package praefect import ( "fmt" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestSubCmdSqlMigrate(t *testing.T) { db := testdb.New(t) dbCfg := testdb.GetConfig(t, db.Name) cfg := config.Config{ ListenAddr: "/dev/null", VirtualStorages: []*config.VirtualStorage{{Name: "p", Nodes: []*config.Node{{Storage: "s", Address: "localhost"}}}}, DB: dbCfg, } confPath := writeConfigToFile(t, cfg) migrationCt := len(migrations.All()) for _, tc := range []struct { desc string up int args []string expectedOutput []string expectedErr error }{ { desc: "unexpected positional arguments", args: []string{"positonal-arg"}, expectedErr: cli.Exit(unexpectedPositionalArgsError{Command: "sql-migrate"}, 1), }, { desc: "All migrations up", up: migrationCt, expectedOutput: []string{"praefect sql-migrate: all migrations are up"}, }, { desc: "All migrations down", up: 0, expectedOutput: []string{ fmt.Sprintf("praefect sql-migrate: migrations to apply: %d", migrationCt), "20200109161404_hello_world: migrating", "20200109161404_hello_world: applied (", fmt.Sprintf("praefect sql-migrate: OK (applied %d migrations)", migrationCt), }, }, { desc: "Some migrations down", up: 10, expectedOutput: []string{ fmt.Sprintf("praefect sql-migrate: migrations to apply: %d", migrationCt-10), "20201126165633_repository_assignments_table: migrating", "20201126165633_repository_assignments_table: applied (", fmt.Sprintf("praefect sql-migrate: OK (applied %d migrations)", migrationCt-10), }, }, { desc: "Verbose output", up: 0, args: []string{"-verbose"}, expectedOutput: []string{ fmt.Sprintf("praefect sql-migrate: migrations to apply: %d", migrationCt), "20200109161404_hello_world: migrating", "[CREATE TABLE hello_world (id integer)]", "20200109161404_hello_world: applied (", fmt.Sprintf("praefect sql-migrate: OK (applied %d migrations)", migrationCt), }, }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { testdb.SetMigrations(t, db, cfg, tc.up) stdout, stderr, err := runApp(append([]string{"-config", confPath, sqlMigrateCmdName, "-ignore-unknown"}, tc.args...)) assert.Empty(t, stderr) require.Equal(t, tc.expectedErr, err) for _, out := range tc.expectedOutput { assert.Contains(t, stdout, out) } }) } }