image: stages: - build - test - publish variables: DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 CUSTOM_IMAGE_VERSION: ruby-2.6-golang-1.13-git-2.24 danger-review: image: stage: build only: - branches@gitlab-org/gitaly except: - tags - master script: - git version - danger .ruby_template: &ruby_definition cache: key: gems-ruby-2.6 paths: - ruby/vendor/bundle .build_template: &build_definition <<: *ruby_definition stage: build script: - go version - make - echo 'make build-gitaly-remote TODO' - _support/test-boot . .assemble_template: &assemble_definition <<: *ruby_definition stage: build only: - tags script: # Just in case we start running CI builds on other architectures in future - go version - make binaries artifacts: paths: - _build/assembly/checksums.sha256.txt - _build/assembly/bin/ name: "$CI_JOB_NAME" expire_in: 6 months .go_test_template: &go_test_definition <<: *ruby_definition stage: test # Override the ruby_definition cache definition for pull cache: key: gems-ruby-2.6 paths: - ruby/vendor/bundle policy: pull artifacts: paths: - ruby/tmp/gitaly-rspec-test.log when: on_failure expire_in: 1 week .test_template: &test_definition <<: *go_test_definition script: - go version - git version - make test - echo 'make test-gitaly-remote TODO' verify: <<: *ruby_definition stage: test script: - make verify verify-warnings: <<: *ruby_definition stage: test script: - make verify-warnings allow_failure: true proto: <<: *ruby_definition stage: test script: - make proto no-changes build:go1.13: <<: *build_definition image: build:go1.12: <<: *build_definition image: binaries_go1.13: <<: *assemble_definition image: binaries_go1.12: <<: *assemble_definition image: test:go1.13-git-2.21-ruby-2.6: image: <<: *test_definition test:go1.13-git-2.22-ruby-2.6: image: <<: *test_definition test:go1.12-git-2.22-ruby-2.6: image: <<: *test_definition test:go1.13-git-2.24-ruby-2.6: image: <<: *test_definition test:go1.12-git-2.24-ruby-2.6: image: <<: *test_definition test:proxy: <<: *test_definition script: - make test-with-proxies race: <<: *go_test_definition script: - go version - git version - make race-go cover: <<: *ruby_definition stage: test script: - make cover .build_image: &build_image stage: publish image: docker:latest services: - docker:dind docker: <<: *build_image script: - mkdir -p _support/build-images/$CI_JOB_NAME/ - cp ruby/Gemfile ruby/Gemfile.lock _support/build-images/$CI_JOB_NAME/ - cp _support/build-images/versioned/Dockerfile _support/build-images/$CI_JOB_NAME/ - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY - docker build -t $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/gitaly:latest --build-arg CUSTOM_IMAGE_VERSION=$CUSTOM_IMAGE_VERSION _support/build-images/$CI_JOB_NAME - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/gitaly:latest only: - master docker-tag: <<: *build_image script: - mkdir -p _support/build-images/$CI_JOB_NAME/ - cp ruby/Gemfile ruby/Gemfile.lock _support/build-images/$CI_JOB_NAME/ - cp _support/build-images/versioned/Dockerfile _support/build-images/$CI_JOB_NAME/ - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY - docker build -t $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/gitaly:$CI_COMMIT_TAG --build-arg CUSTOM_IMAGE_VERSION=$CUSTOM_IMAGE_VERSION _support/build-images/$CI_JOB_NAME - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/gitaly:$CI_COMMIT_TAG only: - tags@gitlab-org/gitaly # Create a MR in GitLab-CE when releasing a Gitaly version update-downstream-server-version: stage: publish only: - tags@gitlab-org/gitaly script: - ruby _support/update-downstream-server-version allow_failure: true include: - template: Security/License-Management.gitlab-ci.yml - template: SAST.gitlab-ci.yml variables: SAST_DISABLE_DIND: "true" SAST_DEFAULT_ANALYZERS: "gosec" gosec-sast: before_script: - apk add pkgconfig libgit2-dev gcc libc-dev license_management: before_script: - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get install -y libicu-dev libgit2-dev cmake variables: LICENSE_FINDER_CLI_OPTS: '--aggregate-paths=. ruby' praefect_sql_connect: <<: *go_test_definition services: - postgres:9.6 variables: POSTGRES_DB: praefect_test POSTGRES_USER: praefect POSTGRES_PASSWORD: sql-password script: - make # Sanity check: direct ping with psql - PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD psql -h postgres -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB -c 'select now()' - ruby -rerb -e '' _support/ > config.praefect.toml - ./praefect -config config.praefect.toml sql-ping - ./praefect -config config.praefect.toml sql-migrate