package cleanup import ( "strings" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestRewriteHistory(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() gittest.SkipWithSHA256(t) ctx := testhelper.Context(t) cfg := testcfg.Build(t) testcfg.BuildGitalyHooks(t, cfg) cfg.SocketPath = runCleanupServiceServer(t, cfg) client, conn := newCleanupServiceClient(t, cfg.SocketPath) t.Cleanup(func() { conn.Close() }) addUnmodifiedRefs := func(repoPath string) []git.Reference { unmodifiedCommit := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch("unmodified"), gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "unmodified-file", Mode: "100644", Content: "can't touch this"}, )) unmodifiedTag := gittest.WriteTag(t, cfg, repoPath, "unmodified-tag", unmodifiedCommit.Revision(), gittest.WriteTagConfig{ Message: "annotated", }) keepRef := git.ReferenceName("refs/keeparound/" + unmodifiedCommit.String()) gittest.WriteRef(t, cfg, repoPath, keepRef, unmodifiedCommit) return []git.Reference{ { Name: "refs/heads/unmodified", Target: unmodifiedCommit.String(), }, { Name: "refs/tags/unmodified-tag", Target: unmodifiedTag.String(), }, { Name: keepRef, Target: unmodifiedCommit.String(), }, } } type setupData struct { requests []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest repoPath string expectedRefs []git.Reference expectedErr error expectedResponse *gitalypb.RewriteHistoryResponse } for _, tc := range []struct { desc string setup func(t *testing.T) setupData }{ { desc: "no requests", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { return setupData{ requests: nil, expectedErr: testhelper.GitalyOrPraefect( structerr.NewInternal("receiving initial request: EOF"), structerr.NewInternal("EOF"), ), } }, }, { desc: "missing repository", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { repoPath := gittest.NewRepositoryName(t) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: &gitalypb.Repository{ StorageName: cfg.Storages[0].Name, RelativePath: repoPath, }, Redactions: [][]byte{[]byte("hunter2")}, }, }, expectedErr: testhelper.ToInterceptedMetadata( structerr.New("%w", storage.NewRepositoryNotFoundError(cfg.Storages[0].Name, repoPath)), ), } }, }, { desc: "repository in subsequent request", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: repo, Redactions: [][]byte{[]byte("hunter2")}, }, { Repository: repo, Redactions: [][]byte{[]byte("secretpassword")}, }, }, expectedErr: structerr.NewInvalidArgument("subsequent requests must not contain repository"), } }, }, { desc: "empty request", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: repo, }, }, expectedErr: structerr.NewInvalidArgument("no object IDs or text replacements specified"), } }, }, { desc: "remove invalid oid", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) unmodifiedRefs := addUnmodifiedRefs(repoPath) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: repo, Blobs: []string{"invalid oid"}, }, }, repoPath: repoPath, expectedRefs: unmodifiedRefs, expectedErr: testhelper.WithInterceptedMetadata( structerr.NewInvalidArgument("validating object ID: invalid object ID: \"invalid oid\", expected length %v, got 11", gittest.DefaultObjectHash.EncodedLen()), "oid", "invalid oid", ), } }, }, { desc: "redaction pattern with newline", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) unmodifiedRefs := addUnmodifiedRefs(repoPath) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: repo, Redactions: [][]byte{[]byte("hunter\n2")}, }, }, repoPath: repoPath, expectedRefs: unmodifiedRefs, expectedErr: structerr.NewInvalidArgument("redaction pattern contains newline"), } }, }, { desc: "redaction pattern with escaped newline", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) unmodifiedRefs := addUnmodifiedRefs(repoPath) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: repo, Redactions: [][]byte{[]byte("hunter\\n2")}, }, }, repoPath: repoPath, expectedRefs: unmodifiedRefs, expectedResponse: &gitalypb.RewriteHistoryResponse{}, } }, }, { desc: "remove non-existent oid", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) unmodifiedRefs := addUnmodifiedRefs(repoPath) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: repo, Blobs: []string{strings.Repeat("a", gittest.DefaultObjectHash.EncodedLen())}, }, }, repoPath: repoPath, expectedRefs: unmodifiedRefs, expectedResponse: &gitalypb.RewriteHistoryResponse{}, } }, }, { desc: "remove blobs", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) unmodifiedRefs := addUnmodifiedRefs(repoPath) blobToRemove := gittest.WriteBlob(t, cfg, repoPath, []byte("big blob")) _ = gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch("main"), gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "remove-me", Mode: "100644", OID: blobToRemove}, gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "a-file", Mode: "100644", Content: "foobar"}, )) updatedCommit := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "a-file", Mode: "100644", Content: "foobar"}, )) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: repo, Blobs: []string{blobToRemove.String()}, }, }, repoPath: repoPath, expectedRefs: append(unmodifiedRefs, []git.Reference{ { Name: "refs/heads/main", Target: updatedCommit.String(), }, }...), expectedResponse: &gitalypb.RewriteHistoryResponse{}, } }, }, { desc: "redact blobs", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) unmodifiedRefs := addUnmodifiedRefs(repoPath) _ = gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch("main"), gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "redact-me", Mode: "100644", Content: "my password is hunter2"}, )) updatedCommit := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "redact-me", Mode: "100644", Content: "my password is ***REMOVED***"}, )) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: repo, Redactions: [][]byte{ []byte("hunter2"), }, }, }, repoPath: repoPath, expectedRefs: append(unmodifiedRefs, []git.Reference{ { Name: "refs/heads/main", Target: updatedCommit.String(), }, }...), expectedResponse: &gitalypb.RewriteHistoryResponse{}, } }, }, { desc: "multiple requests", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { repoProto, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) unmodifiedRefs := addUnmodifiedRefs(repoPath) blobToRemove := gittest.WriteBlob(t, cfg, repoPath, []byte("big blob")) _ = gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch("main"), gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "remove-me", Mode: "100644", OID: blobToRemove}, gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "redact-me", Mode: "100644", Content: "my password is hunter2"}, )) updatedCommit := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "redact-me", Mode: "100644", Content: "my password is ***REMOVED***"}, )) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: repoProto, Blobs: []string{blobToRemove.String()}, }, { Redactions: [][]byte{[]byte("hunter2")}, }, }, repoPath: repoPath, expectedRefs: append(unmodifiedRefs, []git.Reference{ { Name: "refs/heads/main", Target: updatedCommit.String(), }, }...), expectedResponse: &gitalypb.RewriteHistoryResponse{}, } }, }, { desc: "empty branch deleted", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) unmodifiedRefs := addUnmodifiedRefs(repoPath) blobToRemove := gittest.WriteBlob(t, cfg, repoPath, []byte("big blob")) _ = gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithBranch("main"), gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "remove-me", Mode: "100644", OID: blobToRemove}, )) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: repo, Blobs: []string{blobToRemove.String()}, }, }, repoPath: repoPath, expectedRefs: unmodifiedRefs, expectedResponse: &gitalypb.RewriteHistoryResponse{}, } }, }, { desc: "tag updated", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) unmodifiedRefs := addUnmodifiedRefs(repoPath) blobToRemove := gittest.WriteBlob(t, cfg, repoPath, []byte("big blob")) commit := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "remove-me", Mode: "100644", OID: blobToRemove}, gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "a-file", Mode: "100644", Content: "foobar"}, )) _ = gittest.WriteTag(t, cfg, repoPath, "updated-tag", commit.Revision()) updatedCommit := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "a-file", Mode: "100644", Content: "foobar"}, )) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: repo, Blobs: []string{blobToRemove.String()}, }, }, repoPath: repoPath, expectedRefs: append(unmodifiedRefs, []git.Reference{ { Name: "refs/tags/updated-tag", Target: updatedCommit.String(), }, }...), expectedResponse: &gitalypb.RewriteHistoryResponse{}, } }, }, { desc: "empty tag deleted", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) unmodifiedRefs := addUnmodifiedRefs(repoPath) blobToRemove := gittest.WriteBlob(t, cfg, repoPath, []byte("big blob")) commit := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "a-file", Mode: "100644", OID: blobToRemove}, )) _ = gittest.WriteTag(t, cfg, repoPath, "deleted-tag", commit.Revision(), gittest.WriteTagConfig{ Message: "annotated", }) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: repo, Blobs: []string{blobToRemove.String()}, }, }, repoPath: repoPath, expectedRefs: unmodifiedRefs, expectedResponse: &gitalypb.RewriteHistoryResponse{}, } }, }, { desc: "remove blob in pool repo", setup: func(t *testing.T) setupData { testhelper.SkipWithWAL(t, ` Object pools are not yet supported with transaction management.`) repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) unmodifiedRefs := addUnmodifiedRefs(repoPath) poolBlob := gittest.WriteBlob(t, cfg, repoPath, []byte("pool blob")) parentCommit := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "remove-me", Mode: "100644", OID: poolBlob}, gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "other-pool-file", Mode: "100644", Content: "pool blob to retain"}, ), gittest.WithBranch("main"), ) gittest.CreateObjectPool(t, ctx, cfg, repo, gittest.CreateObjectPoolConfig{ LinkRepositoryToObjectPool: true, }) _ = gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "remove-me", Mode: "100644", OID: poolBlob}, gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "a-file", Mode: "100644", Content: "local blob"}, ), gittest.WithParents(parentCommit), gittest.WithBranch("main"), ) updatedParent := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "other-pool-file", Mode: "100644", Content: "pool blob to retain"}, ), ) updatedCommit := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithTreeEntries( gittest.TreeEntry{Path: "a-file", Mode: "100644", Content: "local blob"}, ), gittest.WithParents(updatedParent), ) return setupData{ requests: []*gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ { Repository: repo, Blobs: []string{poolBlob.String()}, }, }, repoPath: repoPath, expectedRefs: append(unmodifiedRefs, []git.Reference{ { Name: "refs/heads/main", Target: updatedCommit.String(), }, }...), expectedResponse: &gitalypb.RewriteHistoryResponse{}, } }, }, } { tc := tc t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() setup := tc.setup(t) stream, err := client.RewriteHistory(ctx) require.NoError(t, err) for _, request := range setup.requests { require.NoError(t, stream.Send(request)) } response, err := stream.CloseAndRecv() testhelper.RequireGrpcError(t, setup.expectedErr, err) testhelper.ProtoEqual(t, setup.expectedResponse, response) if setup.repoPath != "" { refs := gittest.GetReferences(t, cfg, setup.repoPath) require.ElementsMatch(t, refs, setup.expectedRefs) } }) } } func TestRewriteHistory_SHA256(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() if !gittest.ObjectHashIsSHA256() { t.Skip("test is not compatible with SHA1") } ctx := testhelper.Context(t) cfg := testcfg.Build(t) testcfg.BuildGitalyHooks(t, cfg) cfg.SocketPath = runCleanupServiceServer(t, cfg) client, conn := newCleanupServiceClient(t, cfg.SocketPath) t.Cleanup(func() { conn.Close() }) repo, _ := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg) stream, err := client.RewriteHistory(ctx) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, stream.Send(&gitalypb.RewriteHistoryRequest{ Repository: repo, Redactions: [][]byte{[]byte("hunter2")}, })) response, err := stream.CloseAndRecv() require.Nil(t, response) testhelper.RequireGrpcError(t, structerr.NewInvalidArgument("git-filter-repo does not support repositories using the SHA256 object format"), err) }