package backup_test import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestManager_RemoveAllRepositories(t *testing.T) { testhelper.SkipWithWAL(t, ` RemoveAll is removing the entire content of the storage. This would also remove the database's and the transaction manager's disk state. The RPC needs to be updated to shut down all partitions and the database and only then perform the removal. Issue:`) t.Parallel() cfg := testcfg.Build(t) cfg.SocketPath = testserver.RunGitalyServer(t, cfg, setup.RegisterAll) ctx := testhelper.Context(t) repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) commitID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch("main")) gittest.WriteTag(t, cfg, repoPath, "v1.0.0", commitID.Revision()) pool := client.NewPool() defer testhelper.MustClose(t, pool) backupRoot := testhelper.TempDir(t) sink := backup.NewFilesystemSink(backupRoot) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, sink) locator, err := backup.ResolveLocator("pointer", sink) require.NoError(t, err) fsBackup := backup.NewManager(sink, locator, pool) err = fsBackup.RemoveAllRepositories(ctx, &backup.RemoveAllRepositoriesRequest{ Server: storage.ServerInfo{Address: cfg.SocketPath, Token: cfg.Auth.Token}, StorageName: repo.StorageName, }) require.NoError(t, err) } func TestManager_Create(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() const backupID = "abc123" cfg := testcfg.Build(t) cfg.SocketPath = testserver.RunGitalyServer(t, cfg, setup.RegisterAll) ctx := testhelper.Context(t) repoCounter := counter.NewRepositoryCounter(cfg.Storages) for _, managerTC := range []struct { desc string setup func(t testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager }{ { desc: "RPC manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { pool := client.NewPool() tb.Cleanup(func() { testhelper.MustClose(tb, pool) }) return backup.NewManager(sink, locator, pool) }, }, { desc: "Local manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { if testhelper.IsPraefectEnabled() { tb.Skip("local backup manager expects to operate on the local filesystem so cannot operate through praefect") } storageLocator := config.NewLocator(cfg) gitCmdFactory := gittest.NewCommandFactory(tb, cfg) catfileCache := catfile.NewCache(cfg) tb.Cleanup(catfileCache.Stop) txManager := transaction.NewTrackingManager() return backup.NewManagerLocal(sink, testhelper.SharedLogger(t), locator, storageLocator, gitCmdFactory, catfileCache, txManager, repoCounter) }, }, } { type setupData struct { repo *gitalypb.Repository repoPath string expectedBackup *backup.Backup } for _, tc := range []struct { desc string setup func(tb testing.TB, vanityRepo storage.Repository) setupData createsRefList bool createsBundle bool createsCustomHooks bool err error }{ { desc: "no hooks", setup: func(tb testing.TB, vanityRepo storage.Repository) setupData { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch(git.DefaultBranch)) return setupData{ repo: repo, repoPath: repoPath, expectedBackup: &backup.Backup{ ID: backupID, Repository: vanityRepo, ObjectFormat: gittest.DefaultObjectHash.Format, HeadReference: git.DefaultRef.String(), Steps: []backup.Step{ { BundlePath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.bundle"), RefPath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.refs"), CustomHooksPath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.custom_hooks.tar"), }, }, }, } }, createsRefList: true, createsBundle: true, createsCustomHooks: false, }, { desc: "hooks", setup: func(tb testing.TB, vanityRepo storage.Repository) setupData { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch(git.DefaultBranch)) require.NoError(tb, os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(repoPath, "custom_hooks"), perm.PublicDir)) require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(repoPath, "custom_hooks/pre-commit.sample"), []byte("Some hooks"), perm.PublicFile)) return setupData{ repo: repo, repoPath: repoPath, expectedBackup: &backup.Backup{ ID: backupID, Repository: vanityRepo, ObjectFormat: gittest.DefaultObjectHash.Format, HeadReference: git.DefaultRef.String(), Steps: []backup.Step{ { BundlePath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.bundle"), RefPath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.refs"), CustomHooksPath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.custom_hooks.tar"), }, }, }, } }, createsRefList: true, createsBundle: true, createsCustomHooks: true, }, { desc: "empty repo", setup: func(tb testing.TB, vanityRepo storage.Repository) setupData { emptyRepo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) return setupData{ repo: emptyRepo, repoPath: repoPath, expectedBackup: &backup.Backup{ ID: backupID, Repository: vanityRepo, ObjectFormat: gittest.DefaultObjectHash.Format, HeadReference: git.DefaultRef.String(), Steps: []backup.Step{ { BundlePath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.bundle"), RefPath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.refs"), CustomHooksPath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.custom_hooks.tar"), }, }, }, } }, createsRefList: true, createsBundle: false, createsCustomHooks: false, }, { desc: "nonexistent repo", setup: func(tb testing.TB, vanityRepo storage.Repository) setupData { emptyRepo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) nonexistentRepo := proto.Clone(emptyRepo).