stages: - build - test - publish - qa default: image: tags: - gitlab-org variables: DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 SAST_DISABLE_DIND: "true" SAST_DEFAULT_ANALYZERS: "gosec" # We use Gitaly's Git version by default. GIT_VERSION: "default" GO_VERSION: "1.17" RUBY_VERSION: "2.7" POSTGRES_VERSION: "12.6-alpine" include: - template: Workflows/MergeRequest-Pipelines.gitlab-ci.yml - template: Security/License-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml - template: Security/Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml - template: Security/Coverage-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml - template: Security/Secret-Detection.gitlab-ci.yml danger-review: image: ruby:2.7 allow_failure: true stage: build only: - merge_requests except: - tags - master variables: BUNDLE_GEMFILE: danger/Gemfile before_script: - bundle install script: - > if [ -z "$DANGER_GITLAB_API_TOKEN" ]; then # Force danger to skip CI source GitLab and fallback to "local only git repo". unset GITLAB_CI # We need access to the base SHA to help danger determine the base commit for this shallow clone. bundle exec danger dry_run --fail-on-errors=true --verbose --base='$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_BASE_SHA' else bundle exec danger --fail-on-errors=true --verbose fi .cache: &cache_definition cache: &cache_configuration key: files: - Makefile - ruby/Gemfile.lock prefix: git-${GIT_VERSION}-ruby-${RUBY_VERSION} paths: - _build/deps - ruby/vendor/bundle policy: pull .test_template: &test_definition <<: *cache_definition stage: test artifacts: paths: - ruby/tmp/gitaly-rspec-test.log when: on_failure expire_in: 1 week .postgres_template: &postgres_definition image:${RUBY_VERSION}-golang-${GO_VERSION}-git-2.31 services: - postgres:${POSTGRES_VERSION} variables: &postgres_variables PGHOST: postgres PGPORT: "5432" PGUSER: postgres POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD: trust before_script: - go version - git version - while ! psql -h $PGHOST -U $PGUSER -c 'SELECT 1' > /dev/null; do echo "awaiting Postgres service to be ready..." && sleep 1 ; done && echo "Postgres service is ready!" .pgbouncer_template: &pgbouncer_definition <<: *postgres_definition image:${RUBY_VERSION}-golang-${GO_VERSION}-git-2.31-pgbouncer-1.14 variables: <<: *postgres_variables PGHOST_PGBOUNCER: PGPORT_PGBOUNCER: "6432" before_script: - go version - git version - pgbouncer --version - adduser --no-create-home --disabled-password --disabled-login --quiet --force-badname --gecos '' pgbouncer-runner - su pgbouncer-runner -c 'pgbouncer internal/praefect/datastore/glsql/testdata/pgbouncer.ini' & - for i in {1..10}; do psql -U $PGUSER -c 'select now()' && break; done || { echo 'pgbouncer awaiting failed' ; exit 1; } verify: <<: *cache_definition stage: test script: - make verify proto: <<: *cache_definition stage: test script: - make proto no-changes artifacts: paths: - _build/proto.diff - ruby/proto/gitaly/* - proto/go/gitalypb/* when: on_failure build: stage: build image:${RUBY_VERSION}-golang-${GO_VERSION}-git-2.31 cache: <<: *cache_configuration policy: pull-push script: - go version - make all git - _support/test-boot . parallel: matrix: # These definitions are for the non-default Git versions. #- GO_VERSION: [ "1.16", "1.17" ] # GIT_VERSION: [ ] # RUBY_VERSION: [ "2.7" ] # These definitions are for the default Git version where we want to # apply our default set of Git patches. - GO_VERSION: [ "1.16", "1.17" ] RUBY_VERSION: [ "2.7" ] binaries: <<: *cache_definition stage: build image:${RUBY_VERSION}-golang-${GO_VERSION}-git-2.31 only: - tags script: # Just in case we start running CI builds on other architectures in future - go version - make build - cd _build && sha256sum bin/* | tee checksums.sha256.txt artifacts: paths: - _build/checksums.sha256.txt - _build/bin/ name: "${CI_JOB_NAME}:go-${GO_VERSION}-git-${GIT_VERSION}" expire_in: 6 months parallel: matrix: - GO_VERSION: [ "1.16", "1.17" ] test: <<: *test_definition <<: *postgres_definition image:${RUBY_VERSION}-golang-${GO_VERSION}-git-2.31 script: - _build/deps/git/install/bin/git