--- title: Remmina "Before The Storm" Edition date: 2018-10-07T11:15:40+00:00 author: Dario Cavedon layout: single permalink: /remmina-before-the-storm-edition/ categories: - announcement - News tags: - release --- {% include figure image_path="/assets/images/before_the_storm.jpg" %} Hello Remminers! We are hard working night and day to keep up the good work and give you a solid and secure environment, so here it comes a brand new release of Remmina, with tons of sweaty bug fixes & improvements. Among them: * Allow wayland backend again when GTK >= 3.22.27 (so annoying!) * Distinct RPD gateway authentication and other enhancements. * Added option to honour https_proxy and http_proxy environment variable. * Custom screenshot file names. * Keyboard grabbing improvements. * UI enhancements. * Many bug fixing as usual. A complete changelog can be found on [Gitlab](https://gitlab.com/Remmina/Remmina/tags/v1.2.32). In the next months we are going to "mess up" things as we are working on new features and a huge refactoring, so this release should be considered a Long Term Support, so don't be surprised if you won't have news from us for some weeks or even months. As usual, feel free to open [issues](https://gitlab.com/Remmina/Remmina/issues) or contact us for any kind of problems. Oh, and if you really really like it, take into consideration to [support us!](https://remmina.org/donations/) Image: ["Gett'n Out Of Dodge (County)" by Rick](https://flic.kr/p/eHWoc3) N.B.: To install and/or update, follow our [wiki](https://gitlab.com/Remmina/Remmina/wikis/home).