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gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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authorSami Hiltunen <shiltunen@gitlab.com>2021-02-12 13:34:18 +0300
committerSami Hiltunen <shiltunen@gitlab.com>2021-07-21 18:55:54 +0300
commit69a9c310c097630953848bcad26689395e179432 (patch)
parent8083e1bf05fb4d25b63418138aa286d930c501fe (diff)
Extend test coverage of UserApplyPatch
UserApplyPatch' test coverage is very lacking at the moment. The original tests are using gitlab/gitlab-test and applying various patches to them. Some of the target branches have changed since then with the patches not applying cleanly anymore. This commit extends the suite with a bunch of new tests to nail down the behavior in various cases. The test suite generates the state needed on the fly to avoid testing against the moving target of gitlab/gitlab-test.
2 files changed, 414 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/internal/gitaly/service/operations/apply_patch_test.go b/internal/gitaly/service/operations/apply_patch_test.go
index 9f236605f..e0170cc9d 100644
--- a/internal/gitaly/service/operations/apply_patch_test.go
+++ b/internal/gitaly/service/operations/apply_patch_test.go
@@ -7,21 +7,434 @@ import (
+ "time"
+ "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes"
+ "gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v14/internal/git/catfile"
+ "gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v14/internal/git2go"
+ "gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v14/internal/testhelper/testassert"
+ "google.golang.org/grpc/status"
+func testUserApplyPatch(t *testing.T, cfg config.Cfg, rubySrv *rubyserver.Server) {
+ ctx, cancel := testhelper.Context()
+ defer cancel()
+ type actionFunc func(testing.TB, *localrepo.Repo) git2go.Action
+ createFile := func(filepath string, content string) actionFunc {
+ return func(t testing.TB, repo *localrepo.Repo) git2go.Action {
+ fileOID, err := repo.WriteBlob(ctx, filepath, strings.NewReader(content))
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ return git2go.CreateFile{Path: filepath, OID: fileOID.String()}
+ }
+ }
+ updateFile := func(filepath string, content string) actionFunc {
+ return func(t testing.TB, repo *localrepo.Repo) git2go.Action {
+ fileOID, err := repo.WriteBlob(ctx, filepath, strings.NewReader(content))
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ return git2go.UpdateFile{Path: filepath, OID: fileOID.String()}
+ }
+ }
+ moveFile := func(oldPath, newPath string) actionFunc {
+ return func(testing.TB, *localrepo.Repo) git2go.Action {
+ return git2go.MoveFile{Path: oldPath, NewPath: newPath}
+ }
+ }
+ deleteFile := func(filepath string) actionFunc {
+ return func(testing.TB, *localrepo.Repo) git2go.Action {
+ return git2go.DeleteFile{Path: filepath}
+ }
+ }
+ // commitActions represents actions taken to build a commit.
+ type commitActions []actionFunc
+ ctx, cfg, _, _, client := setupOperationsServiceWithRuby(t, ctx, cfg, rubySrv)
+ errPatchingFailed := status.Error(
+ codes.FailedPrecondition,
+ `Patch failed at 0002 commit subject
+When you have resolved this problem, run "git am --continue".
+If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git am --skip" instead.
+To restore the original branch and stop patching, run "git am --abort".
+ for _, tc := range []struct {
+ desc string
+ // sends a request to a non-existent repository
+ nonExistentRepository bool
+ // baseCommit is the commit which the patch commitActions are applied against.
+ baseCommit commitActions
+ // baseReference is the branch where baseCommit is, by default "master"
+ baseReference git.ReferenceName
+ // notSentByAuthor marks the patch as being sent by someone else than the author.
+ notSentByAuthor bool
+ // targetBranch is the branch where the patched commit goes
+ targetBranch string
+ // extraBranches are created with empty commits for verifying the correct base branch
+ // gets selected.
+ extraBranches []string
+ // patches describe how to build each commit that gets applied as a patch.
