# Dimension A hugo port of HTML5UP's responsive and minimal dimension theme. With native support for Netlify's headless CMS. ![Dimension](https://github.com/your-identity/hugo-theme-dimension/blob/master/images/screenshot.png?raw=1) --- - [Dimension](#dimension) - [How to start](#how-to-start) - [How to configure](#how-to-configure) - [Post archetype](#post-archetype) - [`background` and `logo` Params](#background-and-logo-params) - [How to run your site](#how-to-run-your-site) - [How to contribute](#how-to-contribute) - [Sponsoring](#sponsoring) - [License](#license) ## How to start You can download the theme manually by going to [https://github.com/your-identity/hugo-theme-dimension.git](https://github.com/your-identity/hugo-theme-dimension.git) and pasting it to `themes/dimension` in your root directory. You can also clone it directly to your Hugo folder: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/your-identity/hugo-theme-dimension.git themes/dimension ``` If you don't want to make any radical changes, it's the best option, because you can get new updates when they are available. You can also include it as a git submodule: ``` $ git submodule add https://github.com/your-identity/hugo-theme-dimension.git themes/dimension ``` ## How to configure The theme doesn't require any advanced configuration. Just copy: ```toml baseURL = "http://example.org/" languageCode = "en-us" title = "My New Hugo Site" theme = "dimension" ``` to `config.toml` file in your Hugo root directory and change params fields. **NOTE:** All the main page styling and configuration can be done by creating `_index.md` pages in the `content` folder and subdirectories. This choice was made to allow the use of any headless CMS (e.g. netlify) for total customization. ## Post archetype See the basic `_index.md` file params supported by the theme — https://github.com/your-identity/hugo-theme-dimension/blob/master/archetypes/_index.md ```toml title: Your Name description: A great human background: "" logo: "" ``` ### `background` and `logo` Params As indicated above, `background` and `logo` can be an image of your choice by placing JPGs, PNGs, SVGs, etc. in the `static` directory of your repository. If the `static` directory does not yet exist, create it. Given the following repo structure: ``` . ├── config.toml ├── content │ ├── posts │ │ └── _index.md │ ├── _index.md │ └── elements.md ├── static │ └── images │ ├── custom_bg.jpg │ └── custom_logo.svg └── archetypes └── default.md ``` `static/images/custom_bg.jpg` can be referenced in `content/_index.md` as: ```yaml --- title: Your Name description: A great human background: "images/custom_bg.jpg" logo: "images/custom_logo.svg" --- ``` ...or in `content/posts/_index.md` as: ```yaml --- title: Posts description: A great human's posts background: "../images/custom_bg.jpg" logo: "../images/custom_logo.svg" --- ``` Both fields may also be a URL to an online asset, such as: ```yaml --- title: Posts description: A great human's posts logo: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8e/Font_Awesome_5_regular_gem.svg" --- ``` ## How to run your site From your Hugo root directory run: ``` $ hugo server -t dimension ``` and go to `localhost:1313` in your browser. From now on all the changes you make will go live, so you don't need to refresh your browser every single time. ## How to contribute If you spot any bugs, please use [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/your-identity/hugo-theme-dimension/issues) or if you want to add a new feature directly please create a new [Pull Request](https://github.com/your-identity/hugo-theme-dimension/pulls). ## Sponsoring If you like my work and want to support the development of the project, now you can! Just: Buy Me A Coffee ## License Copyright © 2020 Davide Asnaghi The theme is released under the CC BY 3.0 License. Check the [original theme license](https://github.com/your-identity/hugo-theme-dimension/blob/master/LICENSE.md) for additional licensing information.