**Test on the latest [![remmina](https://snapcraft.io//remmina/badge.svg)](https://snapcraft.io/remmina) version before submitting a bug-report, and keep trying to reproduce it on any later versions** * Reporting back greatly increases the attention and hope of fixing your issue. You can also ask questions via * IRC room, on freenode.net, in the #remmina channel, you can also use a [web client](https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/?nick=remminer|?#remmina/). * [General discussion mailing list](https://lists.remmina.org/listinfo/users). * [Reddit](https://reddit.com/r/Remmina) ## Local System Description * Client (OS name and version): * Remmina version ( ```remmina --version``` ): * Installation: - [X] Distribution package. - [ ] PPA. - [ ] Snap. - [ ] Flatpak. - [ ] Compiled from sources. - [ ] Other - detail: * Desktop environment (GNOME, Unity, KDE, ..): * Plugin: - [X] RDP - freerdp version ( ```xfreerdp --version``` ): - [ ] VNC - [ ] SSH - [ ] SFTP - [ ] SPICE - [ ] WWW - [ ] EXEC - [ ] Other (please specify): * GTK back-end (Wayland, Xorg): * Optional: Include the output of the following commands at the end of this text: - `remmina --full-version` ```shell ``` - `sudo lshw -C video` ```shell ``` - `uname -a` ```shell ``` ## Remote System Description * Server (OS name and version): * Special notes regarding the remote system (i.e. gateways, tunnel, etc.): ## Problem Description Write a detailed description of the problem. ### What is the expected correct behavior? (What you want to see instead.) ### Relevant logs and/or screenshots /label ~bug