# Simple Style Hugo Theme My simple style hugo theme, based on [this webpage template](https://yanlinlin82.github.io/webpage-templates/simple-style/index.html) Online demo of this theme: [simple-style-demo](https://yanlinlin82.github.io/simple-style-demo/) ## License This project is licensed under [MIT, copyright (c) 2019 Linlin Yan](https://github.com/yanlinlin82/simple-style/blob/master/LICENSE), expect for the following code: * `layout/partial/github-cornor.html` is based on source code from , which is licensed under [MIT, copyright (c) 2016 Tim Holman](https://github.com/tholman/github-corners/blob/master/license.md). ## Supported Parameters In `config.toml` ``` [params] subtitle = "Sub title of the site" favicon = "//logo.ico" githubUrl = "https://github.com///" referrer = "always" author = "..." description = "..." keywords = "..." googleSiteVerification = "" search = "..." # baidu, google, bing, duckduckgo dateFormat = "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006" # see: https://gohugo.io/functions/format/#gos-layout-string externalLinkIcon = true externalLinkNewWindow = true ```