# options for analysis running run: # timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m, default is 1m timeout: 10m modules-download-mode: readonly # list of useful linters could be found at https://github.com/golangci/awesome-go-linters linters: disable-all: true enable: - bidichk - depguard - errcheck - errname - exportloopref - forbidigo - gci - gitaly-linters # We use both gofmt and gofumpt because gofumpt doesn't seem to be linting # for simplifications, while gofmt does. - gofmt - gofumpt - goimports - gosimple - govet - ineffassign - makezero - megacheck - misspell - noctx - nolintlint - paralleltest - revive - rowserrcheck - staticcheck - stylecheck - sqlclosecheck - tenv - thelper - unconvert - unused - wastedassign linters-settings: depguard: rules: main: deny: - pkg: "io/ioutil" desc: "ioutil is deprecated starting with Go 1.16" - pkg: "gitlab.com/gitlab-org/labkit/log" desc: "use internal/log instead" errcheck: # The following are functions for which we are currently not consistently # checking returned errors. This is not intended as a list of known-okay # cases to skip the checks, but rather as a list of things we should # eventually fix. exclude-functions: - (*database/sql.DB).Close - (*database/sql.Rows).Close - (*gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v16/client.Pool).Close - (*gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v16/internal/grpc/sidechannel.ServerConn).Close - (*gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v16/internal/streamcache.pipe).Close - (*gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v16/internal/streamcache.pipeReader).Close - (*google.golang.org/grpc.ClientConn).Close - (*google.golang.org/grpc.ServerConn).Close - (*io.PipeReader).Close - (*io.PipeWriter).Close - (*os.File).Close - (io.Closer).Close - (net.Conn).Close - (net.Listener).Close forbidigo: forbid: - p: ^logrus\.(Debug|Error|Fatal|Info|Panic|Print|Trace|Warn|Warning)(f|ln)?$ msg: Use an injected logger or `ctxlogrus.Extract()`. - p: ^logrus\.StandardLogger$ msg: Use an injected logger or `ctxlogrus.Extract()`. - p: ^logrus\.New$ msg: Use an injected logger or `ctxlogrus.Extract()`. - p: ^logrus\.With(Context|Error|Field|Fields|Time)$ msg: Use an injected logger or `ctxlogrus.Extract()`. analyze-types: true paralleltest: # Ignore missing calls to `t.Parallel()` and only report incorrect uses of it. ignore-missing: true revive: # Specifying any rule explicitly will disable the default-enabled rules. # Manually specify the defaults along with `context-as-argument`. rules: - name: blank-imports disabled: false - name: context-as-argument arguments: # The context should always be first, except in our testing packages. allowTypesBefore: "*testing.T,*testing.B,testing.TB" - name: dot-imports disabled: false - name: error-naming disabled: false - name: error-return disabled: false - name: error-strings disabled: false - name: exported disabled: false - name: increment-decrement disabled: false - name: indent-error-flow disabled: false - name: receiver-naming disabled: false - name: range disabled: false - name: var-naming disabled: false stylecheck: # ST1000 checks for missing package comments. We don't use these for most # packages, so let's disable this check. checks: [ "all", "-ST1000" ] thelper: test: # The following linter would check whether we always call `t.Helper()` in # functions that are not the top-level testcase. While this is nice in # theory, in practice it would also impact e.g. usecases like # `testhelper.NewFeatureSets(...).Run(t, testWithFeatures)`. This isn't # really what we want, so we just leave these as disabled for the time # being. begin: false benchmark: begin: false tb: begin: false custom: gitaly-linters: path: ./_build/tools/gitaly-linters.so description: A collection of linters tailored for Gitaly original-url: gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly settings: string_interpolation_quote: included-functions: - fmt.* error_wrap: included-functions: - fmt.Errorf - gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v16/internal/structerr.* unavailable_code: included-functions: - gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v16/internal/structerr.NewUnavailable testhelper_run: included-functions: - gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v16/internal/testhelper.Run issues: exclude-use-default: false # Maximum issues count per one linter. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 50. max-issues-per-linter: 0 # Maximum count of issues with the same text. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 3. max-same-issues: 0