Remmina usage statistics Automatically generated usage statistics collected from volunteering Remminers. The analysis optimizes the work we do. Understanding how, and on which platform Remmina is used, is a key factor. Participation rate is usually aronud 10%. Thank you to everyone contributing. Where Remmina is used in the world? The improved Remmina internationalization support was and remains a priority provided by the insight this data grants. Number of Statistics sent per day Error Loading Chart: No charting libraries found - be sure to include one before your charts Profile Statistics Remmina is used to administer 628823 servers remotely, by 112152 users. Name and the number of protocol plugins Last few months. Remmina Versions Release Git Revision Installation means This is the brakedown of regular packages vs system agnostic packaging. Packaging Profiles per installation means System Statistics Kernel Architecture Kernel Version Linux|GNU Distributions RAW Linux Distributions Data (hide/show) GTK Statistics The decsion on what functionality to use comes down to the spread of GTK versions. GTK brings in new changes often, making maintaining a code base that works for many users a challenge, Luckily "old" feature are supported for months, or even years before being removd in new versions of GTK. Therefore replacing old code only when "almost" all users have updated their system is the Remmina preference. The next cutoff is removing GTK versions older 3.10 and older. Display server These draw windows behind GTK. GTK Version RAW GTK version data (hide/show) Window Manager Appindicator AppIndicator support AppIndicator compiled Tray Icon Tray Icon Type Password Manager Environment Language Last update: 2019-12-09 23:54:21 UTC Disclaimer None of this data is considered personal data, as it can not be easily linked to a specific person and none of the collected data may be considered sensitive. Nevertheless, if you are partecipating now, you can opt-out at any moment by contacting the Remmina maintainers (Antenore, Giovanni and Dario) and supplying your UID. The data is not linked, only aggregated by absolute numbers. How many of the Ubuntu users are running a particular version is not known. If you want an in-depth look at how and which stats are collected, take a look at the Remmina Usage Statistics Documentation