package backup_test import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestManager_RemoveRepository(t *testing.T) { if testhelper.IsPraefectEnabled() { t.Skip("local backup manager expects to operate on the local filesystem so cannot operate through praefect") } t.Parallel() cfg := testcfg.Build(t) cfg.SocketPath = testserver.RunGitalyServer(t, cfg, setup.RegisterAll) ctx := testhelper.Context(t) repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) commitID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch("main")) gittest.WriteTag(t, cfg, repoPath, "v1.0.0", commitID.Revision()) pool := client.NewPool() defer testhelper.MustClose(t, pool) backupRoot := testhelper.TempDir(t) sink := backup.NewFilesystemSink(backupRoot) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, sink) locator, err := backup.ResolveLocator("pointer", sink) require.NoError(t, err) fsBackup := backup.NewManager(sink, locator, pool) err = fsBackup.RemoveRepository(ctx, &backup.RemoveRepositoryRequest{ Server: storage.ServerInfo{Address: cfg.SocketPath, Token: cfg.Auth.Token}, Repo: repo, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoDirExists(t, repoPath) // With an invalid repository err = fsBackup.RemoveRepository(ctx, &backup.RemoveRepositoryRequest{ Server: storage.ServerInfo{Address: cfg.SocketPath, Token: cfg.Auth.Token}, Repo: &gitalypb.Repository{StorageName: "nonexistent", RelativePath: "nonexistent"}, }) require.EqualError(t, err, "remove repo: remove: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = storage name not found") } func TestManager_ListRepositories(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, tc := range []struct { desc string repos map[string][]*gitalypb.Repository }{ { desc: "no repos", repos: make(map[string][]*gitalypb.Repository), }, { desc: "repos in a single storage", repos: map[string][]*gitalypb.Repository{ "storage-1": { {RelativePath: "a", StorageName: "storage-1"}, {RelativePath: "b", StorageName: "storage-1"}, }, }, }, { desc: "repos in multiple storages", repos: map[string][]*gitalypb.Repository{ "storage-1": { {RelativePath: "a", StorageName: "storage-1"}, {RelativePath: "b", StorageName: "storage-1"}, }, "storage-2": { {RelativePath: "c", StorageName: "storage-2"}, {RelativePath: "d", StorageName: "storage-2"}, }, }, }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { if testhelper.IsPraefectEnabled() { t.Skip("local backup manager expects to operate on the local filesystem so cannot operate through praefect") } var storages []string for storageName := range tc.repos { storages = append(storages, storageName) } // We don't really need a "default" storage, but this makes initialisation cleaner since // WithStorages() takes at least one argument. cfg := testcfg.Build(t, testcfg.WithStorages("default", storages...)) cfg.SocketPath = testserver.RunGitalyServer(t, cfg, setup.RegisterAll) ctx := testhelper.Context(t) for storageName, repos := range tc.repos { for _, repo := range repos { storagePath, ok := cfg.StoragePath(storageName) require.True(t, ok) _, _ = gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg, gittest.CreateRepositoryConfig{ SkipCreationViaService: true, RelativePath: repo.RelativePath, Storage: config.Storage{Name: storageName, Path: storagePath}, }) } } pool := client.NewPool() defer testhelper.MustClose(t, pool) backupRoot := testhelper.TempDir(t) sink := backup.NewFilesystemSink(backupRoot) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, sink) locator, err := backup.ResolveLocator("pointer", sink) require.NoError(t, err) fsBackup := backup.NewManager(sink, locator, pool) for storageName, repos := range tc.repos { actualRepos, err := fsBackup.ListRepositories(ctx, &backup.ListRepositoriesRequest{ Server: storage.ServerInfo{Address: cfg.SocketPath, Token: cfg.Auth.Token}, StorageName: storageName, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.EqualValues(t, repos, actualRepos) } }) } } func TestManager_Create(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() const backupID = "abc123" cfg := testcfg.Build(t) cfg.SocketPath = testserver.RunGitalyServer(t, cfg, setup.RegisterAll) ctx := testhelper.Context(t) repoCounter := counter.NewRepositoryCounter(cfg.Storages) for _, managerTC := range []struct { desc string setup func(t testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager }{ { desc: "RPC manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { pool := client.NewPool() tb.Cleanup(func() { testhelper.MustClose(tb, pool) }) return