# Compiling Remmina on FreeBSD 11 In order to use Remmina, you need at least one plugin, here we explain you how to build Remmina with most plugins but mainly with FreeRDP support. ## How to compile FreeRDP Follow the next procedure to compile FreerRDP ### Install FreeRDP dependencies ```sh pkg install cmake gccmakedep git pkgconf libX11 libXext libXinerama libXcursor libXdamage libXv libxkbfile alsa-lib cups ffmpeg pulseaudio libssh libXi libXtst libXrandr xmlto gstreamer1 gstreamer1-plugins ffmpeg libx264 ``` ### Get FreeRDP code in you development environment **1.** Prepare your dev environment ``` mkdir ~/remmina_devel cd ~/remmina_devel ``` **2.** Get the source code ``` git clone --branch 2.0.0 https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP.git cd FreeRDP ``` **3.** Configure FreeRDP ``` cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DWITH_SSE2=ON -DWITH_PULSE=ON -DWITH_CUPS=on -DWITH_WAYLAND=off -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/remmina_devel/freerdp . ``` **4.** Compile and install ``` make && sudo make install ``` **5.** Add the freerdp library path to ldconfig Edit the file `/etc/ld-elf.so.conf`, create it if it does not exits. A add the line ``` /opt/remmina_devel/freerdp/lib/ ``` And then restart ldconfig with ``` service ldconfig restart ``` **6.** Link the xfreerdp executable If you use Gnome, you probably have FreeRDP installed under /usr/local. Gnome needs vinagre that needs FreeRDP, so you won't be able to remove FreeRDP, that shouldn't be an issue as we installed the git version under /opt... But keep this in mind if you'll have troubles. If you don't have Gnome, you can link xfreerdp under /usr/local/bin ``` sudo ln -s /opt/remmina_devel/freerdp/bin/xfreerdp /usr/local/bin/ ``` **7.** Test xfreerdp ``` xfreerdp +clipboard /sound:rate:44100,channel:2 /v:hostname /u:username ``` ## How to compile Remmina **1.** Install Remmina dependencies. ``` pkg install avahi-gtk3 gtk3 libgcrypt gnutls avahi vte3 telepathy-glib libSM openjpeg libvncserver libsodium libappindicator ``` **2.** Install gnome keyring or similar password storage for your specific desktop ``` pkg install gnome-keyring ``` **3.** Clone Remmina ``` cd ~/remmina_devel git clone https://gitlab.com/Remmina/Remmina.git ``` **4.** Configure compile settings ``` cd Remmina cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DWITH_APPINDICATOR=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/remmina_devel/remmina -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/remmina_devel/freerdp --build=build . ``` **5.** Compile remmina and install it ``` make && make install ``` **6.** Run Remmina ``` /opt/remmina_devel/remmina/bin/remmina ```