(*gitalypb.Repository) nonexistentRepo.RelativePath = gittest.NewRepositoryName(t) return setupData{ repo: nonexistentRepo, repoPath: repoPath, } }, createsRefList: false, createsBundle: false, createsCustomHooks: false, err: fmt.Errorf("manager: repository not found: %w", backup.ErrSkipped), }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { backupRoot := testhelper.TempDir(t) vanityRepo := &gitalypb.Repository{ RelativePath: "some/path.git", StorageName: "some_storage", } data := tc.setup(t, vanityRepo) manifestPath := filepath.Join(backupRoot, "manifests", vanityRepo.StorageName, vanityRepo.RelativePath, backupID+".toml") refsPath := joinBackupPath(t, backupRoot, vanityRepo, backupID, "001.refs") bundlePath := joinBackupPath(t, backupRoot, vanityRepo, backupID, "001.bundle") customHooksPath := joinBackupPath(t, backupRoot, vanityRepo, backupID, "001.custom_hooks.tar") sink := backup.NewFilesystemSink(backupRoot) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, sink) locator, err := backup.ResolveLocator("pointer", sink) require.NoError(t, err) fsBackup := managerTC.setup(t, sink, locator) err = fsBackup.Create(ctx, &backup.CreateRequest{ Server: storage.ServerInfo{Address: cfg.SocketPath, Token: cfg.Auth.Token}, Repository: data.repo, VanityRepository: vanityRepo, BackupID: backupID, }) if tc.err == nil { require.NoError(t, err) } else { require.Equal(t, tc.err, err) } if tc.createsBundle { require.FileExists(t, refsPath) require.FileExists(t, bundlePath) dirInfo, err := os.Stat(filepath.Dir(bundlePath)) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, perm.PrivateDir, dirInfo.Mode().Perm(), "expecting restricted directory permissions") bundleInfo, err := os.Stat(bundlePath) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, perm.PrivateFile, bundleInfo.Mode().Perm(), "expecting restricted file permissions") output := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", data.repoPath, "bundle", "verify", bundlePath) require.Contains(t, string(output), "The bundle records a complete history") expectedRefs := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", data.repoPath, "show-ref", "--head") actualRefs := testhelper.MustReadFile(t, refsPath) require.Equal(t, string(expectedRefs), string(actualRefs)) } else { require.NoFileExists(t, bundlePath) } if tc.createsRefList { require.FileExists(t, refsPath) } else { require.NoFileExists(t, refsPath) } if tc.createsBundle || tc.createsRefList { require.FileExists(t, manifestPath) } else { require.NoFileExists(t, manifestPath) } if tc.createsCustomHooks { require.FileExists(t, customHooksPath) } else { require.NoFileExists(t, customHooksPath) } if data.expectedBackup == nil { _, err := locator.Find(ctx, vanityRepo, backupID) require.ErrorIs(t, err, backup.ErrDoesntExist) } else { backup, err := locator.Find(ctx, vanityRepo, backupID) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, data.expectedBackup, backup) } }) } } } func TestManager_Create_incremental(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() const backupID = "abc123" cfg := testcfg.Build(t) cfg.SocketPath = testserver.RunGitalyServer(t, cfg, setup.RegisterAll) ctx := testhelper.Context(t) repoCounter := counter.NewRepositoryCounter(cfg.Storages) for _, managerTC := range []struct { desc string setup func(t testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager }{ { desc: "RPC manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { pool := client.NewPool() tb.Cleanup(func() { testhelper.MustClose(tb, pool) }) return backup.NewManager(sink, locator, pool) }, }, { desc: "Local manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { if testhelper.IsPraefectEnabled() { tb.Skip("local backup manager expects to operate on the local filesystem so cannot operate through praefect") } storageLocator := config.NewLocator(cfg) gitCmdFactory := gittest.NewCommandFactory(tb, cfg) catfileCache := catfile.NewCache(cfg) tb.Cleanup(catfileCache.Stop) txManager := transaction.NewTrackingManager() return