+ // Each patch is series of actions that are applied on top of the baseCommit.
+ // Each action produces one commit. The patch is then generated from the last commit
+ // in the series to its parent.
+ //
+ // After the patches are generated, they are applied sequentially on the base commit.
+ patches []commitActions
+ error error
+ branchCreated bool
+ tree []gittest.TreeEntry
+ }{
+ {
+ desc: "non-existent repository",
+ targetBranch: "master",
+ nonExistentRepository: true,
+ error: status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "GetRepoPath: not a git repository: \"%s/%s\"", cfg.Storages[0].Path, "doesnt-exist"),
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "creating the first branch does not work",
+ targetBranch: "master",
+ patches: []commitActions{
+ {
+ createFile("file", "base-content"),
+ },
+ },
+ error: status.Error(codes.Internal, "TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String"),
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "creating a new branch from HEAD works",
+ baseCommit: commitActions{createFile("file", "base-content")},
+ baseReference: "HEAD",
+ extraBranches: []string{"refs/heads/master", "refs/heads/some-extra-branch"},
+ targetBranch: "new-branch",
+ patches: []commitActions{
+ {
+ updateFile("file", "patch 1"),
+ },
+ },
+ branchCreated: true,
+ tree: []gittest.TreeEntry{
+ {Mode: "100644", Path: "file", Content: "patch 1"},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "creating a new branch from the first listed branch works",
+ baseCommit: commitActions{createFile("file", "base-content")},
+ baseReference: "refs/heads/a",
+ extraBranches: []string{"refs/heads/b"},
+ targetBranch: "new-branch",
+ patches: []commitActions{
+ {
+ updateFile("file", "patch 1"),
+ },
+ },
+ branchCreated: true,
+ tree: []gittest.TreeEntry{
+ {Mode: "100644", Path: "file", Content: "patch 1"},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "multiple patches apply cleanly",
+ baseCommit: commitActions{createFile("file", "base-content")},
+ baseReference: "refs/heads/master",
+ targetBranch: "master",
+ patches: []commitActions{
+ {
+ updateFile("file", "patch 1"),
+ },
+ {
+ updateFile("file", "patch 1"),
+ updateFile("file", "patch 2"),
+ },
+ },
+ tree: []gittest.TreeEntry{
+ {Mode: "100644", Path: "file", Content: "patch 2"},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "author in from field in body set correctly",
+ baseCommit: commitActions{createFile("file", "base-content")},
+ baseReference: "refs/heads/master",
+ notSentByAuthor: true,
+ targetBranch: "master",
+ patches: []commitActions{
+ {
+ updateFile("file", "patch 1"),
+ },
+ },
+ tree: []gittest.TreeEntry{
+ {Mode: "100644", Path: "file", Content: "patch 1"},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "multiple patches apply via fallback three-way merge",
+ baseCommit: commitActions{createFile("file", "base-content")},
+ baseReference: "refs/heads/master",
+ targetBranch: "master",
+ patches: []commitActions{
+ {
+ updateFile("file", "patch 1"),
+ },
+ {
+ updateFile("file", "patch 2"),
+ updateFile("file", "patch 1"),
+ },
+ },
+ tree: []gittest.TreeEntry{
+ {Mode: "100644", Path: "file", Content: "patch 1"},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "patching fails due to modify-modify conflict",
+ baseCommit: commitActions{createFile("file", "base-content")},
+ baseReference: "refs/heads/master",
+ targetBranch: "master",
+ patches: []commitActions{
+ {
+ updateFile("file", "patch 1"),
+ },
+ {
+ updateFile("file", "patch 2"),
+ },
+ },
+ error: errPatchingFailed,
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "patching fails due to add-add conflict",
+ baseCommit: commitActions{createFile("file", "base-content")},
+ baseReference: "refs/heads/master",
