--- title: Remmina Valentine’s Day 2018 Edition date: 2018-02-20T09:38:22+00:00 author: Dario Cavedon layout: single permalink: /remmina-valentines-day-2018-edition/ categories: - News - Release tags: - release - statistics --- **Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!** We’re to celebrate a new day of Love and Care, and… ehr… What? It’s not Valentine’s Day?? Well, here **at Remmina Project we believe every day is a good day for Loving and Caring**! That’s why our developers hardly work to release a new Remmina version, with two great features: * [MS-RDPEGFX support](https://github.com/FreeRDP/Remmina/pull/1468) * The long-waited Stats * The usual tons of bug fixes, too long and boring to list them here. ### **The Stats, what we collect** First of all: we do not collect any user data. We only collect some system data, that help us in triaging bugs and focusing development in the right direction. An example of the data collected [can be found here](https://daguniverse.github.io/RemminaDoc/remmina__stats_8c.html#details).  As you can see, there are no user data, no eyes colour nor email address. We need that data **only to improve our program**. In the next weeks, we’ll provide a new page on Remmina web site, where we’ll publish some stats generated starting from the data collection. By the way, we only publish summarized data. Hope you’ll enjoy this release, we can’t wait to hear feedbacks from all of you! _Photo [“Happy Valentines Day”](https://flic.kr/p/FWPvjQ) by_ Rinet _IT Australia._