backup.NewManager(sink, locator, pool) }, }, { desc: "Local manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { if testhelper.IsPraefectEnabled() { tb.Skip("local backup manager expects to operate on the local filesystem so cannot operate through praefect") } storageLocator := config.NewLocator(cfg) gitCmdFactory := gittest.NewCommandFactory(tb, cfg) catfileCache := catfile.NewCache(cfg) tb.Cleanup(catfileCache.Stop) txManager := transaction.NewTrackingManager() return backup.NewManagerLocal(sink, testhelper.SharedLogger(t), locator, storageLocator, gitCmdFactory, catfileCache, txManager, repoCounter) }, }, } { type setupData struct { repo *gitalypb.Repository repoPath string expectedBackup *backup.Backup } for _, tc := range []struct { desc string setup func(tb testing.TB, vanityRepo storage.Repository) setupData createsRefList bool createsBundle bool createsCustomHooks bool err error }{ { desc: "no hooks", setup: func(tb testing.TB, vanityRepo storage.Repository) setupData { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch(git.DefaultBranch)) return setupData{ repo: repo, repoPath: repoPath, expectedBackup: &backup.Backup{ ID: backupID, Repository: vanityRepo, ObjectFormat: gittest.DefaultObjectHash.Format, HeadReference: git.DefaultRef.String(), Steps: []backup.Step{ { BundlePath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.bundle"), RefPath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.refs"), CustomHooksPath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.custom_hooks.tar"), }, }, }, } }, createsRefList: true, createsBundle: true, createsCustomHooks: false, }, { desc: "hooks", setup: func(tb testing.TB, vanityRepo storage.Repository) setupData { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch(git.DefaultBranch)) require.NoError(tb, os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(repoPath, "custom_hooks"), perm.PublicDir)) require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(repoPath, "custom_hooks/pre-commit.sample"), []byte("Some hooks"), perm.PublicFile)) return setupData{ repo: repo, repoPath: repoPath, expectedBackup: &backup.Backup{ ID: backupID, Repository: vanityRepo, ObjectFormat: gittest.DefaultObjectHash.Format, HeadReference: git.DefaultRef.String(), Steps: []backup.Step{ { BundlePath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.bundle"), RefPath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.refs"), CustomHooksPath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.custom_hooks.tar"), }, }, }, } }, createsRefList: true, createsBundle: true, createsCustomHooks: true, }, { desc: "empty repo", setup: func(tb testing.TB, vanityRepo storage.Repository) setupData { emptyRepo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) return setupData{ repo: emptyRepo, repoPath: repoPath, expectedBackup: &backup.Backup{ ID: backupID, Repository: vanityRepo, ObjectFormat: gittest.DefaultObjectHash.Format, HeadReference: git.DefaultRef.String(), Steps: []backup.Step{ { BundlePath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.bundle"), RefPath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.refs"), CustomHooksPath: joinBackupPath(t, "", vanityRepo, backupID, "001.custom_hooks.tar"), }, }, }, } }, createsRefList: true, createsBundle: false, createsCustomHooks: false, }, { desc: "nonexistent repo", setup: func(tb testing.TB, vanityRepo storage.Repository) setupData { emptyRepo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) nonexistentRepo := proto.Clone(emptyRepo).(*gitalypb.Repository) nonexistentRepo.RelativePath = gittest.NewRepositoryName(t) return setupData{ repo: nonexistentRepo, repoPath: repoPath, } }, createsRefList: false, createsBundle: false, createsCustomHooks: false, err: fmt.Errorf("manager: repository not found: %w", backup.ErrSkipped), }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { backupRoot := testhelper.TempDir(t) vanityRepo := &gitalypb.Repository{ RelativePath: "some/path.git", StorageName: "some_storage", } data := tc.setup(t, vanityRepo) manifestPath := filepath.Join(backupRoot, "manifests", vanityRepo.StorageName, vanityRepo.RelativePath, backupID+".toml") refsPath := joinBackupPath(t, backupRoot, vanityRepo, backupID, "001.refs") bundlePath := joinBackupPath(t, backupRoot, vanityRepo, backupID, "001.bundle") customHooksPath := joinBackupPath(t, backupRoot, vanityRepo, backupID, "001.custom_hooks.tar") sink := backup.NewFilesystemSink(backupRoot) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, sink) locator, err := backup.ResolveLocator("pointer", sink) require.NoError(t, err) fsBackup := managerTC.setup(t, sink, locator) err = fsBackup.Create(ctx, &backup.CreateRequest{ Server: storage.ServerInfo{Address: cfg.SocketPath, Token: cfg.Auth.Token}, Repository: data.repo, VanityRepository: vanityRepo, BackupID: backupID, }) if tc.err == nil { require.NoError(t, err) } else { require.Equal(t, tc.err, err) } if tc.createsBundle { require.FileExists(t, refsPath) require.FileExists(t, bundlePath) dirInfo, err := os.Stat(filepath.Dir(bundlePath)) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, perm.PrivateDir, dirInfo.Mode().Perm(), "expecting restricted directory permissions") bundleInfo, err := os.Stat(bundlePath) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, perm.PrivateFile, bundleInfo.Mode().Perm(), "expecting restricted file permissions") output := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", data.repoPath, "bundle", "verify", bundlePath) require.Contains(t, string(output), "The bundle records a complete history") expectedRefs := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", data.repoPath, "show-ref", "--head") actualRefs := testhelper.MustReadFile(t, refsPath) require.Equal(t, string(expectedRefs), string(actualRefs)) } else { require.NoFileExists(t, bundlePath) } if tc.createsRefList { require.FileExists(t, refsPath) } else { require.NoFileExists(t, refsPath) } if tc.createsBundle || tc.createsRefList { require.FileExists(t, manifestPath) } else { require.NoFileExists(t, manifestPath) } if tc.createsCustomHooks { require.FileExists(t, customHooksPath) } else { require.NoFileExists(t, customHooksPath) } if data.expectedBackup == nil { _, err := locator.Find(ctx, vanityRepo, backupID) require.ErrorIs(t, err, backup.ErrDoesntExist) } else { backup, err := locator.Find(ctx, vanityRepo, backupID) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, data.expectedBackup, backup) } }) } } } func TestManager_Create_incremental(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() const backupID = "abc123" cfg := testcfg.Build(t) cfg.SocketPath = testserver.RunGitalyServer(t, cfg, setup.RegisterAll) ctx := testhelper.Context(t) repoCounter := counter.NewRepositoryCounter(cfg.Storages) for _, managerTC := range []struct { desc string setup func(t testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager }{ { desc: "RPC manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { pool := client.NewPool() tb.Cleanup(func() { testhelper.MustClose(tb, pool) }) return backup.NewManager(sink, locator, pool) }, }, { desc: "Local manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { if testhelper.IsPraefectEnabled() { tb.Skip("local backup manager expects to operate on the local filesystem so cannot operate through praefect") } storageLocator := config.NewLocator(cfg) gitCmdFactory := gittest.NewCommandFactory(tb, cfg) catfileCache := catfile.NewCache(cfg) tb.Cleanup(catfileCache.Stop) txManager := transaction.NewTrackingManager() return backup.NewManagerLocal(sink, testhelper.SharedLogger(t), locator, storageLocator, gitCmdFactory, catfileCache, txManager, repoCounter) }, }, } { for _, tc := range []struct { desc string setup func(t testing.TB, backupRoot string) (*gitalypb.Repository, string) expectedIncrement string expectedErr error }{ { desc: "no previous backup", setup: func(tb testing.TB, backupRoot string) (*gitalypb.Repository, string) { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch(git.DefaultBranch)) return repo, repoPath }, expectedIncrement: "001", }, { desc: "previous backup, no updates", setup: func(tb testing.TB, backupRoot string) (*gitalypb.Repository, string) { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch(git.DefaultBranch)) backupRepoPath := joinBackupPath(tb, backupRoot, repo) backupPath := filepath.Join(backupRepoPath, backupID) bundlePath := filepath.Join(backupPath, "001.bundle") refsPath := filepath.Join(backupPath, "001.refs") require.NoError(tb, os.MkdirAll(backupPath, perm.PublicDir)) gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "bundle", "create", bundlePath, "--all") refs := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "show-ref", "--head") require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(refsPath, refs, perm.PublicFile)) require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(backupRepoPath, "LATEST"), []byte(backupID), perm.PublicFile)) require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(backupPath, "LATEST"), []byte("001"), perm.PublicFile)) return