backup.NewManagerLocal(sink, testhelper.SharedLogger(t), locator, storageLocator, gitCmdFactory, catfileCache, txManager, repoCounter) }, }, } { for _, tc := range []struct { desc string setup func(t testing.TB, backupRoot string) (*gitalypb.Repository, string) expectedIncrement string expectedErr error }{ { desc: "no previous backup", setup: func(tb testing.TB, backupRoot string) (*gitalypb.Repository, string) { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch(git.DefaultBranch)) return repo, repoPath }, expectedIncrement: "001", }, { desc: "previous backup, no updates", setup: func(tb testing.TB, backupRoot string) (*gitalypb.Repository, string) { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch(git.DefaultBranch)) backupRepoPath := joinBackupPath(tb, backupRoot, repo) backupPath := filepath.Join(backupRepoPath, backupID) bundlePath := filepath.Join(backupPath, "001.bundle") refsPath := filepath.Join(backupPath, "001.refs") require.NoError(tb, os.MkdirAll(backupPath, perm.PublicDir)) gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "bundle", "create", bundlePath, "--all") refs := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "show-ref", "--head") require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(refsPath, refs, perm.PublicFile)) require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(backupRepoPath, "LATEST"), []byte(backupID), perm.PublicFile)) require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(backupPath, "LATEST"), []byte("001"), perm.PublicFile)) return repo, repoPath }, expectedErr: fmt.Errorf("manager: %w", fmt.Errorf("write bundle: %w: no changes to bundle", backup.ErrSkipped)), }, { desc: "previous backup, updates", setup: func(tb testing.TB, backupRoot string) (*gitalypb.Repository, string) { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) commitID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch(git.DefaultBranch)) backupRepoPath := joinBackupPath(tb, backupRoot, repo) backupPath := filepath.Join(backupRepoPath, backupID) bundlePath := filepath.Join(backupPath, "001.bundle") refsPath := filepath.Join(backupPath, "001.refs") require.NoError(tb, os.MkdirAll(backupPath, perm.PublicDir)) gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "bundle", "create", bundlePath, "--all") refs := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "show-ref", "--head") require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(refsPath, refs, perm.PublicFile)) require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(backupRepoPath, "LATEST"), []byte(backupID), perm.PublicFile)) require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(backupPath, "LATEST"), []byte("001"), perm.PublicFile)) gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch(git.DefaultBranch), gittest.WithParents(commitID)) return repo, repoPath }, expectedIncrement: "002", }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { backupRoot := testhelper.TempDir(t) repo, repoPath := tc.setup(t, backupRoot) refsPath := joinBackupPath(t, backupRoot, repo, backupID, tc.expectedIncrement+".refs") bundlePath := joinBackupPath(t, backupRoot, repo, backupID, tc.expectedIncrement+".bundle") sink := backup.NewFilesystemSink(backupRoot) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, sink) locator, err := backup.ResolveLocator("pointer", sink) require.NoError(t, err) fsBackup := managerTC.setup(t, sink, locator) err = fsBackup.Create(ctx, &backup.CreateRequest{ Server: storage.ServerInfo{Address: cfg.SocketPath, Token: cfg.Auth.Token}, Repository: repo, Incremental: true, BackupID: backupID, }) if tc.expectedErr == nil { require.NoError(t, err) } else { require.Equal(t, tc.expectedErr, err) return } require.FileExists(t, refsPath) require.FileExists(t, bundlePath) expectedRefs := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "show-ref", "--head") actualRefs := testhelper.MustReadFile(t, refsPath) require.Equal(t, string(expectedRefs), string(actualRefs)) }) } } } func TestManager_Restore_latest(t *testing.T) { gittest.SkipWithSHA256(t) t.Parallel() cfg := testcfg.Build(t) testcfg.BuildGitalyHooks(t, cfg) cfg.SocketPath = testserver.RunGitalyServer(t, cfg, setup.RegisterAll) repoCounter := counter.NewRepositoryCounter(cfg.Storages) for _, managerTC := range []struct { desc string setup func(t testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager }{ { desc: "RPC manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { pool := client.NewPool() tb.Cleanup(func() { testhelper.MustClose(tb, pool) }) return backup.NewManager(sink, locator, pool) }, }, { desc: "Local manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { if testhelper.IsPraefectEnabled() { tb.Skip("local backup