+ targetBranch: "master",
+ patches: []commitActions{
+ {
+ createFile("added-file", "content-1"),
+ },
+ {
+ createFile("added-file", "content-2"),
+ },
+ },
+ error: errPatchingFailed,
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "patch applies using rename detection",
+ baseCommit: commitActions{createFile("file", "line 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\n")},
+ baseReference: "refs/heads/master",
+ targetBranch: "master",
+ patches: []commitActions{
+ {
+ moveFile("file", "moved-file"),
+ },
+ {
+ updateFile("file", "line 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\nadded\n"),
+ },
+ },
+ tree: []gittest.TreeEntry{
+ {Mode: "100644", Path: "moved-file", Content: "line 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\nadded\n"},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "patching fails due to delete-modify conflict",
+ baseCommit: commitActions{createFile("file", "base-content")},
+ baseReference: "refs/heads/master",
+ targetBranch: "master",
+ patches: []commitActions{
+ {
+ deleteFile("file"),
+ },
+ {
+ updateFile("file", "updated content"),
+ },
+ },
+ error: errPatchingFailed,
+ },
+ } {
+ t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
+ repoPb, repoPath, cleanRepo := gittest.InitBareRepoAt(t, cfg, cfg.Storages[0])
+ defer cleanRepo()
+ repo := localrepo.New(git.NewExecCommandFactory(cfg), catfile.NewCache(cfg), repoPb, cfg)
+ executor := git2go.NewExecutor(cfg, config.NewLocator(cfg))
+ authorTime := time.Date(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
+ committerTime := authorTime.Add(time.Hour)
+ author := git2go.NewSignature("Test Author", "author@example.com", authorTime)
+ committer := git2go.NewSignature("Overridden By Request User", "overridden@example.com", committerTime)
+ commitMessage := "commit subject\n\n\ncommit message body\n\n\n"
+ var baseCommit git.ObjectID
+ for _, action := range tc.baseCommit {
+ var err error
+ baseCommit, err = executor.Commit(ctx, repoPb, git2go.CommitParams{
+ Repository: repoPath,
+ Author: author,
+ Committer: committer,
+ Message: commitMessage,
+ Parent: baseCommit.String(),
+ Actions: []git2go.Action{action(t, repo)},
+ })
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ }
+ if baseCommit != "" {
+ require.NoError(t, repo.UpdateRef(ctx, tc.baseReference, git.ObjectID(baseCommit), git.ZeroOID))
+ }
+ if tc.extraBranches != nil {
+ emptyCommit, err := executor.Commit(ctx, repoPb, git2go.CommitParams{
+ Repository: repoPath,
+ Author: author,
+ Committer: committer,
+ Message: "empty commit",
+ })
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ for _, extraBranch := range tc.extraBranches {
+ require.NoError(t, repo.UpdateRef(ctx,
+ git.NewReferenceNameFromBranchName(extraBranch), git.ObjectID(emptyCommit), git.ZeroOID),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ var patches [][]byte
+ for _, commitActions := range tc.patches {
+ commit := baseCommit
+ for _, action := range commitActions {
+ var err error
+ commit, err = executor.Commit(ctx, repoPb, git2go.CommitParams{
+ Repository: repoPath,
+ Author: author,
+ Committer: committer,
+ Message: commitMessage,
+ Parent: commit.String(),
+ Actions: []git2go.Action{action(t, repo)},
+ })
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ }
+ formatPatchArgs := []string{"-C", repoPath, "format-patch", "--stdout"}
+ if tc.notSentByAuthor {
+ formatPatchArgs = append(formatPatchArgs, "--from=Test Sender <sender@example.com>")
+ }
+ if baseCommit == "" {
+ formatPatchArgs = append(formatPatchArgs, "--root", commit.String())
+ } else {
+ formatPatchArgs = append(formatPatchArgs, commit.String()+"~1.."+commit.String())
+ }
+ patches = append(patches, gittest.Exec(t, cfg, formatPatchArgs...))