repo, repoPath }, expectedErr: fmt.Errorf("manager: %w", fmt.Errorf("write bundle: %w: no changes to bundle", backup.ErrSkipped)), }, { desc: "previous backup, updates", setup: func(tb testing.TB, backupRoot string) (*gitalypb.Repository, string) { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) commitID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch(git.DefaultBranch)) backupRepoPath := joinBackupPath(tb, backupRoot, repo) backupPath := filepath.Join(backupRepoPath, backupID) bundlePath := filepath.Join(backupPath, "001.bundle") refsPath := filepath.Join(backupPath, "001.refs") require.NoError(tb, os.MkdirAll(backupPath, perm.PublicDir)) gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "bundle", "create", bundlePath, "--all") refs := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "show-ref", "--head") require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(refsPath, refs, perm.PublicFile)) require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(backupRepoPath, "LATEST"), []byte(backupID), perm.PublicFile)) require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(backupPath, "LATEST"), []byte("001"), perm.PublicFile)) gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch(git.DefaultBranch), gittest.WithParents(commitID)) return repo, repoPath }, expectedIncrement: "002", }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { backupRoot := testhelper.TempDir(t) repo, repoPath := tc.setup(t, backupRoot) refsPath := joinBackupPath(t, backupRoot, repo, backupID, tc.expectedIncrement+".refs") bundlePath := joinBackupPath(t, backupRoot, repo, backupID, tc.expectedIncrement+".bundle") sink := backup.NewFilesystemSink(backupRoot) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, sink) locator, err := backup.ResolveLocator("pointer", sink) require.NoError(t, err) fsBackup := managerTC.setup(t, sink, locator) err = fsBackup.Create(ctx, &backup.CreateRequest{ Server: storage.ServerInfo{Address: cfg.SocketPath, Token: cfg.Auth.Token}, Repository: repo, Incremental: true, BackupID: backupID, }) if tc.expectedErr == nil { require.NoError(t, err) } else { require.Equal(t, tc.expectedErr, err) return } require.FileExists(t, refsPath) require.FileExists(t, bundlePath) expectedRefs := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "show-ref", "--head") actualRefs := testhelper.MustReadFile(t, refsPath) require.Equal(t, string(expectedRefs), string(actualRefs)) }) } } } func TestManager_Restore_latest(t *testing.T) { gittest.SkipWithSHA256(t) t.Parallel() cfg := testcfg.Build(t) testcfg.BuildGitalyHooks(t, cfg) cfg.SocketPath = testserver.RunGitalyServer(t, cfg, setup.RegisterAll) repoCounter := counter.NewRepositoryCounter(cfg.Storages) for _, managerTC := range []struct { desc string setup func(t testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager }{ { desc: "RPC manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { pool := client.NewPool() tb.Cleanup(func() { testhelper.MustClose(tb, pool) }) return backup.NewManager(sink, locator, pool) }, }, { desc: "Local manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { if testhelper.IsPraefectEnabled() { tb.Skip("local backup manager expects to operate on the local filesystem so cannot operate through praefect") } storageLocator := config.NewLocator(cfg) gitCmdFactory := gittest.NewCommandFactory(tb, cfg) catfileCache := catfile.NewCache(cfg) tb.Cleanup(catfileCache.Stop) txManager := transaction.NewTrackingManager() return backup.NewManagerLocal(sink, testhelper.SharedLogger(t), locator, storageLocator, gitCmdFactory, catfileCache, txManager, repoCounter) }, }, } { managerTC := managerTC t.Run(managerTC.desc, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testhelper.Context(t) cc, err := client.Dial(ctx, cfg.SocketPath) require.NoError(t, err) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, cc) repoClient := gitalypb.NewRepositoryServiceClient(cc) _, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) commitID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch("main")) gittest.WriteTag(t, cfg, repoPath, "v1.0.0", commitID.Revision()) repoChecksum := gittest.ChecksumRepo(t, cfg, repoPath) repoBundle := gittest.BundleRepo(t, cfg, repoPath, "-") repoRefs := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "show-ref", "--head") backupRoot := testhelper.TempDir(t) for _, tc := range []struct { desc string locators []string setup func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) alwaysCreate bool expectExists bool expectedPaths []string expectedErrAs error }{ { desc: "existing repo, without hooks", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ relativePath + ".bundle": repoBundle, relativePath + ".refs": repoRefs, }) return repo, repoChecksum }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "existing repo, with hooks", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) customHooksPath := filepath.Join(backupRoot, relativePath, "custom_hooks.tar") testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ relativePath + ".bundle": repoBundle, relativePath + ".refs": repoRefs, }) require.NoError(tb, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(backupRoot, relativePath), perm.PublicDir)) testhelper.CopyFile(tb, mustCreateCustomHooksArchive(t, ctx), customHooksPath) return repo, repoChecksum }, expectedPaths: []string{ "custom_hooks/pre-commit.sample", "custom_hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample", "custom_hooks/pre-push.sample", }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "missing backup", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) return repo, nil }, expectedErrAs: backup.ErrSkipped, }, { desc: "missing backup, always create", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) return repo, new(git.Checksum) }, alwaysCreate: true, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "empty backup", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ relativePath + ".refs": "", }) return repo, new(git.Checksum) }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "empty backup, always create", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ relativePath + ".refs": "", }) return repo, new(git.Checksum) }, alwaysCreate: true, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "nonexistent repo", locators: []string{"legacy", "pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo := &gitalypb.Repository{ StorageName: "default", RelativePath: gittest.NewRepositoryName(tb), } relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ relativePath + ".bundle": repoBundle, relativePath + ".refs": repoRefs, }) return repo, repoChecksum }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "single incremental", locators: []string{"pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { const backupID = "abc123" repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join(relativePath, "LATEST"): backupID, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "LATEST"): "001", filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.bundle"): repoBundle, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.refs"): repoRefs, }) return repo, repoChecksum }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "single incremental, empty backup", locators: []string{"pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { const backupID = "abc123" repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join(relativePath, "LATEST"): backupID, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "LATEST"): "001", filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.refs"): "", }) return repo, new(git.Checksum) }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "many incrementals", locators: []string{"pointer"}, setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { const backupID = "abc123" _, expectedRepoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) root := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("master"), ) master1 := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("master"), gittest.WithParents(root), ) other := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("other"), gittest.WithParents(root), ) gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "symbolic-ref", "HEAD", "refs/heads/master") bundle1 := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "bundle", "create", "-", "HEAD", "refs/heads/master", "refs/heads/other", ) refs1 := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "show-ref", "--head") master2 := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("master"), gittest.WithParents(master1), ) bundle2 := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "bundle", "create", "-", "HEAD", "^"+master1.String(), "^"+other.String(), "refs/heads/master", "refs/heads/other", ) refs2 := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "show-ref", "--head") relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join(relativePath, "LATEST"): backupID, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "LATEST"): "002", filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.bundle"): bundle1, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "002.bundle"): bundle2, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.refs"): refs1, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "002.refs"): refs2, }) checksum := new(git.Checksum) checksum.Add(git.NewReference("HEAD", master2)) checksum.Add(git.NewReference("refs/heads/master", master2)) checksum.Add(git.NewReference("refs/heads/other", other)) return repo, checksum }, expectExists: true, }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { require.GreaterOrEqual(t, len(tc.locators), 1, "each test case must specify a locator") for _, locatorName := range tc.locators { t.Run(locatorName, func(t *testing.T) { repo, expectedChecksum := tc.setup(t) sink := backup.NewFilesystemSink(backupRoot) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, sink) locator, err := backup.ResolveLocator(locatorName, sink) require.NoError(t, err) fsBackup := managerTC.setup(t, sink, locator) err = fsBackup.Restore(ctx, &backup.RestoreRequest{ Server: storage.ServerInfo{Address: cfg.SocketPath, Token: cfg.Auth.Token}, Repository: repo, VanityRepository: repo, AlwaysCreate: tc.alwaysCreate, BackupID: "", }) if tc.expectedErrAs != nil { require.ErrorAs(t, err, &tc.expectedErrAs) } else { require.NoError(t, err) } exists, err := repoClient.RepositoryExists(ctx, &gitalypb.RepositoryExistsRequest{ Repository: repo, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tc.expectExists, exists.Exists, "repository exists") if expectedChecksum != nil { checksum, err := repoClient.CalculateChecksum(ctx, &gitalypb.CalculateChecksumRequest{ Repository: repo, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, expectedChecksum.String(), checksum.GetChecksum()) } if len(tc.expectedPaths) > 0 { // Restore has to use the rewritten path as the relative path due to the test creating // the repository through Praefect. In order to get to the correct disk paths, we need // to get the replica path of the rewritten repository. repoPath := filepath.Join(cfg.Storages[0].Path, gittest.GetReplicaPath(t, ctx, cfg, repo)) for _, p := range tc.expectedPaths { require.FileExists(t, filepath.Join(repoPath, p)) } } }) } }) } }) } } func TestManager_Restore_specific(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() const backupID = "abc123" cfg := testcfg.Build(t) testcfg.BuildGitalyHooks(t, cfg) cfg.SocketPath = testserver.RunGitalyServer(t, cfg, setup.RegisterAll) repoCounter := counter.NewRepositoryCounter(cfg.Storages) for _, managerTC := range []struct { desc string setup func(t testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager }{ { desc: "RPC manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { pool := client.NewPool() tb.Cleanup(func() { testhelper.MustClose(tb, pool) }) return backup.NewManager(sink, locator, pool) }, }, { desc: "Local manager", setup: func(tb testing.TB, sink backup.Sink, locator backup.Locator) *backup.Manager { if testhelper.IsPraefectEnabled() { tb.Skip("local backup manager expects to operate on the local filesystem so cannot operate through praefect") } storageLocator := config.NewLocator(cfg) gitCmdFactory := gittest.NewCommandFactory(tb, cfg) catfileCache := catfile.NewCache(cfg) tb.Cleanup(catfileCache.Stop) txManager := transaction.NewTrackingManager() return backup.NewManagerLocal(sink, testhelper.SharedLogger(t), locator, storageLocator, gitCmdFactory, catfileCache, txManager, repoCounter) }, }, } { managerTC := managerTC t.Run(managerTC.desc, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testhelper.Context(t) cc, err := client.Dial(ctx, cfg.SocketPath) require.NoError(t, err) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, cc) repoClient := gitalypb.NewRepositoryServiceClient(cc) _, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) commitID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch("main")) gittest.WriteTag(t, cfg, repoPath, "v1.0.0", commitID.Revision()) repoChecksum := gittest.ChecksumRepo(t, cfg, repoPath) repoBundle := gittest.BundleRepo(t, cfg, repoPath, "-") repoRefs := gittest.Exec(t, cfg, "-C", repoPath, "show-ref", "--head") backupRoot := testhelper.TempDir(t) for _, tc := range []struct { desc string setup