require 'yaml' NO_CHANGELOG_LABELS = %w[backstage documentation test].freeze SEE_DOC = "See [the documentation](".freeze CREATE_CHANGELOG_MESSAGE = <<~MSG.freeze You can create one with: ``` _support/changelog -m %s "%s" ``` If your merge request doesn't warrant a CHANGELOG entry, consider adding any of the %s labels. MSG def check_changelog(path) yaml = YAML.safe_load( fail "`title` should be set, in #{gitlab.html_link(path)}! #{SEE_DOC}" if yaml["title"].nil? fail "`type` should be set, in #{gitlab.html_link(path)}! #{SEE_DOC}" if yaml["type"].nil? if yaml["merge_request"].nil? message "Consider setting `merge_request` to #{gitlab.mr_json["iid"]} in #{gitlab.html_link(path)}. #{SEE_DOC}" elsif yaml["merge_request"] != gitlab.mr_json["iid"] fail "Merge request ID was not set to #{gitlab.mr_json["iid"]}! #{SEE_DOC}" end if yaml["type"].nil? fail "No type was set in the changelog" end rescue Psych::SyntaxError, Psych::DisallowedClass, Psych::BadAlias # YAML could not be parsed, fail the build. fail "#{gitlab.html_link(path)} isn't valid YAML! #{SEE_DOC}" rescue StandardError => e warn "There was a problem trying to check the Changelog. Exception: #{} - #{e.message}" end def presented_no_changelog_labels { |label| "~#{label}" }.join(', ') end changelog_needed = (gitlab.mr_labels & NO_CHANGELOG_LABELS).empty? changelog_found = git.added_files.find { |path| path =~ %r{\Achangelogs/unreleased/} } mr_title = gitlab.mr_json["title"].gsub(/^WIP: */, '') if git.modified_files.include?("") fail "** was edited.** Please remove the additions and create a CHANGELOG entry.\n\n" + format(CREATE_CHANGELOG_MESSAGE, mr_iid: gitlab.mr_json["iid"], mr_title: mr_title, labels: presented_no_changelog_labels) end if changelog_needed if changelog_found check_changelog(changelog_found) else warn "**[CHANGELOG missing](**\n\n" + format(CREATE_CHANGELOG_MESSAGE, mr_iid: gitlab.mr_json["iid"], mr_title: mr_title, labels: presented_no_changelog_labels) end end # vim: ft=ruby