# Example Praefect configuration file # # TCP address to listen on # listen_addr = "" socket_path = "/home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/private/praefect.socket" # prometheus_listen_addr = "" # # You can optionally configure Praefect to output JSON-formatted log messages to stdout # [logging] # format = "json" # # Optional: Set log level to only log entries with that severity or above # # One of, in order: debug, info, warn, errror, fatal, panic # # Defaults to "info" # level = "warn" # # One or more Gitaly servers need to be configured to be managed. The names # of each server are used to link multiple nodes, or `gitaly_server`s together # as shard. listen_addr should be unique for all nodes. # Requires the protocol to be defined, e.g. tcp://host.tld:1234 [[gitaly_server]] name = "default" listen_addr = "tcp://localhost:9999"