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gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
authorPatrick Steinhardt <psteinhardt@gitlab.com>2021-07-19 08:20:07 +0300
committerPatrick Steinhardt <psteinhardt@gitlab.com>2021-07-19 16:10:49 +0300
commit3170c60bcb79aadf26956648ce5da330b79a8824 (patch)
treeef883c1d27946b5c043a1a7983554a42427510fa /Makefile
parentae0e61a900fc87c30d04feefa8ae1e370d7cfe80 (diff)
Makefile: Add help for targets and variables
Our Makefile has quite a lot of different targets and variables which can be executed and tweaked by the user. Not all of these are self explanatory, and discoverability of these is abysmal if one doesn't know the ropes of the Makefile already. To improve the situation, this commit adds a new target "help", which will print the most important targets and variables. One of the issues with such a "help" target is that it would quickly get out of date if it were to carry documentation itself. Instead, we use a neat hack to generate documentation from the Makefile itself via awk: targets or variables preceded by "## "-style comments will have their comments extracted from the Makefile and will then be printed. Like this, they are self documenting and easier to keep up to date.
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 2637049ae..430884359 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -33,11 +33,14 @@ GITALY_RUBY_DIR := ${SOURCE_DIR}/ruby
MODULE_VERSION := $(notdir $(shell go list -m))
# These variables may be overridden at runtime by top-level make
+## The prefix where Gitaly binaries will be installed to. Binaries will end up
+## in ${PREFIX}/bin by default.
PREFIX ?= /usr/local
prefix ?= ${PREFIX}
exec_prefix ?= ${prefix}
bindir ?= ${exec_prefix}/bin
+## The prefix where Git will be installed to.
# Tools
@@ -107,6 +110,8 @@ ifndef GIT_PATCHES
+ ## Build options for Git.
# activate developer checks
# but don't cause warnings to fail the build
@@ -127,6 +132,8 @@ LIBGIT2_BUILD_DIR ?= ${DEPENDENCY_DIR}/libgit2/build
+ ## Build options for libgit2.
@@ -145,13 +152,17 @@ ifndef LIBGIT2_BUILD_OPTIONS
# These variables control test options and artifacts
+## List of Go packages which shall be tested.
+## Go packages to test when using the test-go target.
+## Test options passed to `go test`.
TEST_OPTIONS ?= -v -count=1
+## Directory where all runtime test data is being created.
TEST_REPO_DIR := ${BUILD_DIR}/testrepos
TEST_REPO := ${TEST_REPO_DIR}/gitlab-test.git
@@ -196,10 +207,34 @@ export CGO_LDFLAGS_ALLOW = -D_THREAD_SAFE
.PHONY: all
+## Default target which builds and installs Gitaly binaries into the root
+## source directory.
all: install
+## Print help about available targets and variables.
+ @echo "usage: make [<target>...] [<variable>=<value>...]"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "These are the available targets:"
+ @echo ""
+ ${Q}# Match all targets which have preceding `## ` comments.
+ ${Q}awk '/^## / { sub(/^##/, "", $$0) ; desc = desc $$0 ; next } \
+ /^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_-]+:/ && desc { print " " $$1 desc } \
+ { desc = "" }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | column -s: -t
+ ${Q}echo ""
+ ${Q}echo "These are common variables which can be overridden in config.mak:"
+ ${Q}echo ""
+ ${Q}# Match all variables which have preceding `## ` comments and which are assigned via `?=`.
+ ${Q}awk '/^[[:space:]]*## / { sub(/^[[:space:]]*##/,"",$$0) ; desc = desc $$0 ; next } \
+ /^[[:space:]]*[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_-]+[[:space:]]*\?=/ && desc { print " "$$1 ":" desc } \
+ { desc = "" }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | column -s: -t
.PHONY: build
+## Build Go binaries and install required Ruby Gems.
build: ${SOURCE_DIR}/.ruby-bundle libgit2
go install ${GO_LDFLAGS} -tags "${GO_BUILD_TAGS}" $(addprefix ${GITALY_PACKAGE}/cmd/, $(call find_commands))
# We use version suffix for the gitaly-git2go binary to support compatibility contract between
@@ -208,6 +243,7 @@ build: ${SOURCE_DIR}/.ruby-bundle libgit2
cp ${BUILD_DIR}/bin/gitaly-git2go "${BUILD_DIR}/bin/gitaly-git2go-${MODULE_VERSION}"
.PHONY: install
+## Install Gitaly binaries. The target directory can be modified by setting PREFIX and DESTDIR.
install: build
${Q}mkdir -p ${INSTALL_DEST_DIR}
install $(call find_command_binaries) ${INSTALL_DEST_DIR}
@@ -219,9 +255,11 @@ prepare-tests: git libgit2 prepare-test-repos ${SOURCE_DIR}/.ruby-bundle
prepare-test-repos: ${TEST_REPO} ${TEST_REPO_GIT}
.PHONY: test
+## Run Go and Ruby tests.
test: test-go rspec
.PHONY: test-go
+## Run Go tests.
