#!/bin/bash # set -x set -e usage () { echo "$0 [<-s|--sersfx> ] [-d|--dev]" exit $1 } # # MAIN # BDIR=build-ubuntu SER_SFX=1 # a development release build automatically the new 'changelog' chapter # an official release use 'changelog' as is except for change serie name IS_DEV_RELEASE=n while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case $1 in -d|--dev) IS_DEV_RELEASE=y ;; -s|--sersfx) SER_SFX=$2 shift ;; *) usage 1 ;; esac shift done if [ "$DEBEMAIL" == "" -o "$DEBFULLNAME" == "" ]; then echo "DEBEMAIL and DEBFULLNAME variables must be set before run this script" exit 1 fi if ! gpg --list-secret-keys "${DEBFULLNAME} <${DEBEMAIL}>" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "gpg secret key not found for '${DEBFULLNAME} <${DEBEMAIL}>' address" exit 2 fi PKG_NAME=remmina PKG_DATE="$(date -R)" VER_MAJ="$(grep 'set('"${PKG_NAME^^}"'_VERSION_MAJOR' CMakeLists.txt \ | sed 's/set('"${PKG_NAME^^}"'_VERSION_[^"]*"//g;s/".*//g')" VER_MIN="$(grep 'set('"${PKG_NAME^^}"'_VERSION_MINOR' CMakeLists.txt \ | sed 's/set('"${PKG_NAME^^}"'_VERSION_[^"]*"//g;s/".*//g')" VER_REV="$(grep 'set('"${PKG_NAME^^}"'_VERSION_REVISION' CMakeLists.txt \ | sed 's/set('"${PKG_NAME^^}"'_VERSION_[^"]*"//g;s/".*//g')" VER_SFX="$(grep 'set('"${PKG_NAME^^}"'_VERSION_SUFFIX' CMakeLists.txt \ | sed 's/set('"${PKG_NAME^^}"'_VERSION_[^"]*"//g;s/".*//g')" VER_BRANCH="$(git branch | grep '^\*' | cut -c 3-)" test "$VER_BRANCH" && VER_BRANCH="+${VER_BRANCH}" VER_DATE="$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)" PKG_VER="${VER_MAJ}.${VER_MIN}.${VER_REV}~${VER_SFX}${VER_BRANCH}+${VER_DATE}" PKG_DIR="${PKG_NAME}_${PKG_VER}" echo $PKG_VER mkdir -p ${BDIR} rm -rf ${BDIR}/* # exports repo without .git folder and other operative system clients git archive --format tar --prefix "${BDIR}/${PKG_DIR}/" HEAD | \ tar xv # Override original ChangeLog with git logs (maybe necessary for debian policy ? git --no-pager log --format="%ai %aN (%h) %n%n%x09*%w(68,0,10) %s%d%n" > "${BDIR}/${PKG_DIR}/ChangeLog" # NOTE: artificially files date reconstruction is skipped mv ${BDIR}/${PKG_DIR}/debian/changelog ${BDIR}/changelog.orig cd ${BDIR}/${PKG_DIR}/ tar zcvf "../${PKG_NAME}_${PKG_VER}.orig.tar.gz" . for serie in yakkety wily xenial trusty; do if [ "$IS_DEV_RELEASE" = "y" ]; then cat <debian/changelog ${PKG_NAME} (${PKG_VER}-1${serie}${SER_SFX}) ${serie}; urgency=medium * New upstream release. -- ${DEBFULLNAME} <${DEBEMAIL}> ${PKG_DATE} EOF else rm -f debian/changelog touch debian/changelog fi cat ../changelog.orig >>debian/changelog debuild -eUBUNTU_SERIE="$serie" -S -sa # add ' -us -uc' flags to avoid signing rm -rf * tar zxf "../${PKG_NAME}_${PKG_VER}.orig.tar.gz" done cd - mv ${BDIR}/changelog.orig ${BDIR}/${PKG_DIR}/debian/changelog echo "now cd in ${BDIR} directory and run:" echo "dput *.changes" exit 0