func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) alwaysCreate bool expectExists bool expectedPaths []string expectedErrAs error expectedHeadReference git.ReferenceName }{ { desc: "missing backup", setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) return repo, nil }, expectedErrAs: backup.ErrSkipped, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "single incremental", setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { gittest.SkipWithSHA256(tb) // sha256 only works with manifest files repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join(relativePath, "LATEST"): backupID, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "LATEST"): "001", filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.bundle"): repoBundle, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.refs"): repoRefs, }) return repo, repoChecksum }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "many incrementals", setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { gittest.SkipWithSHA256(tb) // sha256 only works with manifest files _, expectedRepoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) root := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("master"), ) master1 := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("master"), gittest.WithParents(root), ) other := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("other"), gittest.WithParents(root), ) gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "symbolic-ref", "HEAD", "refs/heads/master") bundle1 := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "bundle", "create", "-", "HEAD", "refs/heads/master", "refs/heads/other", ) refs1 := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "show-ref", "--head") master2 := gittest.WriteCommit(tb, cfg, expectedRepoPath, gittest.WithBranch("master"), gittest.WithParents(master1), ) bundle2 := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "bundle", "create", "-", "HEAD", "^"+master1.String(), "^"+other.String(), "refs/heads/master", "refs/heads/other", ) refs2 := gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "-C", expectedRepoPath, "show-ref", "--head") relativePath := stripRelativePath(tb, repo) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join(relativePath, "LATEST"): backupID, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "LATEST"): "002", filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.bundle"): bundle1, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "002.bundle"): bundle2, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "001.refs"): refs1, filepath.Join(relativePath, backupID, "002.refs"): refs2, }) checksum := new(git.Checksum) checksum.Add(git.NewReference("HEAD", master2)) checksum.Add(git.NewReference("refs/heads/master", master2)) checksum.Add(git.NewReference("refs/heads/other", other)) return repo, checksum }, expectExists: true, }, { desc: "manifest, empty backup", setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join("manifests", repo.GetStorageName(), repo.GetRelativePath(), backupID+".toml"): fmt.Sprintf( `object_format = %q head_reference = 'refs/heads/banana' [[steps]] bundle_path = 'repo.bundle' ref_path = 'repo.refs' custom_hooks_path = 'custom_hooks.tar' `, gittest.DefaultObjectHash.Format), "repo.refs": "", }) return repo, new(git.Checksum) }, expectExists: true, expectedHeadReference: "refs/heads/banana", }, { desc: "manifest", setup: func(tb testing.TB) (*gitalypb.Repository, *git.Checksum) { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(tb, ctx, cfg) testhelper.WriteFiles(tb, backupRoot, map[string]any{ filepath.Join("manifests", repo.GetStorageName(), repo.GetRelativePath(), backupID+".toml"): fmt.Sprintf( `object_format = %q head_reference = 'refs/heads/banana' [[steps]] bundle_path = 'repo.bundle' ref_path = 'repo.refs' custom_hooks_path = 'custom_hooks.tar' `, gittest.DefaultObjectHash.Format), "repo.bundle": repoBundle, "repo.refs": repoRefs, }) checksum := gittest.ChecksumRepo(tb, cfg, repoPath) // Negate off the default branch since the manifest is // explicitly setting a different unborn branch that // will not be part of the checksum. checksum.Add(git.NewReference("HEAD", commitID)) return repo, checksum }, expectExists: true, expectedHeadReference: "refs/heads/banana", }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { repo, expectedChecksum := tc.setup(t) sink := backup.NewFilesystemSink(backupRoot) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, sink) locator, err := backup.ResolveLocator("pointer", sink) require.NoError(t, err) fsBackup := managerTC.setup(t, sink, locator) err = fsBackup.Restore(ctx, &backup.RestoreRequest{ Server: storage.ServerInfo{Address: cfg.SocketPath, Token: cfg.Auth.Token}, Repository: repo, VanityRepository: repo, AlwaysCreate: tc.alwaysCreate, BackupID: backupID, }) if tc.expectedErrAs != nil { require.ErrorAs(t, err, &tc.expectedErrAs) } else { require.NoError(t, err) } exists, err := repoClient.RepositoryExists(ctx, &gitalypb.RepositoryExistsRequest{ Repository: repo, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tc.expectExists, exists.Exists, "repository exists") if expectedChecksum != nil { checksum, err := repoClient.CalculateChecksum(ctx, &gitalypb.CalculateChecksumRequest{ Repository: repo, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, expectedChecksum.String(), checksum.GetChecksum()) } if len(tc.expectedPaths) > 0 { // Restore has to use the rewritten path as the relative path due to the test creating // the repository through Praefect. In order to get to the correct disk paths, we need // to get the replica path of the rewritten repository. repoPath := filepath.Join(cfg.Storages[0].Path, gittest.GetReplicaPath(t, ctx, cfg, repo)) for _, p := range tc.expectedPaths { require.FileExists(t, filepath.Join(repoPath, p)) } } if len(tc.expectedHeadReference) > 0 { repoPath := filepath.Join(cfg.Storages[0].Path, gittest.GetReplicaPath(t, ctx, cfg, repo)) ref := gittest.GetSymbolicRef(t, cfg, repoPath, "HEAD") require.Equal(t, tc.expectedHeadReference, git.ReferenceName(ref.Target)) } }) } }) } } func TestManager_CreateRestore_contextServerInfo(t *testing.T) { gittest.SkipWithSHA256(t) t.Parallel() cfg := testcfg.Build(t) testcfg.BuildGitalyHooks(t, cfg) cfg.SocketPath = testserver.RunGitalyServer(t, cfg, setup.RegisterAll) ctx := testhelper.Context(t) repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) commitID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch("main")) gittest.WriteTag(t, cfg, repoPath, "v1.0.0", commitID.Revision()) backupRoot := testhelper.TempDir(t) pool := client.NewPool() defer testhelper.MustClose(t, pool) sink := backup.NewFilesystemSink(backupRoot) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, sink) locator, err := backup.ResolveLocator("pointer", sink) require.NoError(t, err) fsBackup := backup.NewManager(sink, locator, pool) ctx = testhelper.MergeIncomingMetadata(ctx, testcfg.GitalyServersMetadataFromCfg(t, cfg)) require.NoError(t, fsBackup.Create(ctx, &backup.CreateRequest{ Repository: repo, BackupID: "abc123", })) require.NoError(t, fsBackup.Restore(ctx, &backup.RestoreRequest{ Repository: repo, })) } func TestResolveLocator(t *testing.T) { gittest.SkipWithSHA256(t) t.Parallel() for _, tc := range []struct { layout string expectedErr string }{ {layout: "legacy"}, {layout: "pointer"}, { layout: "unknown", expectedErr: "unknown layout: \"unknown\"", }, } { t.Run(tc.layout, func(t *testing.T) { l, err := backup.ResolveLocator(tc.layout, nil) if tc.expectedErr == "" { require.NoError(t, err) } else { require.EqualError(t, err, tc.expectedErr) return } require.NotNil(t, l) }) } } func joinBackupPath(tb testing.TB, backupRoot string, repo storage.Repository, elements ...string) string { return filepath.Join(append([]string{ backupRoot, stripRelativePath(tb, repo), }, elements...)...) } func stripRelativePath(tb testing.TB, repo storage.Repository) string { return strings.TrimSuffix(repo.GetRelativePath(), ".git") } func mustCreateCustomHooksArchive(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context) string { t.Helper() tmpDir := testhelper.TempDir(t) hooksDirPath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "custom_hooks") require.NoError(t, os.Mkdir(hooksDirPath, os.ModePerm)) require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(hooksDirPath, "pre-commit.sample"), []byte("foo"), os.ModePerm)) require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(hooksDirPath, "prepare-commit-msg.sample"), []byte("bar"), os.ModePerm)) require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(hooksDirPath, "pre-push.sample"), []byte("baz"), os.ModePerm)) archivePath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "custom_hooks.tar") file, err := os.Create(archivePath) require.NoError(t, err) defer testhelper.MustClose(t, file) require.NoError(t, archive.WriteTarball(ctx, testhelper.SharedLogger(t), file, tmpDir, "custom_hooks")) return archivePath }