package storagemgr import ( "archive/tar" "bytes" "container/list" "context" "encoding/hex" "errors" "fmt" "io/fs" "os" "path/filepath" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // errSimulatedCrash is used in the tests to simulate a crash at a certain point during // TransactionManager.Run execution. var errSimulatedCrash = errors.New("simulated crash") func validCustomHooks(tb testing.TB) []byte { tb.Helper() var hooks bytes.Buffer writer := tar.NewWriter(&hooks) require.NoError(tb, writer.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{ Name: "custom_hooks/pre-receive", Size: int64(len("hook content")), Mode: int64(fs.ModePerm), })) _, err := writer.Write([]byte("hook content")) require.NoError(tb, err) require.NoError(tb, writer.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{ Name: "custom_hooks/private-dir/", Mode: int64(perm.PrivateDir), })) require.NoError(tb, writer.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{ Name: "custom_hooks/private-dir/private-file", Size: int64(len("private content")), Mode: int64(perm.PrivateFile), })) _, err = writer.Write([]byte("private content")) require.NoError(tb, err) require.NoError(tb, writer.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{Name: "ignored_file"})) require.NoError(tb, writer.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{Name: "ignored_dir/ignored_file"})) require.NoError(tb, writer.Close()) return hooks.Bytes() } // writePack writes a pack file and its index into the destination. func writePack(tb testing.TB, cfg config.Cfg, packFile []byte, destinationPack string) { tb.Helper() require.NoError(tb, os.WriteFile(destinationPack, packFile, fs.ModePerm)) gittest.ExecOpts(tb, cfg, gittest.ExecConfig{Stdin: bytes.NewReader(packFile)}, "index-pack", "--object-format="+gittest.DefaultObjectHash.Format, destinationPack, ) } // packFileDirectoryEntry returns a DirectoryEntry that parses content as a pack file and asserts that the // set of objects in the pack file matches the expected objects. func packFileDirectoryEntry(cfg config.Cfg, expectedObjects []git.ObjectID) testhelper.DirectoryEntry { sortObjects := func(objects []git.ObjectID) { sort.Slice(objects, func(i, j int) bool { return objects[i] < objects[j] }) } sortObjects(expectedObjects) return testhelper.DirectoryEntry{ Mode: perm.SharedReadOnlyFile, Content: expectedObjects, ParseContent: func(tb testing.TB, path string, content []byte) any { tb.Helper() tempDir := tb.TempDir() // Initialize a temporary repository where to write the pack. The cat file invocation for listing // the objects needs to run within a repository, and it would otherwise use the developer's repository. // If the object format doesn't match with the pack files in the test, things fail. gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "init", "--object-format="+gittest.DefaultObjectHash.Format, "--bare", tempDir) writePack(tb, cfg, content, filepath.Join(tempDir, "objects", "pack", "content.pack")) actualObjects := gittest.ListObjects(tb, cfg, tempDir) sortObjects(actualObjects) return actualObjects }, } } // packRefsDirectoryEntry returns a DirectoryEntry that checks for the existence of packed-refs file. The content does // not matter because it will be asserted in the repository state insteaad. func packRefsDirectoryEntry(cfg config.Cfg) testhelper.DirectoryEntry { return testhelper.DirectoryEntry{ Mode: perm.SharedFile, Content: "", ParseContent: func(testing.TB, string, []byte) any { return "" }, } } // indexFileDirectoryEntry returns a DirectoryEntry that asserts the given pack file index is valid. func indexFileDirectoryEntry(cfg config.Cfg) testhelper.DirectoryEntry { return testhelper.DirectoryEntry{ Mode: perm.SharedReadOnlyFile, ParseContent: func(tb testing.TB, path string, content []byte) any { tb.Helper() // Verify the index is valid. gittest.Exec(tb, cfg, "verify-pack", "--object-format="+gittest.DefaultObjectHash.Format, "-v", path) // As we already verified the index is valid, we don't care about the actual contents. return nil }, } } // reverseIndexFileDirectoryEntry returns a DirectoryEntry that asserts the given pack file reverse index is valid. func reverseIndexFileDirectoryEntry(cfg config.Cfg) testhelper.DirectoryEntry { return testhelper.DirectoryEntry{ Mode: perm.SharedReadOnlyFile, ParseContent: func(tb testing.TB, path string, content []byte) any { tb.Helper() // We cannot run git-verify-pack(1) directly against a reverse index file, so we validate the // header to fail fast when possible. If this passes but the '.rev' file is invalid, the // '.idx' check will fail. buf := make([]byte, 4) f, err := os.Open(path) require.NoError(tb, err) defer testhelper.MustClose(tb, f) _, err = f.Read(buf) require.NoError(tb, err) require.Equal(tb, []byte{'R', 'I', 'D', 'X'}, buf) return nil }, } } func setupTest(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, testPartitionID partitionID, relativePath string) testTransactionSetup { t.Helper() cfg := testcfg.Build(t) repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(t, ctx, cfg, gittest.CreateRepositoryConfig{ SkipCreationViaService: true, RelativePath: relativePath, }) firstCommitOID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithParents()) secondCommitOID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithParents(firstCommitOID)) thirdCommitOID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithParents(secondCommitOID)) divergingCommitOID := gittest.WriteCommit(t, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithParents(firstCommitOID), gittest.WithMessage("diverging commit")) cmdFactory := gittest.NewCommandFactory(t, cfg) catfileCache := catfile.NewCache(cfg) t.Cleanup(catfileCache.Stop) logger := testhelper.NewLogger(t) locator := config.NewLocator(cfg) localRepo := localrepo.New( logger, locator, cmdFactory, catfileCache, repo, ) objectHash, err := localRepo.ObjectHash(ctx) require.NoError(t, err) hasher := objectHash.Hash() _, err = hasher.Write([]byte("content does not matter")) require.NoError(t, err) nonExistentOID, err := objectHash.FromHex(hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))) require.NoError(t, err) packCommit := func(oid git.ObjectID) []byte { t.Helper() var pack bytes.Buffer require.NoError(t, localRepo.PackObjects(ctx, strings.NewReader(oid.String()), &pack), ) return pack.Bytes() } return testTransactionSetup{ PartitionID: testPartitionID, RelativePath: relativePath, RepositoryPath: repoPath, Repo: localRepo, Config: cfg, ObjectHash: objectHash, CommandFactory: cmdFactory, RepositoryFactory: localrepo.NewFactory(logger, locator, cmdFactory, catfileCache), NonExistentOID: nonExistentOID, Commits: testTransactionCommits{ First: testTransactionCommit{ OID: firstCommitOID, Pack: packCommit(firstCommitOID), }, Second: testTransactionCommit{ OID: secondCommitOID, Pack: packCommit(secondCommitOID), }, Third: testTransactionCommit{ OID: thirdCommitOID, Pack: packCommit(thirdCommitOID), }, Diverging: testTransactionCommit{ OID: divergingCommitOID, Pack: packCommit(divergingCommitOID), }, }, } } func TestTransactionManager(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testhelper.Context(t) // testPartitionID is the partition ID used in the tests for the TransactionManager. const testPartitionID partitionID = 1 // A clean repository is setup for each test. We build a setup ahead of the tests here once to // get deterministic commit IDs, relative path and object hash we can use to build the declarative // test cases. relativePath := gittest.NewRepositoryName(t) setup := setupTest(t, ctx, testPartitionID, relativePath) var testCases []transactionTestCase subTests := [][]transactionTestCase{ generateCommonTests(t, ctx, setup), generateCommittedEntriesTests(t, setup), generateInvalidReferencesTests(t, setup), generateModifyReferencesTests(t, setup), generateCreateRepositoryTests(t, setup), generateDeleteRepositoryTests(t, setup), generateDefaultBranchTests(t, setup), generateAlternateTests(t, setup), generateCustomHooksTests(t, setup), generateHousekeepingTests(t, ctx, testPartitionID, relativePath), } for _, subCases := range subTests { testCases = append(testCases, subCases...) } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // Setup the repository with the exact same state as what was used to build the test cases. var setup testTransactionSetup if tc.customSetup != nil { setup = tc.customSetup(t, ctx, testPartitionID, relativePath) } else { setup = setupTest(t, ctx, testPartitionID, relativePath) } runTransactionTest(t, ctx, tc, setup) }) } } func generateCommonTests(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, setup testTransactionSetup) []transactionTestCase { umask := testhelper.Umask() return []transactionTestCase{ { desc: "begin returns if context is canceled before initialization", steps: steps{ Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, Context: func() context.Context { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) cancel() return ctx }(), ExpectedError: context.Canceled, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ // Manager is not started up so no state is initialized. Directory: testhelper.DirectoryState{}, }, }, { desc: "commit returns if transaction processing stops before admission", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, CloseManager{}, Commit{ ExpectedError: ErrTransactionProcessingStopped, }, }, }, func() transactionTestCase { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) return transactionTestCase{ desc: "commit returns if context is canceled after admission", steps: steps{ StartManager{ Hooks: testTransactionHooks{ BeforeAppendLogEntry: func(hookCtx hookContext) { // Cancel the context used in Commit cancel() }, }, }, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ Context: ctx, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, ExpectedError: context.Canceled, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(1).toProto(), }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", References: &ReferencesState{ LooseReferences: map[git.ReferenceName]git.ObjectID{ "refs/heads/main": setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, }, }, }, } }(), { desc: "commit returns if transaction processing stops before transaction acceptance", steps: steps{ StartManager{ Hooks: testTransactionHooks{ BeforeAppendLogEntry: func(hookContext hookContext) { hookContext.closeManager() }, // This ensures we are testing the context cancellation errors being