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gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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Diffstat (limited to 'proto/README.md')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/proto/README.md b/proto/README.md
index c398d0c49..0b24bfcb7 100644
--- a/proto/README.md
+++ b/proto/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,321 @@
-# Vendored copy of gitaly-proto
+# Protobuf specifications and client libraries for Gitaly
-Vendored from gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly-proto at a1e8074ed11a176e964c505dc30d153cbe8fed4d.
+> This directory was previously hosted at https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly-proto. As of Gitaly 1.58.0 and gitaly-proto 1.39.0, all further proto changes will be made here, in `gitaly/proto`.
-Migration in progress, see
-https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/issues/1761. Do not edit files in
-this directory, your changes will be ignored and overwritten.
+Gitaly is part of GitLab. It is a [server
+application](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly) that uses its own
+gRPC protocol to communicate with its clients. This repository
+contains the protocol definition and automatically generated wrapper
+code for Go and Ruby.
+The .proto files define the remote procedure calls for interacting
+with Gitaly. We keep auto-generated client libraries for Ruby and Go
+in their respective subdirectories. The list of RPCs can be
+[found here](https://gitlab-org.gitlab.io/gitaly-proto/).
+Run `make proto` from the root of the repository to regenerate the client
+libraries after updating .proto files.
+for documentation of the 'proto3' Protocol buffer specification
+## Issues
+We have disabled the issue tracker of the gitaly-proto project. Please use the
+[Gitaly issue tracker](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/issues).
+## gRPC/Protobuf concepts
+The core Protobuf concepts we use are rpc, service and message. We use
+these to define the Gitaly **protocol**.
+- **rpc** a function that can be called from the client and that gets
+ executed on the server. Belongs to a service. Can have one of four
+ request/response signatures: message/message (example: get metadata for
+ commit xxx), message/stream (example: get contents of blob xxx),
+ stream/message (example: create new blob with contents xxx),
+ stream/stream (example: git SSH session).
+- **service** a logical group of RPC's.
+- **message** like a JSON object except it has pre-defined types.
+- **stream** an unbounded sequence of messages. In the Ruby clients
+ this looks like an Enumerator.
+gRPC provides an implementation framework based on these Protobuf concepts.
+- A gRPC **server** implements one or more services behind a network
+ listener. Example: the Gitaly server application.
+- The gRPC toolchain automatically generates **client libraries** that
+ handle serialization and connection management. Example: the Go
+ client package and Ruby gem in this repository.
+- gRPC **clients** use the client libraries to make remote procedure
+ calls. These clients must decide what network address to reach their
+ gRPC servers on and handle connection reuse: it is possible to
+ spread different gRPC services over multiple connections to the same
+ gRPC server.
+- Officially a gRPC connection is called a **channel**. In the Go gRPC
+ library these channels are called **client connections** because
+ 'channel' is already a concept in Go itself. In Ruby a gRPC channel
+ is an instance of GRPC::Core::Channel. We use the word 'connection'
+ in this document. The underlying transport of gRPC, HTTP/2, allows
+ multiple remote procedure calls to happen at the same time on a
+ single connection to a gRPC server. In principle, a multi-threaded
+ gRPC client needs only one connection to a gRPC server.
+## Design decisions
+1. In Gitaly's case there is one server application
+ https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly which implements all services
+ in the protocol.
+1. In default GitLab installations each Gitaly client interacts with
+ exactly 1 Gitaly server, on the same host, via a Unix domain socket.
+ In a larger installation each Gitaly client will interact with many
+ different Gitaly servers (one per GitLab storage shard) via TCP
+ connections.
+1. Gitaly uses
+ [grpc.Errorf](https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#Errorf) to
+ return meaningful
+ [errors](https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc/codes#Code) to its
+ clients.
+1. Each RPC `FooBar` has its own `FooBarRequest` and `FooBarResponse`
+ message types. Try to keep the structure of these messages as flat as
+ possible. Only add abstractions when they have a practical benefit.
+1. We never make backwards incompatible changes to an RPC that is
+ already implemented on either the client side or server side.
+ Instead we just create a new RPC call and start a deprecation
+ procedure (see below) for the old one.
+1. It is encouraged to put comments (starting with `//`) in .proto files.
+ Please put comments on their own lines. This will cause them to be
+ treated as documentation by the protoc compiler.
+1. When choosing an RPC name don't use the service name as context.
+ Good: `service CommitService { rpc CommitExists }`. Bad:
+ `service CommitService { rpc Exists }`.
+### RPC naming conventions
+Gitaly-Proto has RPCs that are resource based, for example when querying for a
+commit. Another class of RPCs are operations, where the result might be empty
+or one of the RPC error codes but the fact that the operation took place is
+of importance.
+For all RPCs, start the name with a verb, followed by an entity, and if required
+followed by a further specification. For example:
+- GetCommit
+- RepackRepositoryIncremental
+- CreateRepositoryFromBundle
+For resource RPCs the verbs in use are limited to: Get, List, Create, Update,
+Delete, or Is. Where both Get and List as verbs denote these operations have no side
+effects. These verbs differ in terms of the expected number of results the query
+yields. Get queries are limited to one result, and are expected to return one
+result to the client. List queries have zero or more results, and generally will
+create a gRPC stream for their results. When the `Is` verb is used, this RPC
+is expected to return a boolean, or an error. For example: `IsRepositoryEmpty`.
+When an operation based RPC is defined, the verb should map to the first verb in
+the Git command it represents. Example; FetchRemote.
+Note that the current interface defined in this repository does not yet abide
+fully to these conventions. Newly defined RPCs should, though, so eventually
+gitaly-proto converges to a common standard.
