False True True 640 480 True dialog True False vertical 2 False end Close True True True True True 0 False False 0 True False vertical True True True in 180 True False True False 18 18 18 18 <big><b>Remmina Snap package</b></big> <span> Remmina is running on your system as a Snap package. Some Remmina functions need to be set up to work properly. </span> True True word-char False True 0 True False 0.5 in True False 12 True False 6 6 vertical True False 6 6 To enable access to some important features, like password saving in your keyring and RDP printer sharing, please open your software center and give the appropriate permissions to Remmina. As an alternative you can enter the following commands in a terminal window: True word-char 6 True True 0 True False 6 6 sudo snap connect remmina:audio-record :audio-record sudo snap connect remmina:avahi-observe :avahi-observe sudo snap connect remmina:cups-control :cups-control sudo snap connect remmina:mount-observe :mount-observe sudo snap connect remmina:password-manager-service :password-manager-service sudo snap connect remmina:ssh-keys :ssh-keys sudo snap connect remmina:ssh-public-keys :ssh-public-keys True False True 1 True False 6 6 <big>Permissions</big> True False True 1 True False 0.5 in True False 12 True False True False start 6 6 6 6 Since Snap packages run confined from the rest of the system, Remmina profiles are saved inside the Snap file system by default. You can change the location in the Remmina preferences. True True word-char 0 0 3 True False start 6 6 6 6 Change where Remmina profiles are stored 0 1 gtk-preferences True True True end 6 6 6 6 True 1 1 2 True False 6 6 6 6 <big>Snap settings</big> True False True 2 Do not show this message again True True False start 6 6 6 6 True False True 3 False True 1 rmsnap_button_close