unwrapped properly // to an ErrTransactionProcessingStopped instead of hitting the general case when // runDone is closed. WaitForTransactionsWhenClosing: true, }, }, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, CloseManager{}, Commit{ ExpectedError: ErrTransactionProcessingStopped, }, }, }, { desc: "commit returns if transaction processing stops after transaction acceptance", steps: steps{ StartManager{ Hooks: testTransactionHooks{ BeforeApplyLogEntry: func(hookCtx hookContext) { hookCtx.closeManager() }, }, }, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, ExpectedError: ErrTransactionProcessingStopped, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyLogEntry(setup.PartitionID, 1)): &gitalypb.LogEntry{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ReferenceTransactions: []*gitalypb.LogEntry_ReferenceTransaction{ { Changes: []*gitalypb.LogEntry_ReferenceTransaction_Change{ { ReferenceName: []byte("refs/heads/main"), NewOid: []byte(setup.Commits.First.OID), }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "read snapshots include committed data", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 2, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, RepositoryAssertion{ TransactionID: 1, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", Objects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, setup.Commits.Second.OID, setup.Commits.Third.OID, setup.Commits.Diverging.OID, }, }, }, }, RepositoryAssertion{ TransactionID: 2, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", Objects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, setup.Commits.Second.OID, setup.Commits.Third.OID, setup.Commits.Diverging.OID, }, }, }, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 1, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, CustomHooksUpdate: &CustomHooksUpdate{ CustomHooksTAR: validCustomHooks(t), }, }, // Transaction 2 is isolated from the changes made by transaction 1. It does not see the // committed changes. RepositoryAssertion{ TransactionID: 2, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", Objects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, setup.Commits.Second.OID, setup.Commits.Third.OID, setup.Commits.Diverging.OID, }, }, }, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 3, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 1, }, // Transaction 3 is should see the new changes as it began after transaction 1 was committed. RepositoryAssertion{ TransactionID: 3, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", References: &ReferencesState{ LooseReferences: map[git.ReferenceName]git.ObjectID{ "refs/heads/main": setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, Objects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, setup.Commits.Second.OID, setup.Commits.Third.OID, setup.Commits.Diverging.OID, }, CustomHooks: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/pre-receive": { Mode: umask.Mask(fs.ModePerm), Content: []byte("hook content"), }, "/private-dir": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/private-dir/private-file": {Mode: umask.Mask(perm.PrivateFile), Content: []byte("private content")}, }, }, }, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 2, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.Commits.First.OID, NewOID: setup.Commits.Second.OID}, }, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 4, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 2, }, Rollback{ TransactionID: 3, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 5, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 2, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 4, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.Commits.Second.OID, NewOID: setup.Commits.Third.OID}, }, CustomHooksUpdate: &CustomHooksUpdate{}, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 6, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 3, }, Rollback{ TransactionID: 5, }, Rollback{ TransactionID: 6, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(3).toProto(), }, Directory: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", References: &ReferencesState{ LooseReferences: map[git.ReferenceName]git.ObjectID{ "refs/heads/main": setup.Commits.Third.OID, }, }, CustomHooks: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "pack file includes referenced commit", steps: steps{ Prune{}, StartManager{}, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 1, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, ExpectedError: updateref.NonExistentObjectError{ ReferenceName: "refs/heads/main", ObjectID: setup.Commits.First.OID.String(), }, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 2, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 2, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{setup.Commits.First.Pack}, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(1).toProto(), }, Directory: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1/objects.idx": indexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.rev": reverseIndexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.pack": packFileDirectoryEntry( setup.Config, []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, }, ), }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", References: &ReferencesState{ LooseReferences: map[git.ReferenceName]git.ObjectID{ "refs/heads/main": setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, Objects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "pack file includes unreachable objects depended upon", steps: steps{ Prune{}, StartManager{}, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 1, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.Second.OID}, }, QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{ setup.Commits.First.Pack, setup.Commits.Second.Pack, }, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 2, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 1, }, // Point main to the first commit so the second one is unreachable. Commit{ TransactionID: 2, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.Commits.Second.OID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, }, AssertManager{}, CloseManager{}, StartManager{ // Crash the manager before the third transaction is applied. This allows us to // prune before it is applied to ensure the pack file contains all necessary commits. Hooks: testTransactionHooks{ BeforeApplyLogEntry: func(hookContext) { panic(errSimulatedCrash) }, }, ExpectedError: errSimulatedCrash, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 3, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 2, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 3, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.Commits.First.OID, NewOID: setup.Commits.Third.OID}, }, QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{setup.Commits.Third.Pack}, ExpectedError: ErrTransactionProcessingStopped, }, AssertManager{ ExpectedError: errSimulatedCrash, }, // Prune so the unreachable commits have been removed prior to the third log entry being // applied. Prune{ ExpectedObjects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, StartManager{}, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(3).toProto(), }, Directory: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1/objects.idx": indexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.rev": reverseIndexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.pack": packFileDirectoryEntry( setup.Config, []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, setup.Commits.Second.OID, }, ), "/wal/3": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/3/objects.idx": indexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/3/objects.rev": reverseIndexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/3/objects.pack": packFileDirectoryEntry( setup.Config, []git.ObjectID{ setup.Commits.Second.OID, setup.Commits.Third.OID, }, ), }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", References: &ReferencesState{ LooseReferences: map[git.ReferenceName]git.ObjectID{ "refs/heads/main": setup.Commits.Third.OID, }, }, Objects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, setup.Commits.Second.OID, setup.Commits.Third.OID, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "pack file reapplying works", steps: steps{ Prune{}, StartManager{ Hooks: testTransactionHooks{ BeforeStoreAppliedLSN: func(hookContext) { panic(errSimulatedCrash) }, }, ExpectedError: errSimulatedCrash, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 1, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{setup.Commits.First.Pack}, ExpectedError: ErrTransactionProcessingStopped, }, AssertManager{ ExpectedError: errSimulatedCrash, }, StartManager{}, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(1).toProto(), }, Directory: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1/objects.idx": indexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.rev": reverseIndexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.pack": packFileDirectoryEntry( setup.Config, []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, }, ), }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", References: &ReferencesState{ LooseReferences: map[git.ReferenceName]git.ObjectID{ "refs/heads/main": setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, Objects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "pack file missing referenced commit", steps: steps{ Prune{}, StartManager{}, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 1, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.Second.OID}, }, QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{setup.Commits.First.Pack}, ExpectedError: localrepo.BadObjectError{ObjectID: setup.Commits.Second.OID}, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { Objects: []git.ObjectID{}, }, }, }, }, { desc: "pack file missing intermediate commit", steps: steps{ Prune{}, StartManager{}, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 1, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{setup.Commits.First.Pack}, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 2, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 1, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 2, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.Commits.First.OID, NewOID: setup.Commits.Third.OID}, }, QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{setup.Commits.Third.Pack}, ExpectedError: localrepo.ObjectReadError{ObjectID: