Introduction to the guide

The Remmina PPA is looking for a maintainer, and it's not activelly updated.

Throughout the guide, we follow the following rules:

TODO: Add a note on distros vs package managers (possible add a list of distros to the package managers) that when changing distros, the package managers are changed too, but when changing the package manager, the distro is left untouched.

You can help by keeping this document updated and adding info about other distributions. You can simply edit the document, but you are required to sign up and log in.

Guide configuration

Below you can configure the guide for the specified distribution and/or package manager. You can also specify a Remmina version, as the guide may differ from version to version. By default, the guide contains a general guide for all tested operating systems for the latest stable Remmina version, while the differences are output using tabs.

Remmina version Package manager Distribution Distribution version Guide type Installation root

Build instructions

Remove previous installation of Remmina nad FreeRDP

It is important that no other Remmina or FreeRDP version is installed, therefore we need to remove it prior to installation.

Remmina/FreeRDP installed via package manager



				sudo apt purge "?name(^remmina.*)" "?name(^libfreerdp.*)" \
				  "?name(^freerdp.*)" "?name(^libwinpr.*)"


				sudo dnf -y remove freerdp\* remmina\*


				sudo pacman -Rs remmina freerdp


				sudo yum -y remove freerdp\* remmina\*

Remmina/FreeRDP installed from sources



TODO: This does not work anymore (see this GitHub discussion).

				cd "$HOME/freerdp" && sudo rm $(cat install_manifest.txt)


				cd "$HOME/remmina/build" && sudo make uninstall

Dependencies installation

Clone Remmina repository

Additional information