# Manis Hugo Theme It's a minimalist and responsive theme for Hugo Static Site Generator. It's name taken from Indonesian Language for *Sweet*. > Note: Manis going to follow [SEMVER](https://semver.org/) scheme from now. It's mean you can clone this repository from master without breaking. ![Manis' Mockup Device](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yursan9/manis-hugo-theme/master/images/mockup.jpg) ## Features Like I said, it's really minimal. Its doesn't even have grid or anything nice like that. - Configurable color! - Code Highlighting (HighlightJS). - Print.css (for single post only) - Responsive. - Social Icon Links. - No Grid no worry. - Disqus Support. - Translatable. ![Manis' Homepage view](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yursan9/manis-hugo-theme/master/images/blue-red.png) ## Get Started If this is your first time using Hugo, and you want to use this theme. Follow the instruction below: ``` mkdir name_of_web cd name_of_web git clone https://github.com/yursan9/manis-hugo-theme themes/manis cp theme/manis/exampleSite/config.toml config.toml hugo new blog/_index.md hugo new work/_index.md ``` Edit the `config.toml` according to your preference. Then edit `content/blog/_index.md` and `content/work/_index.md` by following [this section](#making-own-navigation-bar). (Look at the `exampleSite/content` for example.) ### Theme Only To only install Manis, you can clone this repository. The following command will clone Manis in your site's base directory. ``` cd path/to/site/dir git clone https://github.com/yursan9/manis-hugo-theme themes/manis ``` Ensure you have `blog` and `work` sections to make this theme works. ``` content/ ├── blog │   └── _index.md └── work └── _index.md ``` ## Configuration For configuration example you can look at the `exampleSite/config.toml` (and copy that too!). I put some commentary to, hopefully, guide you at using this theme. ### Change Latest Section By default this theme needs `blog` and `work` section to works. You can edit which sections show up as latest posts and latest works by editing `postSection` and `workSection`. `workSection` is optional. ```toml # Configure which section for Latest Posts postSection = "blog" # Configure which section for Latest Works workSection = "work" ``` ### Disqus Configuration To add Disqus support, edit your site `config.toml`. Add your discus' shortname to `disqusShortname` and add list of sections that you want to support disqus to `params.disqusSections`: ```toml disqusShortname = "your-disqus-shortname" [params] disqusSections = ["blog"] ``` ### Making Own Navigation Bar Top navigation bar in Manis is made automatically by making new `section/_index.md`. Example if you want to add new `about` section, you can do the following command: ``` hugo new about/_index.md ``` Edit the file `content/about/_index.md` and make sure the front matter is formatted like this: ```toml +++ title = "Get To Know Me" menu = "main" +++ ``` `title` will be the string that is shown in navigation bar and the page's title (the title doesn't need to be the same as section's directory name). `menu = "main"` is the one who make Hugo know how identify it's need to add a new item in navigation bar. ### Other Language Manis already translated to Bahasa Indonesia. But, if you want to translate this theme to your own language, look for the example in `i18n/en.yaml` and `i18n/in.yaml`. And then you edit the site's `config.toml` like this. ```toml defaultContentLanguage = "en" [languages.{Your Language Code}] lang = "{Your Language Code}" languageName = "{Your Language Name. example; Bahasa Indonesia or Japanese}" weight = 1 ``` ## Development If you found bug, or anything that itch you. Tell me! or maybe make PR. ## License Manis is licensed under the MIT License. Check the [LICENSE](https://github.com/yursan9/manis-hugo-theme/blob/master/LICENSE.md) file for details.