package git_test import ( "context" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestFlagValidation(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []struct { option git.Option valid bool }{ // valid Flag inputs {option: git.Flag{"-k"}, valid: true}, {option: git.Flag{"-K"}, valid: true}, {option: git.Flag{"--asdf"}, valid: true}, {option: git.Flag{"--asdf-qwer"}, valid: true}, {option: git.Flag{"--asdf=qwerty"}, valid: true}, {option: git.Flag{"-D=A"}, valid: true}, {option: git.Flag{"-D="}, valid: true}, // valid ValueFlag inputs {option: git.ValueFlag{"-k", "adsf"}, valid: true}, {option: git.ValueFlag{"-k", "--anything"}, valid: true}, {option: git.ValueFlag{"-k", ""}, valid: true}, // valid SubSubCmd inputs {option: git.SubSubCmd{"meow"}, valid: true}, // valid ConfigPair inputs {option: git.ConfigPair{"a.b.c", "d"}, valid: true}, {option: git.ConfigPair{"core.sound", "meow"}, valid: true}, {option: git.ConfigPair{"asdf-qwer.1234-5678", ""}, valid: true}, {option: git.ConfigPair{"http.", "kitty"}, valid: true}, // invalid Flag inputs {option: git.Flag{"-*"}}, // invalid character {option: git.Flag{"a"}}, // missing dash {option: git.Flag{"[["}}, // suspicious characters {option: git.Flag{"||"}}, // suspicious characters {option: git.Flag{"asdf=qwerty"}}, // missing dash // invalid ValueFlag inputs {option: git.ValueFlag{"k", "asdf"}}, // missing dash // invalid SubSubCmd inputs {option: git.SubSubCmd{"--meow"}}, // cannot start with dash // invalid ConfigPair inputs {option: git.ConfigPair{"", ""}}, // key cannot be empty {option: git.ConfigPair{" ", ""}}, // key cannot be whitespace {option: git.ConfigPair{"asdf", ""}}, // two components required {option: git.ConfigPair{"asdf.", ""}}, // 2nd component must be non-empty {option: git.ConfigPair{"--asdf.asdf", ""}}, // key cannot start with dash {option: git.ConfigPair{"as[[df.asdf", ""}}, // 1st component cannot contain non-alphanumeric {option: git.ConfigPair{"]]df", ""}}, // 2nd component cannot contain non-alphanumeric } { args, err := tt.option.ValidateArgs() if tt.valid { require.NoError(t, err) } else { require.Error(t, err, "expected error, but args %v passed validation", args) require.True(t, git.IsInvalidArgErr(err)) } } } func TestSafeCmdInvalidArg(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []struct { globals []git.Option subCmd git.SubCmd errMsg string }{ { subCmd: git.SubCmd{Name: "--meow"}, errMsg: "invalid sub command name \"--meow\"", }, { subCmd: git.SubCmd{ Name: "meow", Flags: []git.Option{git.Flag{"woof"}}, }, errMsg: "flag \"woof\" failed regex validation", }, { subCmd: git.SubCmd{ Name: "meow", Args: []string{"--tweet"}, }, errMsg: "positional arg \"--tweet\" cannot start with dash '-'", }, { subCmd: git.SubCmd{ Name: "meow", Flags: []git.Option{git.SubSubCmd{"-invalid"}}, }, errMsg: "invalid sub-sub command name \"-invalid\"", }, } { _, err := git.SafeCmd( context.Background(), &gitalypb.Repository{}, tt.globals, tt.subCmd, ) require.EqualError(t, err, tt.errMsg) require.True(t, git.IsInvalidArgErr(err)) } } func TestSafeCmdValid(t *testing.T) { testRepo, _, cleanup := testhelper.NewTestRepo(t) defer cleanup() ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() reenableGitCmd := disableGitCmd() defer reenableGitCmd() for _, tt := range []struct { globals []git.Option subCmd git.SubCmd expectArgs []string }{ { subCmd: git.SubCmd{Name: "meow"}, expectArgs: []string{"meow"}, }, { globals: []git.Option{ git.Flag{"--aaaa-bbbb"}, }, subCmd: git.SubCmd{Name: "cccc"}, expectArgs: []string{"--aaaa-bbbb", "cccc"}, }, { subCmd: git.SubCmd{ Name: "meow", Args: []string{""}, PostSepArgs: []string{"-woof", ""}, }, expectArgs: []string{"meow", "", "--", "-woof", ""}, }, { globals: []git.Option{ git.Flag{"-a"}, git.ValueFlag{"-b", "c"}, }, subCmd: git.SubCmd{ Name: "d", Flags: []git.Option{ git.Flag{"-e"}, git.ValueFlag{"-f", "g"}, git.Flag{"-h=i"}, }, Args: []string{"1", "2"}, PostSepArgs: []string{"3", "4", "5"}, }, expectArgs: []string{"-a", "-b", "c", "d", "-e", "-f", "g", "-h=i", "1", "2", "--", "3", "4", "5"}, }, { subCmd: git.SubCmd{ Name: "noun", Flags: []git.Option{ git.SubSubCmd{"verb"}, git.OutputToStdout, git.Flag{"--adjective"}, }, }, expectArgs: []string{"noun", "verb", "-", "--adjective"}, }, { globals: []git.Option{ git.Flag{"--contributing"}, git.ValueFlag{"--author", "a-gopher"}, }, subCmd: git.SubCmd{ Name: "accept", Args: []string{"mr"}, Flags: []git.Option{ git.Flag{Name: "--is-important"}, git.ValueFlag{"--why", "looking-for-first-contribution"}, }, }, expectArgs: []string{"--contributing", "--author", "a-gopher", "accept", "--is-important", "--why", "looking-for-first-contribution", "mr"}, }, } { cmd, err := git.SafeCmd(ctx, testRepo, tt.globals, tt.subCmd) require.NoError(t, err) // ignore first 3 indeterministic args (executable path and repo args) require.Equal(t, tt.expectArgs, cmd.Args()[3:]) cmd, err = git.SafeStdinCmd(ctx, testRepo, tt.globals, tt.subCmd) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tt.expectArgs, cmd.Args()[3:]) cmd, err = git.SafeBareCmd(ctx, nil, nil, nil, nil, tt.globals, tt.subCmd) require.NoError(t, err) // ignore first indeterministic arg (executable path) require.Equal(t, tt.expectArgs, cmd.Args()[1:]) cmd, err = git.SafeCmdWithoutRepo(ctx, tt.globals, tt.subCmd) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tt.expectArgs, cmd.Args()[1:]) } } func disableGitCmd() testhelper.Cleanup { oldBinPath := config.Config.Git.BinPath config.Config.Git.BinPath = "/bin/echo" return func() { config.Config.Git.BinPath = oldBinPath } }