/* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #include "common.h" #include "sysinfo.h" #include "comms.h" #include "log.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "telnet.h" #include "../common/net.h" #include "ntp.h" #include "simple.h" #ifdef HAVE_LDAP # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LBER_H # include #endif ZBX_METRIC parameters_simple[] = /* KEY FLAG FUNCTION TEST PARAMETERS */ { {"net.tcp.service", CF_HAVEPARAMS, CHECK_SERVICE, "ssh,,22"}, {"net.tcp.service.perf",CF_HAVEPARAMS, CHECK_SERVICE_PERF, "ssh,,22"}, {"net.udp.service", CF_HAVEPARAMS, CHECK_SERVICE, "ntp,,123"}, {"net.udp.service.perf",CF_HAVEPARAMS, CHECK_SERVICE_PERF, "ntp,,123"}, {NULL} }; #ifdef HAVE_LDAP static int check_ldap(const char *host, unsigned short port, int timeout, int *value_int) { LDAP *ldap = NULL; LDAPMessage *res = NULL; LDAPMessage *msg = NULL; BerElement *ber = NULL; char *attrs[2] = {"namingContexts", NULL }; char *attr = NULL; char **valRes = NULL; int ldapErr = 0; zbx_alarm_on(timeout); *value_int = 0; if (NULL == (ldap = ldap_init(host, port))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "LDAP - initialization failed [%s:%hu]", host, port); goto lbl_ret; } if (LDAP_SUCCESS != (ldapErr = ldap_search_s(ldap, "", LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)", attrs, 0, &res))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "LDAP - searching failed [%s] [%s]", host, ldap_err2string(ldapErr)); goto lbl_ret; } if (NULL == (msg = ldap_first_entry(ldap, res))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "LDAP - empty sort result. [%s] [%s]", host, ldap_err2string(ldapErr)); goto lbl_ret; } if (NULL == (attr = ldap_first_attribute(ldap, msg, &ber))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "LDAP - empty first entry result. [%s] [%s]", host, ldap_err2string(ldapErr)); goto lbl_ret; } valRes = ldap_get_values(ldap, msg, attr); *value_int = 1; lbl_ret: zbx_alarm_off(); if (NULL != valRes) ldap_value_free(valRes); if (NULL != attr) ldap_memfree(attr); if (NULL != ber) ber_free(ber, 0); if (NULL != res) ldap_msgfree(res); if (NULL != ldap) ldap_unbind(ldap); return SYSINFO_RET_OK; } #endif /* HAVE_LDAP */ static int check_ssh(const char *host, unsigned short port, int timeout, int *value_int) { int ret, major, minor; zbx_socket_t s; char send_buf[MAX_STRING_LEN]; const char *buf; *value_int = 0; if (SUCCEED == (ret = zbx_tcp_connect(&s, CONFIG_SOURCE_IP, host, port, timeout, ZBX_TCP_SEC_UNENCRYPTED, NULL, NULL))) { while (NULL != (buf = zbx_tcp_recv_line(&s))) { /* parse buf for SSH identification string as per RFC 4253, section 4.2 */ if (2 == sscanf(buf, "SSH-%d.%d-%*s", &major, &minor)) { zbx_snprintf(send_buf, sizeof(send_buf), "SSH-%d.%d-zabbix_agent\r\n", major, minor); *value_int = 1; break; } } if (0 == *value_int) strscpy(send_buf, "0\n"); ret = zbx_tcp_send_raw(&s, send_buf); zbx_tcp_close(&s); } if (FAIL == ret) zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "SSH check error: %s", zbx_socket_strerror()); return SYSINFO_RET_OK; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBCURL static int check_https(const char *host, unsigned short port, int timeout, int *value_int) { CURL *easyhandle; CURLoption opt; CURLcode err; char https_host[MAX_STRING_LEN]; *value_int = 0; if (NULL == (easyhandle = curl_easy_init())) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s: could not init cURL library", __func__); goto clean; } if (SUCCEED == is_ip6(host)) zbx_snprintf(https_host, sizeof(https_host), "%s[%s]", (0 == strncmp(host, "https://", 8) ? "" : "https://"), host); else zbx_snprintf(https_host, sizeof(https_host), "%s%s", (0 == strncmp(host, "https://", 8) ? "" : "https://"), host); if (CURLE_OK != (err = curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, opt = CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Zabbix " ZABBIX_VERSION)) || CURLE_OK != (err = curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, opt = CURLOPT_URL, https_host)) || CURLE_OK != (err = curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, opt = CURLOPT_PORT, (long)port)) || CURLE_OK != (err = curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, opt = CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1L)) || CURLE_OK != (err = curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, opt = CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L)) || CURLE_OK != (err = curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, opt = CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L)) || CURLE_OK != (err = curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, opt = CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, (long)timeout))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s: could not set cURL option [%d]: %s", __func__, (int)opt, curl_easy_strerror(err)); goto clean; } if (NULL != CONFIG_SOURCE_IP) { if (CURLE_OK != (err = curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, opt = CURLOPT_INTERFACE, CONFIG_SOURCE_IP))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s: could not set source interface option [%d]: %s", __func__, (int)opt, curl_easy_strerror(err)); goto clean; } } if (CURLE_OK == (err = curl_easy_perform(easyhandle))) *value_int = 1; else zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s: curl_easy_perform failed for [%s:%hu]: %s", __func__, host, port, curl_easy_strerror(err)); clean: curl_easy_cleanup(easyhandle); return SYSINFO_RET_OK; } #endif /* HAVE_LIBCURL */ static int check_telnet(const char *host, unsigned short port, int timeout, int *value_int) { zbx_socket_t s; #ifdef _WINDOWS u_long argp = 1; #else int flags; #endif *value_int = 0; if (SUCCEED == zbx_tcp_connect(&s, CONFIG_SOURCE_IP, host, port, timeout, ZBX_TCP_SEC_UNENCRYPTED, NULL, NULL)) { #ifdef _WINDOWS ioctlsocket(s.socket, FIONBIO, &argp); /* non-zero value sets the socket to non-blocking */ #else flags = fcntl(s.socket, F_GETFL); if (0 == (flags & O_NONBLOCK)) fcntl(s.socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); #endif if (SUCCEED == telnet_test_login(s.socket)) *value_int = 1; else zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Telnet check error: no login prompt"); zbx_tcp_close(&s); } else zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s error: %s", __func__, zbx_socket_strerror()); return SYSINFO_RET_OK; } /* validation functions for service checks */ static int validate_smtp(const char *line) { if (0 == strncmp(line, "220", 3)) { if ('-' == line[3]) return ZBX_TCP_EXPECT_IGNORE; if ('\0' == line[3] || ' ' == line[3]) return ZBX_TCP_EXPECT_OK; } return ZBX_TCP_EXPECT_FAIL; } static int validate_ftp(const char *line) { if (0 == strncmp(line, "220 ", 4)) return ZBX_TCP_EXPECT_OK; return ZBX_TCP_EXPECT_IGNORE; } static int validate_pop(const char *line) { return 0 == strncmp(line, "+OK", 3) ? ZBX_TCP_EXPECT_OK : ZBX_TCP_EXPECT_FAIL; } static int validate_nntp(const char *line) { if (0 == strncmp(line, "200", 3) || 0 == strncmp(line, "201", 3)) return ZBX_TCP_EXPECT_OK; return ZBX_TCP_EXPECT_FAIL; } static int validate_imap(const char *line) { return 0 == strncmp(line, "* OK", 4) ? ZBX_TCP_EXPECT_OK : ZBX_TCP_EXPECT_FAIL; } int check_service(AGENT_REQUEST *request, const char *default_addr, AGENT_RESULT *result, int perf) { unsigned short port = 0; char *service, *ip_str, ip[MAX_ZBX_DNSNAME_LEN + 1], *port_str; int value_int, ret = SYSINFO_RET_FAIL; double check_time; check_time = zbx_time(); if (3 < request->nparam) { SET_MSG_RESULT(result, zbx_strdup(NULL, "Too many parameters.")); return SYSINFO_RET_FAIL; } service = get_rparam(request, 0); ip_str = get_rparam(request, 1); port_str = get_rparam(request, 2); if (NULL == service || '\0' == *service) { SET_MSG_RESULT(result, zbx_strdup(NULL, "Invalid first parameter.")); return SYSINFO_RET_FAIL; } if (NULL == ip_str || '\0' == *ip_str) strscpy(ip, default_addr); else strscpy(ip, ip_str); if (NULL != port_str && '\0' != *port_str && SUCCEED != is_ushort(port_str, &port)) { SET_MSG_RESULT(result, zbx_strdup(NULL, "Invalid