--- title: Remmina Kiosk Edition date: 2018-07-31T11:35:40+00:00 author: Antenore Gatta layout: single permalink: /remmina-kiosk-edition/ excerpt: Explaining the new release, move to GitLab, and kiosk mode. categories: - announcement - News tags: - kiosk - release --- {% include figure image_path="/assets/images/vacations.jpg" %} Despite it is vacation time and quite too hot to stay at home coding, this deterred nobody in releasing a new Remmina version. It is not that big, as we were busy moving from the proprietary [GitHub](https://github.com) to the libre softweare [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/Remmina/Remmina), following the formers purchase by Microsoft. Nevertheless, we where able to introduce a kiosk mode, adding custom SSH terminal colors per profile, and many bugfixes. The details: - Custom color schemes per profile for the SSH plugin (@denk_mal). - Flatpak updates and fixes (@larchunix) - Kiosk mode with integration in the login manager (@antenore). - New icons (@antenore and @larchunix). - SFTP tool password fixes (@Feishi). - Several fixes around RDP and compilations issues (@giox069 and @larchunix). The continuos integration is up and running, which partly generates the Remmina packages you use. As usual, to install and/or upgrade, follow our [wiki](https://gitlab.com/Remmina/Remmina/wikis/home) and don't hesitate to report bugs or make feature requests.