# HUGO XMAG **XMag** is designed based on the Hugo theme [**XMin**](https://github.com/yihui/hugo-xmin), and similarly, features minimalism but with a magazine style on the homepage inspired by [The Signpost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost) on Wikipedia. This theme includes a few cool features: - Responsive article summary blocks on homepage - Thumbnails in summary blocks - Magazine title in Blackletter (𝔅𝔏𝔄ℭ𝔎 𝔏𝔈𝔗𝔗𝔈ℜ) - Github edit links - Author info and site info at the bottom of an article - MathJax for LaTeX math expressions It also supports features that are probably not even worth mentioning: - Google Analytics - highlight.js for syntax highlighting of code blocks - Display categories and tags on single pages - Table of contents for single pages Most features can be configured through `config.toml`, and a few can be enabled by custom layouts. Please see the detailed documentation on the [About](https://xmag.yihui.org/about/) page of the theme website. The source code is available [on Github](https://github.com/yihui/hugo-xmag) (MIT license). ## Quickstart guide If you are an R user, the easiest way to get started with this theme is to install the **blogdown** package, and [use `blogdown::new_site()` to create a new site](https://bookdown.org/yihui/blogdown/a-quick-example.html): ```r install.packages('blogdown') blogdown::new_site(theme = 'yihui/hugo-xmag') ``` If you do not use R, please read on. **Watch out** The standard [Quickstart Guide](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/) fails. In Step 3 do not proceed past `git init`. Then, to install this theme in your Hugo site 1. Download this repo and unzip it 1. Change directory to the site root 1. Copy the downloaded theme into `themes/`: `cp -r ~/Downloads/hugo-mag-master themes/hugo-mag` 1. Copy the example site into your site root: `cp -r themes/hugo-mag/exampleSite .` Now resume the Quickstart Guide at Step 5. [![Screenshot](https://github.com/yihui/hugo-xmag/raw/master/images/screenshot.png)](https://xmag.yihui.org)