# gRPC load balancing gRPC protocol is fast protocol built on top of HTTP2. We use gRPC extensively to act as the main communication between Gitaly and other services. When Gitaly scaled up, we needed to add more servers and build a smart proxy (Praefect) to distribute the requests to corresponding nodes. Essentially, Praefect deploys a collection of servers to avoid being the bottleneck for the whole Gitaly Cluster. So, it's essential that Praefect effectively load balance requests. Like other normal application-layer (L7) protocols, there are two major approaches: - Put Praefect servers behind a load balancer. This load balancer can be at L3/L4 (transport level) or L7 (application level). - Apply client-side load balancing. For more information on each approach, see the [official documentation](https://grpc.io/blog/grpc-load-balancing/). gRPC supports complete, sophisticated, and flexible client-side load balancing. However, the official gRPC documentation doesn't cover it. So this documentation covers how gRPC client-side load balancing works. ## How gRPC client-side load balancing works ```mermaid flowchart TD Target["dns://"]--Pick by URI scheme\nOr grpc.WithResolvers--> Builder Builder--> Resolver subgraph ClientConn Resolver -.Refresh.-> Resolver Resolver -- Update state --> LoadBalancer LoadBalancer --> SubChannel1 LoadBalancer --> SubChannel2 LoadBalancer --> SubChannel3 SubChannel1 -. Report .-> LoadBalancer SubChannel2 -. Report .-> LoadBalancer SubChannel3 -. Report .-> LoadBalancer end subgraph Gitaly Gitaly1 Gitaly2 Gitaly3 end SubChannel1 -- TCP --> Gitaly1 SubChannel2 -- TCP --> Gitaly2 SubChannel3 -- TCP --> Gitaly3 Resolver --> net.Resolver net.Resolver -.If specify authority.-> Authority[Authority Nameserver\n8.8.8.8:53] net.Resolver -..-> Authority2[OS's configured nameserver] net.Resolver -..-> /etc/resolv.conf ``` Though load balancing is a generic concept, each implementation has some minor differences and capabilities. This documentation focuses on the `grpc-go` implementation. In general, client-side load balancing is managed by [`grpc.ClientConn`](https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/grpc#ClientConn). When a client performs `grpc.Dial`, the target URL must be resolved by a resolver. gRPC: - Supports many built-in resolvers, including a [DNS resolver](https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go/blob/master/internal/resolver/dns/dns_resolver.go). - Provides a [powerful framework](https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/grpc/resolver) to build a custom resolver. Building client-side load balancing involves three main components: builder, resolver, and load balancer. ### Builder A builder creates a resolver object and handles a particular scheme (`tcp`, `dns`, `tls`, or any custom scheme). Each `resolver.Builder` is registered with `resolver.Register` which adds the builder to global builder map keyed by its scheme. [`grpc.WithResolvers`](https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/grpc#WithResolvers) can also be used to locally register a resolver with the connection. The connection target's scheme is used to select the correct builder to create a `resolver.Resolver`. Each client connection maintains a single resolver object. ### Resolver A resolver is responsible for name resolution and translates a target (`scheme://host:port`) to a list of IP addresses and port numbers. gRPC depends on the target scheme to determine the corresponding resolver. For more information, see the [relevant documentation](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/naming.md). gRPC libraries support a number of built-in resolvers for most use cases. The output of the resolver is a list of addresses. After the resolver fetches the list for the first time or detects any change, it notifies client connection or channel to create a new load balancer with corresponding subchannels reflecting the new network topology. This update is handled gracefully so that the in-flight calls are handled by the old connections until finished. The new one handles all sequential calls. #### Passthrough resolver By default, if the scheme is not specified or unsupported, gRPC falls back to the `passthrough` resolver, which is the simplest resolver. This resolver supports both IP address and URL host and always creates a TCP connection regardless of how many IP addresses resolved from the URL host. The passthrough resolver doesn't watch for any later IP address changes. #### DNS resolver Another popular resolver is the DNS resolver. The target looks something like `dns:///gitaly.service.dc1.consul` (note three slashes - it's a [naming convention](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/naming.md)). After starting, this resolver repeatedly issues DNS query requests to DNS authorities. If it detects any changes, it notifies the client connection to update network topology. This resolver always