Antenore Gatta: name: "Antenore Gatta" uri: "" #email: "" bio: "Maintainer and developer Proud and busy hacker, father and IBMer." avatar: "/assets/images/Antenore_Gatta.jpg" location: "Switzerland" gitlab: "antenore" github: "antenore" twitter: "agatta" linkedin: "antenore" Giovanni Panozzo: name: "Giovanni Panozzo" #email: "" bio: "Maintainer and developer System intergrator, sometimes programmer, father and earth inhabitant." avatar: "/assets/images/Giovanni.jpg" location: "Vicenza, Italy" gitlab: "giox069" github: "giox069" twitter: "giox069" linkedin: "giovanni-panozzo-b1480759" Allan Nordhøy: name: "Allan Nordhøy" uri: "" #email: "" bio: "Language and interfaces The mere onlooking of bugs robs them of their hiding." avatar: "/assets/images/Allan.png" location: "Trondheim, Norway" gitlab: "kingu" github: "comradekingu" Matteo F. Vescovi: name: "Matteo F. Vescovi" uri: "" #email: "" bio: "Debian downstream mantainer + Civil Engineer + Debian Developer." avatar: "/assets/images/mfv.jpg" location: "Asiago, Italy" gitlab: "mfvescovi" github: "mfvescovi" twitter: "mfvescovi" Davy Defaud: name: "Davy Defaud" uri: "" #email: "" bio: "Contributor Mostly sysadmin near Paris, libre software enthusiast for 20 years, Mageia user, moderator of French libre software website, proud father of two boys." avatar: "/assets/images/Davy.png" location: "Paris, France" gitlab: "DevDef" github: "DevDef" #twitter: "remminaproject"