package git import ( "bytes" "encoding/base64" "fmt" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestFlagValidation(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []struct { option Option valid bool }{ // valid Flag inputs {option: Flag{Name: "-k"}, valid: true}, {option: Flag{Name: "-K"}, valid: true}, {option: Flag{Name: "--asdf"}, valid: true}, {option: Flag{Name: "--asdf-qwer"}, valid: true}, {option: Flag{Name: "--asdf=qwerty"}, valid: true}, {option: Flag{Name: "-D=A"}, valid: true}, {option: Flag{Name: "-D="}, valid: true}, // valid ValueFlag inputs {option: ValueFlag{"-k", "adsf"}, valid: true}, {option: ValueFlag{"-k", "--anything"}, valid: true}, {option: ValueFlag{"-k", ""}, valid: true}, // invalid Flag inputs {option: Flag{Name: "-*"}}, // invalid character {option: Flag{Name: "a"}}, // missing dash {option: Flag{Name: "[["}}, // suspicious characters {option: Flag{Name: "||"}}, // suspicious characters {option: Flag{Name: "asdf=qwerty"}}, // missing dash // invalid ValueFlag inputs {option: ValueFlag{"k", "asdf"}}, // missing dash } { args, err := tt.option.OptionArgs() if tt.valid { require.NoError(t, err) } else { require.Error(t, err, "expected error, but args %v passed validation", args) require.True(t, IsInvalidArgErr(err)) } } } func TestGlobalOption(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, tc := range []struct { desc string option GlobalOption expectedErr error expectedArgs []string }{ { desc: "single-letter flag", option: Flag{Name: "-k"}, expectedArgs: []string{"-k"}, }, { desc: "long option flag", option: Flag{Name: "--asdf"}, expectedArgs: []string{"--asdf"}, }, { desc: "multiple single-letter flags", option: Flag{Name: "-abc"}, expectedArgs: []string{"-abc"}, }, { desc: "single-letter option with value", option: Flag{Name: "-a=value"}, expectedArgs: []string{"-a=value"}, }, { desc: "long option with value", option: Flag{Name: "--asdf=value"}, expectedArgs: []string{"--asdf=value"}, }, { desc: "flags without dashes are not allowed", option: Flag{Name: "foo"}, expectedErr: fmt.Errorf("flag %q failed regex validation: %w", "foo", ErrInvalidArg), }, { desc: "leading spaces are not allowed", option: Flag{Name: " -a"}, expectedErr: fmt.Errorf("flag %q failed regex validation: %w", " -a", ErrInvalidArg), }, { desc: "single-letter value flag", option: ValueFlag{Name: "-a", Value: "value"}, expectedArgs: []string{"-a", "value"}, }, { desc: "long option value flag", option: ValueFlag{Name: "--foobar", Value: "value"}, expectedArgs: []string{"--foobar", "value"}, }, { desc: "multiple single-letters for value flag", option: ValueFlag{Name: "-abc", Value: "value"}, expectedArgs: []string{"-abc", "value"}, }, { desc: "value flag with empty value", option: ValueFlag{Name: "--key", Value: ""}, expectedArgs: []string{"--key", ""}, }, { desc: "value flag without dashes are not allowed", option: ValueFlag{Name: "foo", Value: "bar"}, expectedErr: fmt.Errorf("value flag %q failed regex validation: %w", "foo", ErrInvalidArg), }, { desc: "value flag with empty key are not allowed", option: ValueFlag{Name: "", Value: "bar"}, expectedErr: fmt.Errorf("value flag %q failed regex validation: %w", "", ErrInvalidArg), }, { desc: "config pair with key and value", option: ConfigPair{Key: "", Value: "value"}, expectedArgs: []string{"-c", ""}, }, { desc: "config pair with subsection", option: ConfigPair{Key: "", Value: "value"}, expectedArgs: []string{"-c", ""}, }, { desc: "config pair without value", option: ConfigPair{Key: ""}, expectedArgs: []string{"-c", ""}, }, { desc: "config pair with URL key", option: ConfigPair{Key: "http.", Value: "kitty"}, expectedArgs: []string{"-c", "http."