--- title: ESRMS did nothing wrong author: Allan Nordhøy layout: single permalink: /nowrongdoing/ excerpt: War of kindness. categories: - News tags: - Erythrocyte sedimentation rate - Rhabdomyosarcoma --- GNU under a new umbrella? GUANU? The slippage of the banana precedes its peeling. CoCs do not dress down the emperor's GNU clothes, in a project that doesn't do dress-code. Freedom not found, downstream from freedom underfocused; rather unestranged. Who's [business, as usual](https://savegnu.org/)? To decide who the shadowy figures are, is to direct [the sunlight](https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc/2021-April/235575.html). Such [is life](https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/gnu-misc-discuss/2020-02/msg00014.html), as not concluded from behind the blinds by the blinder eye. In the hands of the emboldened, all CoCs are transgressions. One flew over on the CoCs behest. All a mere blip on the expanses of the stupidity radar. Next sweep good sweep. 0.7071