--- title: The Program author: Allan Nordhøy layout: single permalink: /program/ excerpt: is a welcoming place. categories: - News - announcement - Fundraiser tags: - Contributing --- We are the unusual suspects drawing from a line-up of great contributors. \ That means a community of people helping in every way they can. \ Make this even better by making it, yours truly. \ Join _The Program_. We have staff to introduce new people to the codebase, and are open to almost any new ideas. In this learning lab, you either [dig into the code yourself](https://gitlab.com/Remmina/Remmina/) and bring surprises, or [get in touch](https://gitlab.com/Remmina/Remmina/-/blob/master/CONTACT.md) for some direction and coordination. We can at most support 5 people at a time. Get in touch on IRC, e-mail or any other way, and get part of the donations and a specially written recommendation for your CV, and most of all a community of people to talk to. We are always on IRC, but are looking to expand into alternatives like [XMPP](https://xmpp.org/). There is even some money set aside to help people financially. Every opportunity to become a professional, a long-time contributor, without any of the hassles and policies of the corporate world. This needs doing: - A new interface rewritten in Qt, or one following the GNOME development guidelines. - The code needs a complete refactoring. - Help for the newly developed Python library, or writing plug-ins for it in Python. - Testing and bug-fixing (triaging of issues). - More website SEO, (without any of the ugly ways to do so). - Maintaining the PPA would be possible. - Something you think needs doing. Though this idea came to be mostly as a codebase initiative, anyone is welcomed to join even without contributing to test the waters, and you can contribute to something you are passionate about. Everyone with a GitLab account can edit [the wiki](https://gitlab.com/Remmina/Remmina/-/wikis/home) now for example. Remmina just got accepted with a financial host at [Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/remmina),but we are looking into alternatives. Do donate to [Remmina on Liberapay](https://liberapay.com/Remmina/). Any time off work means time on for us. Honest work, good times. :)