# Huginn Huginn is a minimalist and responsive theme for [Hugo static site generator](https://gohugo.io). It was once developed for [Pelican](https://getpelican.com) based on the work of **iKevinY** with his theme [pneumatic](https://github.com/iKevinY/pneumatic). The theme is mainly tailored for my needs but I will try to make it more stateless in order to be used without any fuss by others. As of today **Huginn** supports : - Responsive design (using *media queries*) - Lovely light colors (and dark syntax highlights) took from [snow.vim](https://github.com/nightsense/snow) - Hugo builtin functions such as - Table of Content (automatically added if your post contains *headers*) - Related Content - Rss feeds (tweaked layout to allow full-text rendering) - JavaScript lightbox powered by [baguetteBox.js](https://github.com/feimosi/baguetteBox.js) - A `lightbox` shortcode for simple one-image display - A `gallery` partial to display a nice gallery at the end of your post - Displaying a link and the name of a song you were listening at while writing a post (activated in front-matter with `song: [title](link)`) - Comments powered by [Isso](https://posativ.org/isso/) for now. A parameter in `config.yaml` is used to specify Isso server `{{ .Site.Params.isso_server }}` - Static comments powered by [Staticman](https://staticman.net) v3. Some parameters in `config.toml` and `staticman.yml` are used to configure Staticman's API. ## Lightbox > This shortcode uses the **Page Bundle** function introduced in Hugo 0.32, make sure to be aware of it when playing with `lightbox`. The `lightbox` shortcode is pretty simple and looks like this: ``` {{ $img := (.Page.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch ( printf "images/lightbox/%s*" (.Get "img")) }} {{ $align := (.Get "align") }} {{ .Scratch.Set "image" ($img.Resize "256x q80") }} {{ $scaled := .Scratch.Get "image" }} ``` All you have to do is to make sure that your thumbnail has the same filename that the full one only with the addition of the suffix *-thumb* before the extension. The shortcode only needs two parameters : | Parameters | Description |:------------:|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `img=""` | Filename to your image. (no `.extension` required) | | `align=""` | If you want to align the image on the left side or the right side of the *content* block.If none is specified the image is automatically centered in the block. | ## Gallery > **Page-Bundle** required The `gallery` partial is even more simple. All you have to do is put your images in `images/gallery` and ... here you are, with images at the end of your post. ``` ```