--- title: 'Debian: The Boys Are Back(port) in Town' date: 2017-11-06T20:27:50+00:00 author: Dario Cavedon layout: single author_profile: true permalink: /debian-the-boys-are-backport-in-town/ categories: - News tags: - backport - Debian - Debian 9 - Ubuntu --- On a [previous post](http://www.remmina.org/wp/remmina-1-2-will-be-available-on-debian-9-stretch/) earlier this year, we promised that **Remmina 1.2 would be available on Debian 9 “Stretch”**. Well, now that day is come. Remmina is now available through the **Debian** **testing** and **unstable**. We **thank** the lovely Debian community, especially [Matteo F. Vescovi](https://github.com/mfvescovi), who made this possible. AND… good news for **Ubuntu** (and derivates) users too: Remmina 1.2 will be available by default in Ubuntu 18.04 “Bionic Beaver”, a giant leap forward the buggy and outdated Remmina 1.1 series. Whoa! _Enjoy it, and keep in touch!_ Photo [“The boys are back in town”](https://flic.kr/p/8UESmb) from Graham Jowett is on Flikr.