version # This command will make all directories except of our build directory and Ruby code unwritable. # The purpose is to verify that there is no test which writes into those directories anymore, as # they should all instead use a temporary directory for runtime data. - find . -type d \( -path ./_build -o -path ./ruby \) -prune -o -type d -exec chmod a-w {} \; - make ${TARGET} artifacts: paths: - _build/reports/go-tests-report-go-${GO_VERSION}-git-${GIT_VERSION}.xml reports: junit: _build/reports/go-tests-report-go-${GO_VERSION}-git-${GIT_VERSION}.xml parallel: matrix: # These definitions are for the non-default Git versions. #- GO_VERSION: [ "1.16", "1.17" ] # GIT_VERSION: [ ] # TARGET: test # These definitions are for the default Git version where we want to # apply our default set of Git patches. - GO_VERSION: [ "1.16", "1.17" ] TARGET: test - GO_VERSION: "1.17" TARGET: [ test-with-proxies, test-with-praefect, race-go ] nightly:git: <<: *test_definition <<: *postgres_definition image:${RUBY_VERSION}-golang-${GO_VERSION}-git-2.31 script: - go version - make all ${TARGET} parallel: matrix: - GO_VERSION: "1.17" GIT_VERSION: [ "master", "next" ] TARGET: [ test, test-with-proxies, test-with-praefect ] rules: - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"' cover: <<: *cache_definition <<: *postgres_definition stage: test script: - make cover artifacts: reports: cobertura: _build/cover/cobertura.xml gosec-sast: before_script: - apk add pkgconfig libgit2-dev gcc libc-dev rules: - if: $SAST_DISABLED when: never - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH - if: $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG license_scanning: before_script: - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get install -y libicu-dev libgit2-dev cmake rules: - if: $LICENSE_SCANNING_DISABLED when: never - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH - if: $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG variables: LICENSE_FINDER_CLI_OPTS: '--aggregate-paths=. ruby' gemnasium-dependency_scanning: rules: - if: $DEPENDENCY_SCANNING_DISABLED when: never - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH - if: $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG secret_detection: inherit: default: false rules: - if: $SECRET_DETECTION_DISABLED when: never - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH - if: $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG praefect_sql_connect: <<: *test_definition services: - postgres:${POSTGRES_VERSION} variables: POSTGRES_DB: praefect_test POSTGRES_USER: praefect POSTGRES_PASSWORD: sql-password script: - make # Sanity check: direct ping with psql - PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD psql -h postgres -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB -c 'select now()' - ruby -rerb -e '' _support/ > config.praefect.toml - ./_build/bin/praefect -config config.praefect.toml sql-ping - ./_build/bin/praefect -config config.praefect.toml sql-migrate pgbouncer_test: # This job verifies all operations run without issues if PgBouncer is set in between service and PostgreSQL database. <<: *test_definition <<: *pgbouncer_definition script: - make test-postgres lint: stage: test retry: 2 script: - go version - make lint objectinfo_fuzz_test: extends: .fuzz_base stage: test script: - apt update && apt install -y clang-7 - go get && go get - /root/go/bin/go-fuzz-build -libfuzzer -o objectinfo_fuzzer.a ./internal/git/catfile - clang-7 -fsanitize=fuzzer objectinfo_fuzzer.a -o objectinfo_fuzzer - ./gitlab-cov-fuzz run -- ./objectinfo_fuzzer -max_total_time=300 trigger-qa: stage: qa trigger: project: gitlab-org/build/omnibus-gitlab-mirror variables: ALTERNATIVE_SOURCES: "true" GITALY_SERVER_VERSION: $CI_COMMIT_SHA GITALY_SERVER_ALTERNATIVE_REPO: $CI_PROJECT_URL ee: "true" rules: - if: $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA != "" when: manual allow_failure: true variables: # Downstream pipeline does not fetch the merged result SHA. # Fix: GITALY_SERVER_VERSION: $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA - when: manual allow_failure: true