## What Remove the `:feature_name` feature flag ... ## Owners - Team: Gitaly - Most appropriate slack channel to reach out to: `#g_gitaly` - Best individual to reach out to: NAME ## Expectations ### What release does this feature occur in first? ### What are we expecting to happen? ### What might happen if this goes wrong? ### What can we monitor to detect problems with this? ## Beta groups/projects If applicable, any groups/projects that are happy to have this feature turned on early. Some organizations may wish to test big changes they are interested in with a small subset of users ahead of time for example. - `gitlab-org/gitlab` / `gitlab-org/gitaly` projects - `gitlab-org`/`gitlab-com` groups - ... ## Roll Out Steps - [ ] [Read the documentation of feature flags](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/rolling_out_changes_using_feature_flags.html) - [ ] Enable on staging - [ ] Test on staging - [ ] Ensure that documentation has been updated - [ ] Enable on GitLab.com for individual groups/projects listed above and verify behaviour - [ ] Announce on the issue an estimated time this will be enabled on GitLab.com - [ ] Enable on GitLab.com by running chatops command in `#production` - [ ] Cross post chatops slack command to `#support_gitlab-com` and in your team channel - [ ] Announce on the issue that the flag has been enabled - [ ] Remove feature flag and add changelog entry /label ~"devops::create" ~"group::gitaly" ~"feature flag" ~"backstage"