--- title: We have Stats date: 2018-03-30T13:19:58+00:00 author: Dario Cavedon categories: - News --- As already wrote in [our previous post](http://www.remmina.org/wp/remmina-valentines-day-2018-edition/), Remmina now lets users send us some statistic about the usage of our beloved program. Again: **we collect only anonymous data**, you can look a [sample of data](https://daguniverse.github.io/RemminaDoc/remmina__stats_8c.html#details). Now everybody can see a summary of those data, in the new page “[**Remmina Usage Statistics**](http://www.remmina.org/stats/stats.html)” on our website. Well, there are a couple of interesting things over there: * **Ubuntu** is the most used distribution, followed by Linux Mint and Debian _(or maybe Fedora, let’s wait some more time!)_ * Most of our users live in **Russia Federation**, followed by USA and Brazil Funny facts: * We have at least three users in Greenland _(please contact us, we want hear your story!)_ * Our users use more than 50 different Linux Distribution. _Thanks for your collaboration, **Remminers**, together we are building a better world!_