home-fill archives: icon-archives-fill categories: icon-folder tags: icon-tags repository: icon-project books: icon-book-fill links: icon-friendship about: icon-cup-fill ``` ## TOC enable toc ```yml # config config: toc: true ``` ## TODO - [x] TOC - [x] pagination ## License Released under the [MIT](https://github.com/olOwOlo/hugo-theme-even/blob/master/LICENSE.md) License. ## Acknowledgements - [hexo-theme-pure](https://github.com/cofess/hexo-theme-pure) - [hugo-theme-even](https://github.com/olOwOlo/hugo-theme-even)