watches for A records. If there is more than one A record, it fetches the full list. A load balancer is responsible for distributing the load from this list. Support for [SRV records](https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/discovery/dns#service-lookups) is deprecated. #### Other resolvers gRPC supports other advanced resolvers, such as [xDS](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/grpc_xds_features.md) ( popularized by [Envoy](https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-docs/xds_protocol)). It also let us create a custom resolver to side-load the list of gRPC servers as we wish. Unfortunately, the support for resolver customization is limited. ### Load balancer The load balancer is responsible for managing connections and distributing workloads, and is created from the list of addresses from the resolver. For each address, the balancer creates a subchannel, which is a TCP connection to a destination node. Multiple calls to the same node share the same underlying TCP connection thanks to HTTP2 framing multiplexing. The load balancer constantly watches the connectivity status of subchannels: - Subchannels are established asynchronously. The load balancer performs initialization promptly to ensure the connection is ready before use. - When any of the subchannels are disrupted, the load balancer attempts to re-connect. After some failed attempts, the load balancer removes the subchannel. The sequential requests are redirected to other healthy subchannels. - If the retry policy is set, the load balancer replays the corrupted requests to other subchannels automatically. More about this in a later section. - The load balancer attempts to reconnect the failed node occasionally. When the node is back again, the requests are rebalanced to that subchannel again. Each load balancer implements a strategy for picking the subchannel. By default, the default load balancer strategy is `pick_first`. This strategy picks the first address from the resolver and rejects the rest. It creates and maintains a single subchannel for the first address only. When the connection is disrupted, the load balancer gives up and lets the upper layers handle the situation. Even if we use DNS service discovery, all requests are routed to the first node (likely the first record returned by the DNS server). The support for client-side load balancing varies between libraries ( for example, [grpc-go](https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go/tree/09fc1a349826f04420292e0915fd11a5ce3dc347/balancer), [grpc-core](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/7eb99baad858625699071d18f636dff268aa9b45/src/core/plugin_registry/grpc_plugin_registry.cc#L83)). In general, they support basic load balancing strategies, especially `round_robin`. When a client stub issues a call, the load balancer picks a subchannel and issues a stream. All messages are exchanged in the same stream until completed. ## Configure gRPC load balancing Use [Service Config](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/service_config.md) to configure client-side load balancing. This approach provides flexibility in controlling how clients should behave in a cross-platform environment. Multiple load-balancing strategies can co-exist in the same process. ```go roundrobinConn, err := grpc.Dial( "dns://", grpc.WithDefaultServiceConfig(`{ "loadBalancingConfig": [{"round_robin":{}}], }`), grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()), ) ``` In the example above, the target for the gRPC call is set to `dns://`, where: - `` is the name server to resolve `grpc.test`. The `dns:///grpc.test:50051` part is optional. If not set, Go uses the operating systems's DNS. - `grpc.test` is the service discovery interface. - `round_robin` is the configured load balancer. It distributes the workload to resolved IPs in a round-robin fashion. ## Client retries While error-handling should be handled by clients, gRPC library does sort of have automatic error handling. For more information on the different layers of error handing, see the [relevant documentation](https://github.com/grpc/proposal/blob/master/A6-client-retries.md#integration-with-service-config). gRPC is capable of transparent retrying. It means gRPC library handles retrying automatically without the control of clients. Transparent retrying is done when gRPC considers the retry is "safe". Some examples of safe retry: - Transient failure. The failure caused by connectivity changes. For example, a subchannel is not contactable before a stub issues a call. - Requests are written to the wires, but never leave the client. - Requests reach server, but are not handled by RPC handlers. - For other RPC failures, the library doesn't retry automatically. Instead, it provides a mechanism for us to prompt the retrying process. We can configure `retryPolicy` per service and method in the service configuration next to load