third parameter.")); return SYSINFO_RET_FAIL; } if (0 == strncmp("net.tcp.service", get_rkey(request), 15)) { if (0 == strcmp(service, "ssh")) { if (NULL == port_str || '\0' == *port_str) port = ZBX_DEFAULT_SSH_PORT; ret = check_ssh(ip, port, CONFIG_TIMEOUT, &value_int); } else if (0 == strcmp(service, "ldap")) { #ifdef HAVE_LDAP if (NULL == port_str || '\0' == *port_str) port = ZBX_DEFAULT_LDAP_PORT; ret = check_ldap(ip, port, CONFIG_TIMEOUT, &value_int); #else SET_MSG_RESULT(result, zbx_strdup(NULL, "Support for LDAP check was not compiled in.")); #endif } else if (0 == strcmp(service, "smtp")) { if (NULL == port_str || '\0' == *port_str) port = ZBX_DEFAULT_SMTP_PORT; ret = tcp_expect(ip, port, CONFIG_TIMEOUT, NULL, validate_smtp, "QUIT\r\n", &value_int); } else if (0 == strcmp(service, "ftp")) { if (NULL == port_str || '\0' == *port_str) port = ZBX_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT; ret = tcp_expect(ip, port, CONFIG_TIMEOUT, NULL, validate_ftp, "QUIT\r\n", &value_int); } else if (0 == strcmp(service, "http")) { if (NULL == port_str || '\0' == *port_str) port = ZBX_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; ret = tcp_expect(ip, port, CONFIG_TIMEOUT, NULL, NULL, NULL, &value_int); } else if (0 == strcmp(service, "pop")) { if (NULL == port_str || '\0' == *port_str) port = ZBX_DEFAULT_POP_PORT; ret = tcp_expect(ip, port, CONFIG_TIMEOUT, NULL, validate_pop, "QUIT\r\n", &value_int); } else if (0 == strcmp(service, "nntp")) { if (NULL == port_str || '\0' == *port_str) port = ZBX_DEFAULT_NNTP_PORT; ret = tcp_expect(ip, port, CONFIG_TIMEOUT, NULL, validate_nntp, "QUIT\r\n", &value_int); } else if (0 == strcmp(service, "imap")) { if (NULL == port_str || '\0' == *port_str) port = ZBX_DEFAULT_IMAP_PORT; ret = tcp_expect(ip, port, CONFIG_TIMEOUT, NULL, validate_imap, "a1 LOGOUT\r\n", &value_int); } else if (0 == strcmp(service, "tcp")) { if (NULL == port_str || '\0' == *port_str) { SET_MSG_RESULT(result, zbx_strdup(NULL, "Invalid third parameter.")); return SYSINFO_RET_FAIL; } ret = tcp_expect(ip, port, CONFIG_TIMEOUT, NULL, NULL, NULL, &value_int); } else if (0 == strcmp(service, "https")) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBCURL if (NULL == port_str || '\0' == *port_str) port = ZBX_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT; ret = check_https(ip, port, CONFIG_TIMEOUT, &value_int); #else SET_MSG_RESULT(result, zbx_strdup(NULL, "Support for HTTPS check was not compiled in.")); #endif } else if (0 == strcmp(service, "telnet")) { if (NULL == port_str || '\0' == *port_str) port = ZBX_DEFAULT_TELNET_PORT; ret = check_telnet(ip, port, CONFIG_TIMEOUT, &value_int); } else { SET_MSG_RESULT(result, zbx_strdup(NULL, "Invalid first parameter.")); return ret; } } else /* net.udp.service */ { if (0 == strcmp(service, "ntp")) { if (NULL == port_str || '\0' == *port_str) port = ZBX_DEFAULT_NTP_PORT; ret = check_ntp(ip, port, CONFIG_TIMEOUT, &value_int); } else { SET_MSG_RESULT(result, zbx_strdup(NULL, "Invalid first parameter.")); return ret; } } if (SYSINFO_RET_OK == ret) { if (0 != perf) { if (0 != value_int) { check_time = zbx_time() - check_time; if (ZBX_FLOAT_PRECISION > check_time) check_time = ZBX_FLOAT_PRECISION; SET_DBL_RESULT(result, check_time); } else SET_DBL_RESULT(result, 0.0); } else SET_UI64_RESULT(result, value_int); } return ret; } /* Examples: * * net.tcp.service[ssh] * net.tcp.service[smtp,] * net.tcp.service[ssh,,22] * * net.udp.service[ntp] * net.udp.service[ntp,] * net.udp.service[ntp,,123] * * net.tcp.service.perf[ssh] * net.tcp.service.perf[smtp,] * net.tcp.service.perf[ssh,,22] * * net.udp.service.perf[ntp] * net.udp.service.perf[ntp,] * net.udp.service.perf[ntp,,123] * * The old name for these checks is check_service[*]. */ int CHECK_SERVICE(AGENT_REQUEST *request, AGENT_RESULT *result) { return check_service(request, "", result, 0); } int CHECK_SERVICE_PERF(AGENT_REQUEST *request, AGENT_RESULT *result) { return check_service(request, "", result, 1); }