+ }
+ stream, err := client.UserApplyPatch(ctx)
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ requestTime := committerTime.Add(time.Hour)
+ requestTimestamp := timestamppb.New(requestTime)
+ if tc.nonExistentRepository {
+ repoPb.RelativePath = "doesnt-exist"
+ }
+ require.NoError(t, stream.Send(&gitalypb.UserApplyPatchRequest{
+ UserApplyPatchRequestPayload: &gitalypb.UserApplyPatchRequest_Header_{
+ Header: &gitalypb.UserApplyPatchRequest_Header{
+ Repository: repoPb,
+ User: gittest.TestUser,
+ TargetBranch: []byte(tc.targetBranch),
+ Timestamp: requestTimestamp,
+ },
+ },
+ }))
+ for _, patch := range patches {
+ // we stream the patches one rune at a time to exercise the streaming code
+ for _, r := range patch {
+ require.NoError(t, stream.Send(&gitalypb.UserApplyPatchRequest{
+ UserApplyPatchRequestPayload: &gitalypb.UserApplyPatchRequest_Patches{
+ Patches: []byte{r},
+ },
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ actualResponse, err := stream.CloseAndRecv()
+ if tc.error != nil {
+ testassert.GrpcEqualErr(t, tc.error, err)
+ return
+ }
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ commitID := actualResponse.GetBranchUpdate().GetCommitId()
+ actualResponse.GetBranchUpdate().CommitId = ""
+ testassert.ProtoEqual(t, &gitalypb.UserApplyPatchResponse{
+ BranchUpdate: &gitalypb.OperationBranchUpdate{
+ RepoCreated: false,
+ BranchCreated: tc.branchCreated,
+ },
+ }, actualResponse)
+ targetBranchCommit, err := repo.ResolveRevision(ctx,
+ git.NewReferenceNameFromBranchName(tc.targetBranch).Revision()+"^{commit}")
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ require.Equal(t, targetBranchCommit.String(), commitID)
+ actualCommit, err := repo.ReadCommit(ctx, git.Revision(commitID))
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ require.NotEmpty(t, actualCommit.ParentIds)
+ actualCommit.ParentIds = nil // the parent changes with the patches, we just check it is set
+ actualCommit.TreeId = "" // treeID is asserted via its contents below
+ authorTimestamp, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(authorTime)
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ expectedBody := []byte("commit subject\n\ncommit message body\n")
+ expectedTimezone := []byte("+0000")
+ testassert.ProtoEqual(t,
+ &gitalypb.GitCommit{
+ Id: commitID,
+ Subject: []byte("commit subject"),
+ Body: expectedBody,
+ Author: &gitalypb.CommitAuthor{
+ Name: []byte("Test Author"),
+ Email: []byte("author@example.com"),
+ Date: authorTimestamp,
+ Timezone: expectedTimezone,
+ },
+ Committer: &gitalypb.CommitAuthor{
+ Name: gittest.TestUser.Name,
+ Email: gittest.TestUser.Email,
+ Date: requestTimestamp,
+ Timezone: expectedTimezone,
+ },
+ BodySize: int64(len(expectedBody)),
+ },
+ actualCommit,
+ )
+ gittest.RequireTree(t, cfg, repoPath, commitID, tc.tree)
+ })
+ }
func testSuccessfulUserApplyPatch(t *testing.T, cfg config.Cfg, rubySrv *rubyserver.Server) {
ctx, cancel := testhelper.Context()
defer cancel()
diff --git a/internal/gitaly/service/operations/testhelper_test.go b/internal/gitaly/service/operations/testhelper_test.go
index 8256f26ca..a29418e32 100644
--- a/internal/gitaly/service/operations/testhelper_test.go
+++ b/internal/gitaly/service/operations/testhelper_test.go
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ func TestWithRubySidecar(t *testing.T) {
+ testUserApplyPatch,
for _, f := range fs {
t.Run(runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(f).Pointer()).Name(), func(t *testing.T) {