manager expects to operate on the local filesystem so cannot operate through praefect") } storageLocator := config.NewLocator(cfg) gitCmdFactory := gittest.NewCommandFactory(tb, cfg) catfileCache := catfile.NewCache(cfg) tb.Cleanup(catfileCache.Stop) txManager := transaction.NewTrackingManager() return backup.NewManagerLocal(sink, testhelper.SharedLogger(t), locator, storageLocator, gitCmdFactory, catfileCache, txManager, repoCounter) }, }, } { managerTC := managerTC t.Run(managerTC.desc, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testhelper.Context(t) cc, err := client.Dial(ctx, cfg.SocketPath) require.NoError(t, err) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, cc) repoClient := gitalypb.NewRepositoryServiceClient(cc) _, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) commitID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch("main")) gittest.WriteTag(t, cfg, repoPath, "v1.0.0", commitID.Revision()) repoChecksum := gittest.ChecksumRepo(t, cfg, repoPath) repoBundle := gittest.BundleRepo(t, cfg, repoPath, "-") repoRefs := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "show-ref", "--head") backupRoot := testhelper.TempDir(t) for _, tc := range []struct { desc string locators []string setup func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) alwaysCreate bool expectExists bool expectedPaths []string expectedErrAs error }{ { desc: "existing repo, without hooks", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ relativePath + ".bundle": repoBundle, relativePath + ".refs": repoRefs, }) return repo, repoChecksum }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "existing repo, with hooks", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) customHooksPath := filepath.Join(backupRoot, relativePath, "custom_hooks.tar") testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ relativePath + ".bundle": repoBundle, relativePath + ".refs": repoRefs, }) require.NoError(tb, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(backupRoot, relativePath), perm.PublicDir)) testhelper.CopyFile(tb, mustCreateCustomHooksArchive(t, ctx), customHooksPath) return repo, repoChecksum }, expectedPaths: []string{ "custom_hooks/pre-commit.sample", "custom_hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample", "custom_hooks/pre-push.sample", }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "missing backup", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) return repo, nil }, expectedErrAs: backup.ErrSkipped, }, { desc: "missing backup, always create", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) return repo, new(git.Checksum) }, alwaysCreate: true, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "empty backup", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ relativePath + ".refs": "", }) return repo, new(git.Checksum) }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "empty backup, always create", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ relativePath + ".refs": "", }) return repo, new(git.Checksum) }, alwaysCreate: true, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "nonexistent repo", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo := &gitalypb.Repository{ StorageName: "default", RelativePath: gittest.NewRepositoryName(tb), } relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ relativePath + ".bundle": repoBundle, relativePath + ".refs": repoRefs, }) return repo, repoChecksum }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "single incremental", locators: []string{"pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { const backupID = "abc123" repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join(relativePath, "LATEST"): backupID, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "LATEST"): "001", filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.bundle"): repoBundle, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.refs"): repoRefs, }) return repo, repoChecksum }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "single incremental, empty backup", locators: []string{"pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { const backupID = "abc123" repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join(relativePath, "LATEST"): backupID, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "LATEST"): "001", filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.refs"): "", }) return repo, new(git.Checksum) }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "many incrementals", locators: []string{"pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { const backupID = "abc123" _, expectedRepoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) root := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("master"), ) master1 := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("master"), gittest.WithParents(root), ) other := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("other"), gittest.WithParents(root), ) gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "symbolic-ref", "HEAD", "refs/heads/master") bundle1 := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "bundle", "create", "-", "HEAD", "refs/heads/master", "refs/heads/other", ) refs1 := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "show-ref", "--head") master2 := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("master"), gittest.WithParents(master1), ) bundle2 := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "bundle", "create", "-", "HEAD", "^"+master1.String(), "^"+other.String(), "refs/heads/master", "refs/heads/other", ) refs2 := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "show-ref", "--head") relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join(relativePath, "LATEST"): backupID, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "LATEST"): "002", filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.bundle"): bundle1, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "002.bundle"): bundle2, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.refs"): refs1, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "002.refs"): refs2, }) checksum := new(git.Checksum) checksum.Add(git.NewReference("HEAD", master2)) checksum.Add(git.NewReference("refs/heads/master", master2)) checksum.Add(git.NewReference("refs/heads/other", other)) return repo, checksum }, expectExists: true, }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { require.GreaterOrEqual(t, len(tc.locators), 1, "each test case must specify a locator") for _, locatorName := range tc.locators { t.Run(locatorName, func(t *testing.T) { repo, expectedChecksum := tc.setup(t) sink := backup.NewFilesystemSink(backupRoot) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, sink) locator, err := backup.ResolveLocator(locatorName, sink) require.NoError(t, err) fsBackup := managerTC.setup(t, sink, locator) err = fsBackup.Restore(ctx, &backup.RestoreRequest{ Server: storage.ServerInfo{Address: cfg.SocketPath, Token: cfg.Auth.Token}, Repository: repo, VanityRepository: repo, AlwaysCreate: tc.alwaysCreate, BackupID: "", }) if tc.expectedErrAs != nil { require.ErrorAs(t, err, &tc.expectedErrAs) } else { require.NoError(t, err) } exists, err := repoClient.RepositoryExists(ctx, &gitalypb.RepositoryExistsRequest{ Repository: repo, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tc.expectExists, exists.Exists, "repository exists") if expectedChecksum != nil { checksum, err := repoClient.CalculateChecksum(ctx, &gitalypb.CalculateChecksumRequest{ Repository: repo, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, expectedChecksum.String(), checksum.GetChecksum()) } if len(tc.expectedPaths) > 0 { // Restore has to use the rewritten path as the relative path due to the test creating // the repository through Praefect. In order to get to the correct disk paths, we need // to get the replica path of the rewritten repository. repoPath := filepath.Join(cfg.Storages[0].Path, gittest.GetReplicaPath(t, ctx, cfg, repo)) for _, p := range tc.expectedPaths { require.FileExists(t, filepath.Join(repoPath, p)) } } }) } }) } }) } } func TestManager_Restore_specific(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() const backupID = "abc123" cfg := testcfg.Build(t) testcfg.BuildGitalyHooks(t, cfg) cfg.SocketPath = testserver.RunGitalyServer(t, cfg, setup.RegisterAll) repoCounter := counter.NewRepositoryCounter(cfg.Storages) for _, managerTC := range []struct { desc string setup func(t testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager }{ { desc: "RPC manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { pool := client.NewPool() tb.Cleanup(func() { testhelper.MustClose(tb, pool) }) return backup.NewManager(sink, locator, pool) }, }, { desc: "Local manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { if testhelper.IsPraefectEnabled() { tb.Skip("local backup manager expects to operate on the local filesystem so cannot operate through praefect") } storageLocator := config.NewLocator(cfg) gitCmdFactory := gittest.NewCommandFactory(tb, cfg) catfileCache := catfile.NewCache(cfg) tb.Cleanup(catfileCache.Stop) txManager := transaction.NewTrackingManager() return backup.NewManagerLocal(sink, testhelper.SharedLogger(t), locator, storageLocator, gitCmdFactory, catfileCache, txManager, repoCounter) }, }, } { managerTC := managerTC t.Run(managerTC.desc, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testhelper.Context(t) cc, err := client.Dial(ctx, cfg.SocketPath) require.NoError(t, err) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, cc) repoClient := gitalypb.NewRepositoryServiceClient(cc) _, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) commitID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch("main")) gittest.WriteTag(t, cfg, repoPath, "v1.0.0", commitID.Revision()) repoChecksum := gittest.ChecksumRepo(t, cfg, repoPath) repoBundle := gittest.BundleRepo(t, cfg, repoPath, "-") repoRefs := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "show-ref", "--head") backupRoot := testhelper.TempDir(t) for _, tc := range []struct { desc string setup func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) alwaysCreate bool expectExists bool expectedPaths []string expectedErrAs error expectedHeadReference git.ReferenceName }{ { desc: "missing backup", setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) return repo, nil }, expectedErrAs: backup.ErrSkipped, }, { desc: "single incremental", setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { gittest.SkipWithSHA256(tb) // sha256 only works with manifest files repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join(relativePath, "LATEST"): backupID, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "LATEST"): "001", filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.bundle"): repoBundle, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.refs"): repoRefs, }) return repo, repoChecksum }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "many incrementals", setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { gittest.SkipWithSHA256(tb) // sha256 only works with manifest files _, expectedRepoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) root := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("master"), ) master1 := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("master"), gittest.WithParents(root), ) other := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("other"), gittest.WithParents(root), ) gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "symbolic-ref", "HEAD", "refs/heads/master") bundle1 := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "bundle", "create", "-", "HEAD", "refs/heads/master", "refs/heads/other", ) refs1 := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "show-ref", "--head") master2 := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("master"), gittest.WithParents(master1), ) bundle2 := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "bundle", "create", "-", "HEAD", "^"+master1.String(), "^"+other.String(), "refs/heads/master", "refs/heads/other", ) refs2 := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "show-ref", "--head") relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join(relativePath, "LATEST"): backupID, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "LATEST"): "002", filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.bundle"): bundle1, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "002.bundle"): bundle2, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.refs"): refs1, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "002.refs"): refs2, }) checksum := new(git.Checksum) checksum.Add(git.NewReference("HEAD", master2)) checksum.Add(git.NewReference("refs/heads/master", master2)) checksum.Add(git.NewReference("refs/heads/other", other)) return repo, checksum }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "manifest, empty backup", setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join("manifests", repo.GetStorageName(), repo.GetRelativePath(), backupID+".toml"): fmt.Sprintf( `object_format = %q head_reference = 'refs/heads/banana' [[steps]] bundle_path = 'repo.bundle' ref_path = 'repo.refs' custom_hooks_path = 'custom_hooks.tar' `, gittest.DefaultObjectHash.Format), "repo.refs": "", }) return repo, new(git.Checksum) }, expectExists: true, expectedHeadReference: "refs/heads/banana", }, { desc: "manifest", setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join("manifests", repo.GetStorageName(), repo.GetRelativePath(), backupID+".toml"): fmt.Sprintf( `object_format = %q head_reference = 'refs/heads/banana' [[steps]] bundle_path = 'repo.bundle' ref_path = 'repo.refs' custom_hooks_path = 'custom_hooks.tar' `, gittest.DefaultObjectHash.Format), "repo.bundle": repoBundle, "repo.refs": repoRefs, }) checksum := gittest.ChecksumRepo(tb, cfg, repoPath) // Negate off the default branch since the manifest is // explicitly setting a different unborn branch that // will not be part of the checksum. checksum.Add(git.NewReference("HEAD", commitID)) return repo, checksum }, expectExists: true, expectedHeadReference: "refs/heads/banana", }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { repo, expectedChecksum := tc.setup(t) sink := backup.NewFilesystemSink(backupRoot) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, sink) locator, err := backup.ResolveLocator("pointer", sink) require.NoError(t, err) fsBackup := managerTC.setup(t, sink, locator) err = fsBackup.Restore(ctx, &backup.RestoreRequest{ Server: storage.ServerInfo{Address: cfg.SocketPath, Token: cfg.Auth.Token}, Repository: repo, VanityRepository: repo, AlwaysCreate: tc.alwaysCreate, BackupID: backupID, }) if tc.expectedErrAs != nil { require.ErrorAs(t, err, &tc.expectedErrAs) } else { require.NoError(t, err) } exists, err := repoClient.RepositoryExists(ctx, &gitalypb.RepositoryExistsRequest{ Repository: repo, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tc.expectExists, exists.Exists, "repository exists") if expectedChecksum != nil { checksum, err := repoClient.CalculateChecksum(ctx, &gitalypb.CalculateChecksumRequest{ Repository: repo, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, expectedChecksum.String(), checksum.GetChecksum()) } if len(tc.expectedPaths) > 0 { // Restore has to use the rewritten path as the relative path due to the test creating // the repository through Praefect. In order to get to the correct disk paths, we need // to get the replica path of the rewritten repository. repoPath := filepath.Join(cfg.Storages[0].Path, gittest.GetReplicaPath(t, ctx, cfg, repo)) for _, p := range tc.expectedPaths { require.FileExists(t, filepath.Join(repoPath, p)) } } if len(tc.expectedHeadReference) > 0 { repoPath := filepath.Join(cfg.Storages[0].Path, gittest.GetReplicaPath(t, ctx, cfg, repo)) ref := gittest.GetSymbolicRef(t, cfg, repoPath, "HEAD") require.Equal(t, tc.expectedHeadReference, git.ReferenceName(ref.Target)) } }) } }) } } func TestManager_CreateRestore_contextServerInfo(t *testing.T) { gittest.SkipWithSHA256(t) t.Parallel() cfg := testcfg.Build(t) testcfg.BuildGitalyHooks(t, cfg) cfg.SocketPath = testserver.RunGitalyServer(t, cfg, setup.RegisterAll) ctx := testhelper.Context(t) repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) commitID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch("main")) gittest.WriteTag(t, cfg, repoPath, "v1.0.0", commitID.Revision()) backupRoot := testhelper.TempDir(t) pool := client.NewPool() defer testhelper.MustClose(t, pool) sink := backup.NewFilesystemSink(backupRoot) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, sink) locator, err := backup.ResolveLocator("pointer", sink) require.NoError(t, err) fsBackup := backup.NewManager(sink, locator, pool) ctx = testhelper.MergeIncomingMetadata(ctx, testcfg.GitalyServersMetadataFromCfg(t, cfg)) require.NoError(t, fsBackup.Create(ctx, &backup.CreateRequest{ Repository: repo, BackupID: "abc123", })) require.NoError(t, fsBackup.Restore(ctx, &backup.RestoreRequest{ Repository: repo, })) } func TestResolveLocator(t *testing.T) { gittest.SkipWithSHA256(t) t.Parallel() for _, tc := range []struct { layout string expectedErr string }{ {layout: "legacy"}, {layout: "pointer"}, { layout: "unknown", expectedErr: "unknown layout: \"unknown\"", }, } { t.Run(tc.layout, func(t *testing.T) { l, err := backup.ResolveLocator(tc.layout, nil) if tc.expectedErr == "" { require.NoError(t, err) } else { require.EqualError(t, err, tc.expectedErr) return } require.NotNil(t, l) }) } } func joinBackupPath(tb testing.TB, backupRoot string, repo storage.Repository, elements ...string) string { return filepath.Join(append([]string{ backupRoot, stripRelativePath(tb, repo), }, elements...)...) } func stripRelativePath(tb testing.TB, repo storage.Repository) string { return strings.TrimSuffix(repo.GetRelativePath(), ".git") } func mustCreateCustomHooksArchive(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context) string { t.Helper() tmpDir := testhelper.TempDir(t) hooksDirPath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "custom_hooks") require.NoError(t, os.Mkdir(hooksDirPath, os.ModePerm)) require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(hooksDirPath, "pre-commit.sample"), []byte("foo"), os.ModePerm)) require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(hooksDirPath, "prepare-commit-msg.sample"), []byte("bar"), os.ModePerm)) require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(hooksDirPath, "pre-push.sample"), []byte("baz"), os.ModePerm)) archivePath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "custom_hooks.tar") file, err := os.Create(archivePath) require.NoError(t, err) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, file) require.NoError(t, archive.WriteTarball(ctx, testhelper.SharedLogger(t), file, tmpDir, "custom_hooks")) return archivePath }