}, }, { desc: "config pair with URL key including wildcard", option: ConfigPair{Key: "http.https://*", Value: ""}, expectedArgs: []string{"-c", "http.https://*"}, }, { desc: "config pair with invalid section format", option: ConfigPair{Key: "foo", Value: "value"}, expectedErr: fmt.Errorf( "invalid configuration key \"foo\": %w", cfgerror.NewValidationError(fmt.Errorf("key %q must contain at least one section", "foo"), "key"), ), }, { desc: "config pair with leading whitespace", option: ConfigPair{Key: "", Value: "value"}, expectedErr: fmt.Errorf( "invalid configuration key \"\": %w", cfgerror.NewValidationError(fmt.Errorf("key %q failed regexp validation", ""), "key"), ), }, { desc: "config pair with disallowed character in key", option: ConfigPair{Key: "foo.b=r", Value: "value"}, expectedErr: fmt.Errorf( "invalid configuration key \"foo.b=r\": %w", cfgerror.NewValidationError(fmt.Errorf("key %q cannot contain \"=\"", "foo.b=r"), "key"), ), }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { args, err := tc.option.GlobalArgs() require.Equal(t, tc.expectedErr, err) require.Equal(t, tc.expectedArgs, args) }) } } func TestWithConfig(t *testing.T) { cfg := config.Cfg{ BinDir: testhelper.TempDir(t), } ctx := testhelper.Context(t) gitCmdFactory := newCommandFactory(t, cfg, WithSkipHooks()) for _, tc := range []struct { desc string configPairs []ConfigPair expectedValues map[string]string }{ { desc: "no entries", configPairs: []ConfigPair{}, }, { desc: "single entry", configPairs: []ConfigPair{ {Key: "", Value: "baz"}, }, expectedValues: map[string]string{ "": "baz", }, }, { desc: "multiple entries", configPairs: []ConfigPair{ {Key: "", Value: "1"}, {Key: "entry.two", Value: "2"}, {Key: "entry.three", Value: "3"}, }, expectedValues: map[string]string{ "": "1", "entry.two": "2", "entry.three": "3", }, }, { desc: "later entries override previous ones", configPairs: []ConfigPair{ {Key: "", Value: "old value"}, {Key: "unrelated.entry", Value: "unrelated value"}, {Key: "", Value: "new value"}, }, expectedValues: map[string]string{ "unrelated.entry": "unrelated value", "": "new value", }, }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { option := WithConfig(tc.configPairs...) var commandCfg cmdCfg require.NoError(t, option(ctx, cfg, gitCmdFactory, &commandCfg)) for expectedKey, expectedValue := range tc.expectedValues { var stdout bytes.Buffer configCmd, err := gitCmdFactory.NewWithoutRepo(ctx, Command{ Name: "config", Args: []string{expectedKey}, }, WithStdout(&stdout), option) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, configCmd.Wait()) require.Equal(t, expectedValue, text.ChompBytes(stdout.Bytes())) } }) } } func TestExecCommandFactoryGitalyConfigOverrides(t *testing.T) { cfg := config.Cfg{ BinDir: testhelper.TempDir(t), Git: config.Git{ Config: []config.GitConfig{ {Key: "", Value: "from-gitaly-config"}, }, }, } ctx := testhelper.Context(t) gitCmdFactory := newCommandFactory(t, cfg, WithSkipHooks()) var stdout bytes.Buffer cmd, err := gitCmdFactory.NewWithoutRepo(ctx, Command{ Name: "config", Args: []string{""}, }, WithStdout(&stdout), WithConfig(ConfigPair{Key: "", Value: "from-config-option"}), WithConfigEnv(ConfigPair{Key: "", Value: "from-config-env"}), ) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, cmd.Wait()) require.Equal(t, "from-gitaly-config\n", stdout.String()) } func TestWithConfigEnv(t *testing.T) { cfg := config.Cfg{ BinDir: testhelper.TempDir(t), } ctx := testhelper.Context(t) gitCmdFactory := newCommandFactory(t, cfg, WithSkipHooks()) for _, tc := range []struct { desc string configPairs []ConfigPair expectedEnv []string expectedValues map[string]string }{ { desc: "no entries", configPairs: []ConfigPair{}, expectedEnv: []string{"GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=0"}, }, { desc: "single entry", configPairs: []ConfigPair{ {Key: "", Value: "baz"}, }, expectedEnv: []string{ "", "GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0=baz", "GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=1", }, expectedValues: map[string]string{ "": "baz", }, }, { desc: "multiple entries", configPairs: []ConfigPair{ {Key: "", Value: "1"}, {Key: "entry.two", Value: "2"}, {Key: "entry.three", Value: "3"}, }, expectedEnv: []string{ "", "GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0=1", "GIT_CONFIG_KEY_1=entry.two", "GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_1=2", "GIT_CONFIG_KEY_2=entry.three", "GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_2=3", "GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=3", }, expectedValues: map[string]string{ "": "1", "entry.two": "2", "entry.three": "3", }, }, { desc: "later entries override previous ones", configPairs: []ConfigPair{ {Key: "", Value: "old value"}, {Key: "unrelated.entry", Value: "unrelated value"}, {Key: "", Value: "new value"}, }, expectedEnv: []string{ "", "GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0=old value", "GIT_CONFIG_KEY_1=unrelated.entry", "GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_1=unrelated value", "", "GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_2=new value", "GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=3", }, expectedValues: map[string]string{ "unrelated.entry": "unrelated value", "": "new value", }, }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { option := WithConfigEnv(tc.configPairs...) var commandCfg cmdCfg require.NoError(t, option(ctx, cfg, gitCmdFactory, &commandCfg)) require.EqualValues(t, tc.expectedEnv, commandCfg.env) for expectedKey, expectedValue := range tc.expectedValues { var stdout bytes.Buffer configCmd, err := gitCmdFactory.NewWithoutRepo(ctx, Command{ Name: "config", Args: []string{expectedKey}, }, WithStdout(&stdout), option) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, configCmd.Wait()) require.Equal(t, expectedValue, text.ChompBytes(stdout.Bytes())) } }) } } func TestWithInternalFetch(t *testing.T) { cfg := config.Cfg{BinDir: testhelper.TempDir(t)} gitCmdFactory := newCommandFactory(t, cfg, WithSkipHooks()) ctx := testhelper.Context(t) md := metadata.Pairs("gitaly-servers", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(`{"default":{"address":"unix:///tmp/sock","token":"hunter1"}}`))) ctx = metadata.NewIncomingContext(ctx, md) ctx = correlation.ContextWithCorrelation(ctx, "correlation-id-1") uploadPackRequest := gitalypb.SSHUploadPackRequest{ Repository: &gitalypb.Repository{ StorageName: "default", }, } uploadPackRequestMarshalled, err := protojson.Marshal(&uploadPackRequest) require.NoError(t, err) uploadPackRequestWithSidechannel := gitalypb.SSHUploadPackWithSidechannelRequest{ Repository: &gitalypb.Repository{ StorageName: "default", }, } uploadPackRequestWithSidechannelMarshalled, err := protojson.Marshal(&uploadPackRequestWithSidechannel) require.NoError(t, err) for _, tc := range []struct { desc string createOption func() CmdOpt expectedSidechannel bool expectedPayload []byte }{ { desc: "without sidechannel", createOption: func() CmdOpt { return WithInternalFetch(&uploadPackRequest) }, expectedSidechannel: false, expectedPayload: uploadPackRequestMarshalled, }, { desc: "with sidechannel", createOption: func() CmdOpt { return WithInternalFetchWithSidechannel(&uploadPackRequestWithSidechannel) }, expectedSidechannel: true, expectedPayload: uploadPackRequestWithSidechannelMarshalled, }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { var commandCfg cmdCfg option := tc.createOption() require.NoError(t, option(ctx, cfg, gitCmdFactory, &commandCfg)) require.Subset(t, commandCfg.env, []string{ fmt.Sprintf("GIT_SSH_COMMAND=%s upload-pack", cfg.BinaryPath("gitaly-ssh")), fmt.Sprintf("GITALY_PAYLOAD=%s", tc.expectedPayload), "CORRELATION_ID=correlation-id-1", "GIT_SSH_VARIANT=simple", }) if tc.expectedSidechannel { require.Contains(t, commandCfg.env, "GITALY_USE_SIDECHANNEL=1") } else { require.NotContains(t, commandCfg.env, "GITALY_USE_SIDECHANNEL=1") } }) } } func TestConfigPairsToEnvironment(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { desc string configPairs []ConfigPair expectedEnv []string }{ { desc: "no pairs", expectedEnv: []string{ "GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=0", }, }, { desc: "single pair", configPairs: []ConfigPair{ {Key: "", Value: "baz"}, }, expectedEnv: []string{ "", "GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0=baz", "GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=1", }, }, { desc: "multiple pairs", configPairs: []ConfigPair{ {Key: "duplicate.key", Value: "first"}, {Key: "", Value: "baz"}, {Key: "duplicate.key", Value: "second"}, }, expectedEnv: []string{ "GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0=duplicate.key", "GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0=first", "", "GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_1=baz", "GIT_CONFIG_KEY_2=duplicate.key", "GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_2=second", "GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=3", }, }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { require.Equal(t, tc.expectedEnv, ConfigPairsToGitEnvironment(tc.configPairs)) }) } }