# Hugo Theme Doors Single page theme for links to your works. See a real usage here: https://zzzmisa.com/ ![Doors screenshot](https://github.com/zzzmisa/hugo-theme-doors/blob/master/images/screenshot.png?raw=true) ## Features - Links to your works - Responsive - SNS button - Google Analytics - Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) supported ## Getting started The example of how to use this theme is provided in the `exampleSite` folder. At first, try running the example site. The contents of the site can be configured by `config.toml`. After the example site appears, rewrite `config.toml` with your own data to make your own site. ## Run example site 1. Install [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/). 2. Create a new project folder to running the example site. ``` $ mkdir mySite ``` 3. Install this theme into your project folder. ``` $ cd mySite $ git clone https://github.com/zzzmisa/hugo-theme-doors.git themes/hugo-theme-doors ``` 4. Copy the entire contents of the `exampleSite` to root folder of your project folder. ``` $ cp -r themes/hugo-theme-doors/exampleSite/* . ``` 5. Test the example site. ``` $ hugo server -w ``` See the result at http://localhost:1313/ on your browser. 6. Build the example site. ``` $ hugo ``` Find result files in the `public` folder in the root of your project folder. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome! By submitting a pull request, you agree to license your contribution under the MIT license. ## Supported Hugo versions Hugo Theme Doors is tested against Hugo `v0.53` to `v0.92.0`. ## Attribution notices Doors includes open source software and its modified versions. Attribution notices are in code comments of [index.html](https://github.com/zzzmisa/hugo-theme-doors/blob/master/layouts/index.html) and the build output file.