balancing. The `retryPolicy` depends on returned status codes. Each service and method can configure the retriable status codes and other parameters. The following code snippet is an example of how to configure auto-retry. ```go roundrobinConn, err := grpc.Dial( "dns://", grpc.WithDefaultServiceConfig(`{ "loadBalancingConfig": [{"round_robin":{}}], "methodConfig": [ { "name": [ { "service": "grpc.examples.echo.Echo" } ], "retryPolicy": { "maxAttempts": 3, "initialBackoff": "0.1s", "maxBackoff": "1s", "backoffMultiplier": 2, "retryableStatusCodes": ["UNAVAILABLE", "CANCELLED", "RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED", "DEADLINE_EXCEEDED"] } } ] }`), // This sets the initial balancing policy. grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()), ) ``` ## Gitaly client-side load balancing Although gRPC includes a built-in DNS resolver, that resolver has some significant drawbacks: - The resolver only resolves the DNS for the first connection. After that, it does not update the list of addresses until the client connection triggers it actively. The client connection does this only when it detects that some of its subchannels are permanently unavailable. Therefore, as soon as the client connection is stable, it isn't aware of any new hosts added to the cluster via DNS service discovery. This behavior can lead to unexpected stickiness and workload skew, especially after a failover. - A new connection still resolves the DNS again and gets an up-to-date list of addresses. Unfortunately, most of Gitaly clients use long-running connections. They run multiple calls on the same connections. They barely create new connections in normal conditions. Hence, it's unlikely for them to detect DNS state changes. - The support for SRV records is currently in a weird state. This record type is only supported when the `grpclb` load balancing strategy is enabled. Unfortunately, this strategy is deprecated, and its behavior is not as we expected. In the short-term, we would like to use the round-robin strategy. In the longer term, we may have a custom strategy for Raft-based clusters. Therefore, SRV service discovery is crucial for the future. In [epic 8971](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8971), we added support for Praefect service discovery: - We implemented a replacement for default DNS resolver. This resolver periodically resolves the DNS for new states. This home-grown resolver helps to distribute the workload better and remove skewing situation. - We use the default round-robin load balancer. Clients can opt-in to this option using the [`WithGitalyDNSResolver` dial option](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/-/blob/220959f0ffc3d01fa448cc2c7b45b082d56690ef/client/dial.go#L91). All major Gitaly clients already used this option. ## What's next for Gitaly Cluster? Routing is a crucial aspect of the proposal in [epic 8903](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/8903). The proposal implies we need to implement a smart routing mechanism. Before an actual RPC is fired, clients have to contact an arbitrary Gitaly node asking for the responsible node. The built-in load-balancing framework works perfectly in this case: - The resolver is responsible for fetching the initial coordinating node. This node is responsible for repository-node queries. Occasionally, the resolver switches to another node. - The load balancer finds the actual destination by contacting the coordinating node. It maintains all established subchannels, maybe with LRU, to prevent a client opens too many connections to Gitaly nodes. The balancer may also set a connection to a less-common node to idle state, and wake it up whenever needed. While `grpc-go` can follow this approach, it's not the case for GitLab Rails. GitLab Rails uses `grpc-ruby` instead of `grpc-core`. This stack doesn't support custom load balancing implementation. This doesn't mean we are unable to rebuild this mechanism at a higher layer. In fact, we already did service discovery and connection management in [database load balancing](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/tree/92ffb941dcb7d82a71f7bfbcef1059a161e368ac/lib/gitlab/database/load_balancing). However, there are some downsides: - Maintenance cost is high. It's highly likely the logic codes are duplicated between Go clients and Ruby clients. - Built-in load-balancing kit hooks deep into the connectivity management at the right layer. A side-loaded load balancer at higher layer does not yield the same effect. Therefore, the sidecar smart router is a reasonable solution: - Gitaly comes with a sidecar proxy. - Clients establish a dummy connection to this proxy over a single TCP connection. - This proxy then performs all mentioned smart routing mechanism on the behalf of clients. This approach comes with plenty of benefits, especially for GitLab Rails. However, there maybe some concerns about the performance.