+### Common field names and types
+As a general principle, remember that Git does not enforce encodings on
+most data inside repositories, so we can rarely assume data to be a
+Protobuf "string" (which implies UTF-8).
+1. `bytes revision`: for fields that accept any of branch names / tag
+ names / commit ID's. Uses `bytes` to be encoding agnostic.
+2. `string commit_id`: for fields that accept a commit ID.
+3. `bytes ref`: for fields that accept a refname.
+4. `bytes path`: for paths inside Git repositories, i.e., inside Git
+ `tree` objects.
+5. `string relative_path`: for paths on disk on a Gitaly server,
+ created by "us" (GitLab the application) instead of the user, we
+ want to use UTF-8, or better, ASCII.
+### Stream patterns
+These are some patterns we already use, or want to use going forward.
+#### Stream response of many small items
+rpc FooBar(FooBarRequest) returns (stream FooBarResponse);
+message FooBarResponse {
+ message Item {
+ // ...
+ }
+ repeated Item items = 1;
+A typical example of an "Item" would be a commit. To avoid the penalty
+of network IO for each Item we return, we batch them together. You can
+think of this as a kind of buffered IO at the level of the Item
+messages. In Go, to ease the bookkeeping you can use
+#### Single large item split over multiple messages
+rpc FooBar(FooBarRequest) returns (stream FooBarResponse);
+message FooBarResponse {
+ message Header {
+ // ...
+ }
+ oneof payload {
+ Header header = 1;
+ bytes data = 2;
+ }
+A typical example of a large item would be the contents of a Git blob.
+The header might contain the blob OID and the blob size. Only the first
+message in the response stream has `header` set, all others have `data`
+but no `header`.
+In the particular case where you're sending back raw binary data from
+Go, you can use
+to turn your gRPC response stream into an `io.Writer`.
+> Note that a number of existing RPC's do not use this pattern exactly;
+> they don't use `oneof`. In practice this creates ambiguity (does the
+> first message contain non-empty `data`?) and encourages complex
+> optimization in the server implementation (trying to squeeze data into
+> the first response message). Using `oneof` avoids this ambiguity.
+#### Many large items split over multiple messages
+rpc FooBar(FooBarRequest) returns (stream FooBarResponse);
+message FooBarResponse {
+ message Header {
+ // ...
+ }
+ oneof payload {
+ Header header = 1;
+ bytes data = 2;
+ }
+This looks the same as the "single large item" case above, except
+whenever a new large item begins, we send a new message with a non-empty
+`header` field.
+#### Footers
+If the RPC requires it we can also send a footer using `oneof`. But by
+default, we prefer headers.
+### RPC Annotations
+In preparation for Gitaly HA, we are now requiring all RPC's to be annotated
+with an appropriate designation. All methods must contain one of the following lines:
+- `option (op_type).op = ACCESSOR;`
+ - Designates an RPC as being read-only (i.e. side effect free)
+- `option (op_type).op = MUTATOR;`
+ - Designates that an RPC modifies the repository
+Failing to designate an RPC correctly will result in a CI error. For example:
+`--gitaly_out: server.proto: Method ServerInfo missing op_type option`
+Additionally, all mutator RPC's require additional annotations to clearly
+indicate what is being modified:
+- When an RPC modifies a server-wide resource, the scope should specify `SERVER`.
+- When an RPC modifies a specific repository, the scope should specify `REPOSITORY`.
+ - Additionally, every RPC with `REPOSITORY` scope, should also specify the target repository.
+The target repository represents the location or address of the repository
+being modified by the operation. This is needed by Praefect (Gitaly HA) in
+order to properly schedule replications to keep repository replicas up to date.
+The target repository annotation specifies where the target repository can be
+found in the message. The annotation looks similar to an IP address, but
+variable in length (e.g. "1", "1.1", "1.1.1"). Each dot delimited field
+represents the field number of how to traverse the protobuf request message to
+find the target repository. The target repository **must** be of protobuf
+message type `gitaly.Repository`.
+See our examples of [valid](go/internal/linter/testdata/valid.proto) and
+[invalid](go/internal/linter/testdata/invalid.proto) proto annotations.
+### Go Package
+If adding new protobuf files, make sure to correctly set the `go_package` option
+near the top of the file:
+`option go_package = "gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly-proto/go/gitalypb";`
+This allows other protobuf files to locate and import the Go generated stubs. If
+you forget to add a `go_package` option, you may receive an error similar to:
+`blob.proto is missing the go_package option`
+## Contributing
+The CI at https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly-proto regenerates the
+client libraries to guard against the mistake of updating the .proto
+files but not the client libraries. This check uses `git diff` to look
+for changes. Some of the code in the Go client libraries is sensitive
+to implementation details of the Go standard library (specifically,
+the output of gzip). **Use the same Go version as .gitlab-ci.yml (Go
+1.11)** when generating new client libraries for a merge request.
+[DCO + License](CONTRIBUTING.md)
+### Build process
+After you change or add a .proto file you need to re-generate the Go
+and Ruby libraries before committing your change.
+# Re-generate Go and Ruby libraries
+make generate
+## How to deprecate an RPC call
+## Release
+This will tag and release the gitaly-proto library, including
+pushing the gem to rubygems.org
+make release version=X.Y.Z
+## How to manually push the gem
+If the release script fails the gem may not be pushed. This is how you can do that after the fact:
+# Use a sub-shell to limit scope of 'set -e'
+ set -e
+ # Replace X.Y.Z with the version you are pushing
+ git checkout v$GEM_VERSION
+ gem build gitaly.gemspec
+ gem push gitaly-$GEM_VERSION.gem