test-go: prepare-tests ${GO_JUNIT_REPORT}
${Q}mkdir -p ${TEST_REPORT_DIR}
${Q}echo 0 >${TEST_EXIT}
@@ -230,6 +268,7 @@ test-go: prepare-tests ${GO_JUNIT_REPORT}
${Q}exit `cat ${TEST_EXIT}`
.PHONY: test
+## Run Go benchmarks.
bench: TEST_OPTIONS := ${TEST_OPTIONS} -bench=. -run=^$
bench: ${BENCHMARK_REPO} test-go
@@ -240,24 +279,29 @@ test-with-proxies: prepare-tests
${Q}$(call run_go_tests)
.PHONY: test-with-praefect
+## Run Go tests with Praefect.
test-with-praefect: build prepare-tests
${Q}GITALY_TEST_PRAEFECT_BIN=${BUILD_DIR}/bin/praefect $(call run_go_tests)
.PHONY: test-postgres
+## Run Go tests with Postgres.
test-postgres: GO_BUILD_TAGS := ${GO_BUILD_TAGS},postgres
test-postgres: TEST_PACKAGES := gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v14/internal/praefect/...
test-postgres: prepare-tests
${Q}$(call run_go_tests)
.PHONY: race-go
+## Run Go tests with race detection enabled.
race-go: TEST_OPTIONS := ${TEST_OPTIONS} -race
race-go: test-go
.PHONY: rspec
+## Run Ruby tests.
rspec: build prepare-tests
${Q}cd ${GITALY_RUBY_DIR} && PATH='${SOURCE_DIR}/internal/testhelper/testdata/home/bin:${PATH}' bundle exec rspec
.PHONY: verify
+## Verify that various files conform to our expectations.
verify: check-mod-tidy check-formatting notice-up-to-date check-proto rubocop
.PHONY: check-mod-tidy
@@ -267,6 +311,7 @@ check-mod-tidy:
${Q}${GIT} diff --quiet --exit-code go.mod go.sum || (echo "error: uncommitted changes in go.mod or go.sum" && exit 1)
.PHONY: lint
+## Run Go linter.
lint: ${GOLANGCI_LINT} libgit2
${Q}${GOLANGCI_LINT} run --build-tags "${GO_BUILD_TAGS}" --out-format tab --config ${GOLANGCI_LINT_CONFIG} ${GOLANGCI_LINT_OPTIONS}
@@ -280,6 +325,7 @@ check-formatting: ${GOIMPORTS} ${GITALYFMT}
${Q}${GITALYFMT} $(call find_go_sources) | awk '{ print } END { if(NR>0) { print "Formatting error, run make format"; exit(1) } }'
.PHONY: format
+## Run Go formatter and adjust imports.
${Q}${GOIMPORTS} -w -l $(call find_go_sources)
${Q}${GITALYFMT} -w $(call find_go_sources)
@@ -290,9 +336,11 @@ notice-up-to-date: ${BUILD_DIR}/NOTICE
${Q}(cmp ${BUILD_DIR}/NOTICE ${SOURCE_DIR}/NOTICE) || (echo >&2 "NOTICE requires update: 'make notice'" && false)
.PHONY: notice
+## Regenerate the NOTICE file.
.PHONY: clean
+## Clean up build artifacts.
rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR} ${SOURCE_DIR}/internal/testhelper/testdata/data/ ${SOURCE_DIR}/ruby/.bundle/ ${SOURCE_DIR}/ruby/vendor/bundle/ $(addprefix ${SOURCE_DIR}/, $(notdir $(call find_commands)))
@@ -304,10 +352,12 @@ clean-ruby-vendor-go:
check-proto: proto no-proto-changes lint-proto
.PHONY: rubocop
+## Run Rubocop.
rubocop: ${SOURCE_DIR}/.ruby-bundle
${Q}cd ${GITALY_RUBY_DIR} && bundle exec rubocop --parallel
.PHONY: cover
+## Generate coverage report via Go tests.
cover: GO_BUILD_TAGS := ${GO_BUILD_TAGS},postgres
cover: TEST_OPTIONS := ${TEST_OPTIONS} -coverprofile "${COVERAGE_DIR}/all.merged"
cover: prepare-tests libgit2 ${GOCOVER_COBERTURA}
@@ -324,6 +374,7 @@ cover: prepare-tests libgit2 ${GOCOVER_COBERTURA}
${Q}go tool cover -func "${COVERAGE_DIR}/all.merged"
.PHONY: proto
+## Regenerate protobuf definitions.
proto: SHARED_PROTOC_OPTS = --plugin=${PROTOC_GEN_GO} --plugin=${PROTOC_GEN_GO_GRPC} --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative
proto: ${PROTOC} ${PROTOC_GEN_GO} ${PROTOC_GEN_GO_GRPC} ${SOURCE_DIR}/.ruby-bundle
${Q}mkdir -p ${SOURCE_DIR}/proto/go/gitalypb
@@ -364,9 +415,11 @@ upgrade-module:
${Q}${MAKE} proto
.PHONY: git
+## Build Git.
git: ${GIT_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/git
.PHONY: libgit2
+## Build libgit2.
libgit2: ${LIBGIT2_INSTALL_DIR}/lib/libgit2.a
# This file is used by Omnibus and CNG to skip the "bundle install"