/* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2022 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #ifndef ZABBIX_ZBXDB_H #define ZABBIX_ZBXDB_H #include "common.h" #include "zbxjson.h" #define ZBX_DB_OK 0 #define ZBX_DB_FAIL -1 #define ZBX_DB_DOWN -2 #define ZBX_DB_WAIT_DOWN 10 #define ZBX_MAX_SQL_SIZE 262144 /* 256KB */ #ifndef ZBX_MAX_OVERFLOW_SQL_SIZE # ifdef HAVE_ORACLE /* Do not use "overflowing" (multi-statement) queries for Oracle. */ /* Zabbix benefits from cursor_sharing=force Oracle parameter */ /* which doesn't apply to PL/SQL blocks. */ # define ZBX_MAX_OVERFLOW_SQL_SIZE 0 # else # define ZBX_MAX_OVERFLOW_SQL_SIZE ZBX_MAX_SQL_SIZE # endif #elif 0 != ZBX_MAX_OVERFLOW_SQL_SIZE && \ (1024 > ZBX_MAX_OVERFLOW_SQL_SIZE || ZBX_MAX_OVERFLOW_SQL_SIZE > ZBX_MAX_SQL_SIZE) #error ZBX_MAX_OVERFLOW_SQL_SIZE is out of range #endif #define ZBX_DB_TLS_CONNECT_REQUIRED_TXT "required" #define ZBX_DB_TLS_CONNECT_VERIFY_CA_TXT "verify_ca" #define ZBX_DB_TLS_CONNECT_VERIFY_FULL_TXT "verify_full" typedef char **DB_ROW; typedef struct zbx_db_result *DB_RESULT; /* database field value */ typedef union { int i32; zbx_uint64_t ui64; double dbl; char *str; } zbx_db_value_t; #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE3 /* we have to put double % here for sprintf */ # define ZBX_SQL_MOD(x, y) #x "%%" #y #else # define ZBX_SQL_MOD(x, y) "mod(" #x "," #y ")" #endif #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE3 # define ZBX_FOR_UPDATE "" /* SQLite3 does not support "select ... for update" */ #else # define ZBX_FOR_UPDATE " for update" #endif #ifdef HAVE_MULTIROW_INSERT # define ZBX_ROW_DL "," #else # define ZBX_ROW_DL ";\n" #endif int zbx_db_init(const char *dbname, const char *const dbschema, char **error); void zbx_db_deinit(void); void zbx_db_init_autoincrement_options(void); int zbx_db_connect(char *host, char *user, char *password, char *dbname, char *dbschema, char *dbsocket, int port, char *tls_connect, char *cert, char *key, char *ca, char *cipher, char *cipher_13); void zbx_db_close(void); int zbx_db_begin(void); int zbx_db_commit(void); int zbx_db_rollback(void); int zbx_db_txn_level(void); int zbx_db_txn_error(void); int zbx_db_txn_end_error(void); const char *zbx_db_last_strerr(void); zbx_err_codes_t zbx_db_last_errcode(void); #ifdef HAVE_POSTGRESQL int zbx_tsdb_get_version(void); #define ZBX_DB_TSDB_V1 (20000 > zbx_tsdb_get_version()) #endif #ifdef HAVE_ORACLE /* context for dynamic parameter binding */ typedef struct { /* the parameter position, starting with 0 */ int position; /* the parameter type (ZBX_TYPE_* ) */ unsigned char type; /* the maximum parameter size */ size_t size_max; /* the data to bind - array of rows, each row being an array of columns */ zbx_db_value_t **rows; /* custom data, depending on column type */ void *data; } zbx_db_bind_context_t; int zbx_db_statement_prepare(const char *sql); int zbx_db_bind_parameter_dyn(zbx_db_bind_context_t *context, int position, unsigned char type, zbx_db_value_t **rows, int rows_num); void zbx_db_clean_bind_context(zbx_db_bind_context_t *context); int zbx_db_statement_execute(int iters); #endif int zbx_db_vexecute(const char *fmt, va_list args); DB_RESULT zbx_db_vselect(const char *fmt, va_list args); DB_RESULT zbx_db_select_n(const char *query, int n); DB_ROW zbx_db_fetch(DB_RESULT result); void DBfree_result(DB_RESULT result); int zbx_db_is_null(const char *field); typedef enum { ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_OFF, ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_ON } zbx_escape_sequence_t; char *zbx_db_dyn_escape_string(const char *src, size_t max_bytes, size_t max_chars, zbx_escape_sequence_t flag); #define ZBX_SQL_LIKE_ESCAPE_CHAR '!' char *zbx_db_dyn_escape_like_pattern(const char *src); int zbx_db_strlen_n(const char *text_loc, size_t maxlen); #define ZBX_MYSQL_MIN_VERSION 50728 #define ZBX_MYSQL_MIN_VERSION_FRIENDLY "5.07.28" #define ZBX_MYSQL_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION 80000 #define ZBX_MYSQL_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION_FRIENDLY "8.00.0" #define ZBX_MYSQL_MAX_VERSION 80099 #define ZBX_MYSQL_MAX_VERSION_FRIENDLY "8.00.x" #define ZBX_MARIA_MIN_VERSION 100200 #define ZBX_MARIA_MIN_VERSION_FRIENDLY "10.02.00" #define ZBX_MARIA_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION 100500 #define ZBX_MARIA_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION_FRIENDLY "10.05.00" #define ZBX_MARIA_MAX_VERSION 100699 #define ZBX_MARIA_MAX_VERSION_FRIENDLY "10.06.xx" #define ZBX_POSTGRESQL_MIN_VERSION 100009 #define ZBX_POSTGRESQL_MIN_VERSION_FRIENDLY "10.9" #define ZBX_POSTGRESQL_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION 130000 #define ZBX_POSTGRESQL_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION_FRIENDLY "13.0" #define ZBX_POSTGRESQL_MAX_VERSION 149999 #define ZBX_POSTGRESQL_MAX_VERSION_FRIENDLY "14.x" #define ZBX_ORACLE_MIN_VERSION 1201000200 #define ZBX_ORACLE_MIN_VERSION_FRIENDLY "Database 12c Release" #define ZBX_ORACLE_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION 1900000000 #define ZBX_ORACLE_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION_FRIENDLY "Database 19c Release 19.x.x" #define ZBX_ORACLE_MAX_VERSION 2199000000 #define ZBX_ORACLE_MAX_VERSION_FRIENDLY "Database 21c Release 21.x.x" #define ZBX_ELASTIC_MIN_VERSION 70000 #define ZBX_ELASTIC_MIN_VERSION_FRIENDLY "7.x" #define ZBX_DBVERSION_UNDEFINED 0 typedef enum { /* db version status flags shared with FRONTEND */ DB_VERSION_SUPPORTED, DB_VERSION_LOWER_THAN_MINIMUM, DB_VERSION_HIGHER_THAN_MAXIMUM, DB_VERSION_FAILED_TO_RETRIEVE, DB_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR, DB_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_WARNING } zbx_db_version_status_t; zbx_uint32_t zbx_dbms_version_get(void); struct zbx_db_version_info_t { /* information about database server */ const char *database; zbx_uint32_t current_version; zbx_uint32_t min_version; zbx_uint32_t max_version; zbx_uint32_t min_supported_version; char *friendly_current_version; const char *friendly_min_version; const char *friendly_max_version; const char *friendly_min_supported_version; zbx_db_version_status_t flag; int history_pk; }; void zbx_dbms_version_info_extract(struct zbx_db_version_info_t *version_info); #ifdef HAVE_MYSQL int zbx_dbms_mariadb_used(void); #endif int zbx_db_version_check(const char *database, zbx_uint32_t current_version, zbx_uint32_t min_version, zbx_uint32_t max_version, zbx_uint32_t min_supported_version); void zbx_db_version_json_create(struct zbx_json *json, struct zbx_db_version_info_t *info); #if defined(HAVE_MYSQL) # define ZBX_DB_TIMESTAMP() "unix_timestamp()" #elif defined(HAVE_POSTGRESQL) # define ZBX_DB_TIMESTAMP() "cast(extract(epoch from now()) as int)" #else /* HAVE_ORACLE */ # define ZBX_DB_TIMESTAMP() "(cast(sys_extract_utc(systimestamp) as date) - date'1970-01-01') * 86400" #endif #if defined(HAVE_MYSQL) void zbx_db_set_character_set(const char *char_set); #endif #endif