# Slim Slim is a minimal, clean and beautiful theme for [Hugo](http://gohugo.io/). ![Slim screenshot](https://github.com/zhe/hugo-theme-slim/blob/master/images/screenshot.png) [Demo](http://themes.gohugo.io/theme/slim). ## Installation ``` mkdir themes cd themes git clone https://github.com/zhe/hugo-theme-slim slim ``` See the [official docs](http://gohugo.io/themes/installing) for more information. ## Configuration You could add `params` into your site's `config.toml` file: ``` [params] Subtitle = "Your site's subtitle/tagline" GithubID = "Your Github ID" TwitterID = "Your Twitter ID" AnalyticsID = "Your Google Analytics tracking code" DisqusShortname = "Your Disqus shortname" Summary = true # takes true or false Content = false # takes true or false # if both are set to true, summary is shown. # FooterMsg = "Copyright Me 2016. Powered by Hugo." mainSections = ["post"] ``` if you use `config.yaml`, it could look like: ``` params: Subtitle: "Your site's subtitle/tagline" GithubID: "Your Github ID" TwitterID: "Your Twitter ID" AnalyticsID: "Your Google Analytics tracking code" DisqusShortname: "Your Disqus shortname" Summary: true # takes true or false Content: false # takes true or false # if both are set to true, summary is shown # FooterMsg: "Custom footer message. Powered by Hugo." mainSections: ["post"] ``` ### Enable Disqus to your post 1. Add your Disqus Shortname to the site config file; 2. You can enable Disqus per-post, by adding `comments: true` (YAML) or `comments = true` (TOML) in the front matter of your post. To disable it, you can either change the value to `false` or just not include `comments` variable and its value at all. ## Build your site ``` hugo server -t slim ``` ## License Open sourced under [MIT license](https://github.com/zhe/hugo-theme-slim/blob/master/LICENSE.md).