setup.Commits.Second.OID}, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(1).toProto(), }, Directory: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1/objects.idx": indexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.rev": reverseIndexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.pack": packFileDirectoryEntry( setup.Config, []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, }, ), }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", References: &ReferencesState{ LooseReferences: map[git.ReferenceName]git.ObjectID{ "refs/heads/main": setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, Objects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "pack file only", steps: steps{ Prune{}, StartManager{}, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 1, QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{setup.Commits.First.Pack}, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(1).toProto(), }, Directory: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { Objects: []git.ObjectID{}, }, }, }, }, { desc: "transaction includes an unreachable object with dependencies", steps: steps{ Prune{}, StartManager{}, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{ setup.Commits.First.Pack, setup.Commits.Second.Pack, setup.Commits.Third.Pack, }, IncludeObjects: []git.ObjectID{setup.Commits.Second.OID}, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(1).toProto(), }, Directory: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1/objects.idx": indexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.rev": reverseIndexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.pack": packFileDirectoryEntry( setup.Config, []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, setup.Commits.Second.OID, }, ), }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { Objects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, setup.Commits.Second.OID, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "transaction includes multiple unreachable objects", steps: steps{ Prune{}, StartManager{}, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{ setup.Commits.First.Pack, setup.Commits.Second.Pack, setup.Commits.Diverging.Pack, }, IncludeObjects: []git.ObjectID{setup.Commits.Second.OID, setup.Commits.Diverging.OID}, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(1).toProto(), }, Directory: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1/objects.idx": indexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.rev": reverseIndexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.pack": packFileDirectoryEntry( setup.Config, []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, setup.Commits.Second.OID, setup.Commits.Diverging.OID, }, ), }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { Objects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, setup.Commits.Second.OID, setup.Commits.Diverging.OID, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "transaction includes a missing object", steps: steps{ Prune{}, StartManager{}, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{ setup.Commits.First.Pack, }, IncludeObjects: []git.ObjectID{setup.Commits.Second.OID}, ExpectedError: localrepo.BadObjectError{ ObjectID: setup.Commits.Second.OID, }, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { Objects: []git.ObjectID{}, }, }, }, }, { desc: "pack file with deletions", steps: steps{ Prune{}, StartManager{}, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 1, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{setup.Commits.First.Pack}, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 2, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 1, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 2, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.Commits.First.OID, NewOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID}, }, QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{setup.Commits.Second.Pack}, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(2).toProto(), }, Directory: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1/objects.idx": indexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.rev": reverseIndexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.pack": packFileDirectoryEntry( setup.Config, []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, }, ), }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { Objects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "pack file applies with dependency concurrently deleted", steps: steps{ Prune{}, StartManager{}, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 1, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{setup.Commits.First.Pack}, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 2, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 1, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 3, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 1, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 2, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.Commits.First.OID, NewOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID}, }, }, AssertManager{}, Prune{}, Commit{ TransactionID: 3, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/dependant": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.Second.OID}, }, QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{setup.Commits.Second.Pack}, // The transaction fails to apply as we are not yet maintaining internal references // to the old tips of concurrently deleted references. This causes the prune step to // remove the object this the pack file depends on. // // For now, keep the test case to assert the behavior. We'll fix this in a later MR. ExpectedError: localrepo.ObjectReadError{ ObjectID: setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(2).toProto(), }, Directory: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1/objects.idx": indexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.rev": reverseIndexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.pack": packFileDirectoryEntry( setup.Config, []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, }, ), }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { Objects: []git.ObjectID{}, }, }, }, }, { desc: "pack files without log entries are cleaned up after a crash", steps: steps{ StartManager{ // The manager cleans up pack files if a committing fails. Since we can't // hard kill the manager and it will still run the deferred clean up functions, // we have to test the behavior by manually creating a stale pack here. // // The Manager starts up and we expect the pack file to be gone at the end of the test. ModifyStorage: func(_ testing.TB, _ config.Cfg, storagePath string) { packFilePath := packFilePath(walFilesPathForLSN(filepath.Join(storagePath, setup.RelativePath), 1)) require.NoError(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(packFilePath), perm.PrivateDir)) require.NoError(t, os.WriteFile( packFilePath, []byte("invalid pack"), perm.PrivateDir, )) }, }, }, }, { desc: "non-existent repository is correctly handled", steps: steps{ RemoveRepository{}, StartManager{}, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, RepositoryAssertion{ TransactionID: 1, Repositories: RepositoryStates{}, }, Rollback{ TransactionID: 1, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Repositories: RepositoryStates{}, }, }, { desc: "failing initialization prevents transaction beginning", steps: steps{ StartManager{ Hooks: testTransactionHooks{ BeforeReadAppliedLSN: func(hookContext) { // Raise a panic when the manager is about to read the applied log // index when initializing. In reality this would crash the server but // in tests it serves as a way to abort the initialization in correct // location. panic(errSimulatedCrash) }, }, ExpectedError: errSimulatedCrash, }, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedError: errInitializationFailed, }, AssertManager{ ExpectedError: errSimulatedCrash, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ // The test case fails before the partition's state directory is created. Directory: testhelper.DirectoryState{}, }, }, { desc: "transaction rollbacked after already being rollbacked", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Rollback{}, Rollback{ ExpectedError: ErrTransactionAlreadyRollbacked, }, }, }, { desc: "transaction rollbacked after already being committed", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{}, Rollback{ ExpectedError: ErrTransactionAlreadyCommitted, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(1).toProto(), }, }, }, { desc: "transaction committed after already being committed", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{}, Commit{ ExpectedError: ErrTransactionAlreadyCommitted, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(1).toProto(), }, }, }, { desc: "transaction committed after already being rollbacked", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Rollback{}, Commit{ ExpectedError: ErrTransactionAlreadyRollbacked, }, }, }, { desc: "read-only transaction doesn't commit a log entry", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ReadOnly: true, }, Commit{}, }, }, { desc: "read-only transaction fails with reference updates staged", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ReadOnly: true, }, Commit{ ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, ExpectedError: errReadOnlyReferenceUpdates, }, }, }, { desc: "read-only transaction fails with default branch update staged", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ReadOnly: true, }, Commit{ DefaultBranchUpdate: &DefaultBranchUpdate{ Reference: "refs/heads/main", }, ExpectedError: errReadOnlyDefaultBranchUpdate, }, }, }, { desc: "read-only transaction fails with custom hooks update staged", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ReadOnly: true, }, Commit{ CustomHooksUpdate: &CustomHooksUpdate{ CustomHooksTAR: validCustomHooks(t), }, ExpectedError: errReadOnlyCustomHooksUpdate, }, }, }, { desc: "read-only transaction fails with objects staged", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ReadOnly: true, }, Commit{ IncludeObjects: []git.ObjectID{setup.Commits.First.OID}, ExpectedError: errReadOnlyObjectsIncluded, }, }, }, { desc: "transactions are snapshot isolated from concurrent updates", steps: steps{ Prune{}, StartManager{}, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 2, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 2, DefaultBranchUpdate: &DefaultBranchUpdate{ Reference: "refs/heads/new-head", }, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, QuarantinedPacks: [][]byte{setup.Commits.First.Pack}, CustomHooksUpdate: &CustomHooksUpdate{ CustomHooksTAR: validCustomHooks(t), }, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 3, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 1, }, // This transaction was started before the commit, so it should see the original state. RepositoryAssertion{ TransactionID: 1, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", }, }, }, // This transaction was started after the commit, so it should see the new state. RepositoryAssertion{ TransactionID: 3, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/new-head", References: &ReferencesState{ LooseReferences: map[git.ReferenceName]git.ObjectID{ "refs/heads/main": setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, Objects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, }, CustomHooks: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: umask.Mask(fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir)}, "/pre-receive": { Mode: umask.Mask(fs.ModePerm), Content: []byte("hook content"), }, "/private-dir": {Mode: umask.Mask(fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir)}, "/private-dir/private-file": {Mode: umask.Mask(perm.PrivateFile), Content: []byte("private content")}, }, }, }, }, Rollback{ TransactionID: 1, }, Rollback{ TransactionID: 3, }, }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(1).toProto(), }, Directory: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1": {Mode: fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir}, "/wal/1/objects.idx": indexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.rev": reverseIndexFileDirectoryEntry(setup.Config), "/wal/1/objects.pack": packFileDirectoryEntry( setup.Config, []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, }, ), }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/new-head", References: &ReferencesState{ LooseReferences: map[git.ReferenceName]git.ObjectID{ "refs/heads/main": setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, Objects: []git.ObjectID{ setup.ObjectHash.EmptyTreeOID, setup.Commits.First.OID, }, CustomHooks: testhelper.DirectoryState{ "/": {Mode: umask.Mask(fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir)}, "/pre-receive": { Mode: umask.Mask(fs.ModePerm), Content: []byte("hook content"), }, "/private-dir": {Mode: umask.Mask(fs.ModeDir | perm.PrivateDir)}, "/private-dir/private-file": {Mode: umask.Mask(perm.PrivateFile), Content: []byte("private content")}, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "start transaction with empty relative path", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ ExpectedError: errRelativePathNotSet, }, }, }, } } func generateCommittedEntriesTests(t *testing.T, setup testTransactionSetup) []transactionTestCase { assertCommittedEntries := func(t *testing.T, expected []*committedEntry, actualList *list.List) { require.Equal(t, len(expected), actualList.Len()) i := 0 for elm := actualList.Front(); elm != nil; elm = elm.Next() { actual := elm.Value.(*committedEntry) require.Equal(t, expected[i].lsn, actual.lsn) require.Equal(t, expected[i].snapshotReaders, actual.snapshotReaders) testhelper.ProtoEqual(t, expected[i].entry, actual.entry) i++ } } refChangeLogEntry := func(ref string, oid git.ObjectID) *gitalypb.LogEntry { return &gitalypb.LogEntry{ RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ReferenceTransactions: []*gitalypb.LogEntry_ReferenceTransaction{ { Changes: []*gitalypb.LogEntry_ReferenceTransaction_Change{ { ReferenceName: []byte(ref), NewOid: []byte(oid), }, }, }, }, } } return []transactionTestCase{ { desc: "manager has just initialized", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, AdhocAssertion(func(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, tm *TransactionManager) { assertCommittedEntries(t, []*committedEntry{}, tm.committedEntries) }), }, }, { desc: "a transaction has one reader", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, AdhocAssertion(func(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, tm *TransactionManager) { assertCommittedEntries(t, []*committedEntry{ { lsn: 0, snapshotReaders: 1, }, }, tm.committedEntries) }), Commit{ TransactionID: 1, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/branch-1": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, }, AdhocAssertion(func(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, tm *TransactionManager) { assertCommittedEntries(t, []*committedEntry{}, tm.committedEntries) }), Begin{ TransactionID: 2, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 1, }, AdhocAssertion(func(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, tm *TransactionManager) { assertCommittedEntries(t, []*committedEntry{ { lsn: 1, snapshotReaders: 1, }, }, tm.committedEntries) }), Commit{ TransactionID: 2, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, }, AdhocAssertion(func(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, tm *TransactionManager) { assertCommittedEntries(t, []*committedEntry{}, tm.committedEntries) }), }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(2).toProto(), }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", References: &ReferencesState{ LooseReferences: map[git.ReferenceName]git.ObjectID{ "refs/heads/main": setup.Commits.First.OID, "refs/heads/branch-1": setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "a transaction has multiple readers", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 1, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/main": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 2, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 1, }, Begin{ TransactionID: 3, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 1, }, AdhocAssertion(func(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, tm *TransactionManager) { assertCommittedEntries(t, []*committedEntry{ { lsn: 1, snapshotReaders: 2, }, }, tm.committedEntries) }), Commit{ TransactionID: 2, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/branch-1": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, }, AdhocAssertion(func(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, tm *TransactionManager) { assertCommittedEntries(t, []*committedEntry{ { lsn: 1, snapshotReaders: 1, }, { lsn: 2, entry: refChangeLogEntry("refs/heads/branch-1", setup.Commits.First.OID), }, }, tm.committedEntries) }), Begin{ TransactionID: 4, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ExpectedSnapshotLSN: 2, }, AdhocAssertion(func(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, tm *TransactionManager) { assertCommittedEntries(t, []*committedEntry{ { lsn: 1, snapshotReaders: 1, }, { lsn: 2, snapshotReaders: 1, entry: refChangeLogEntry("refs/heads/branch-1", setup.Commits.First.OID), }, }, tm.committedEntries) }), Commit{ TransactionID: 3, ReferenceUpdates: ReferenceUpdates{ "refs/heads/branch-2": {OldOID: setup.ObjectHash.ZeroOID, NewOID: setup.Commits.First.OID}, }, }, AdhocAssertion(func(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, tm *TransactionManager) { assertCommittedEntries(t, []*committedEntry{ { lsn: 2, entry: refChangeLogEntry("refs/heads/branch-1", setup.Commits.First.OID), snapshotReaders: 1, }, { lsn: 3, entry: refChangeLogEntry("refs/heads/branch-2", setup.Commits.First.OID), }, }, tm.committedEntries) }), Rollback{ TransactionID: 4, }, AdhocAssertion(func(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, tm *TransactionManager) { assertCommittedEntries(t, []*committedEntry{}, tm.committedEntries) }), }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{ string(keyAppliedLSN(setup.PartitionID)): LSN(3).toProto(), }, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", References: &ReferencesState{ LooseReferences: map[git.ReferenceName]git.ObjectID{ "refs/heads/main": setup.Commits.First.OID, "refs/heads/branch-1": setup.Commits.First.OID, "refs/heads/branch-2": setup.Commits.First.OID, }, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "committed read-only transaction are not kept", steps: steps{ StartManager{}, Begin{ TransactionID: 1, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ReadOnly: true, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 1, }, AdhocAssertion(func(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, tm *TransactionManager) { assertCommittedEntries(t, []*committedEntry{}, tm.committedEntries) }), Begin{ TransactionID: 2, RelativePath: setup.RelativePath, ReadOnly: true, }, Commit{ TransactionID: 2, }, AdhocAssertion(func(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, tm *TransactionManager) { assertCommittedEntries(t, []*committedEntry{}, tm.committedEntries) }), }, expectedState: StateAssertion{ Database: DatabaseState{}, Repositories: RepositoryStates{ setup.RelativePath: { DefaultBranch: "refs/heads/main", }, }, }, }, } } // BenchmarkTransactionManager benchmarks the transaction throughput of the TransactionManager at various levels // of concurrency and transaction sizes. func BenchmarkTransactionManager(b *testing.B) { for _, tc := range []struct { // numberOfRepositories sets the number of repositories that are updating the references. Each repository has // its own TransactionManager. Setting this to 1 allows for testing throughput of a single repository while // setting this higher allows for testing parallel throughput of multiple repositories. This mostly serves // to determine the impact of the shared resources such as the database. numberOfRepositories int // concurrentUpdaters sets the number of goroutines that are calling committing transactions for a repository. // Each of the updaters work on their own references so they don't block each other. Setting this to 1 allows // for testing sequential update throughput of a repository. Setting this higher allows for testing reference // update throughput when multiple references are being updated concurrently. concurrentUpdaters int // transactionSize sets the number of references that are updated in each transaction. transactionSize int }{ { numberOfRepositories: 1, concurrentUpdaters: 1, transactionSize: 1, }, { numberOfRepositories: 10, concurrentUpdaters: 1, transactionSize: 1, }, { numberOfRepositories: 1, concurrentUpdaters: 10, transactionSize: 1, }, { numberOfRepositories: 1, concurrentUpdaters: 1, transactionSize: 10, }, { numberOfRepositories: 10, concurrentUpdaters: 1, transactionSize: 10, }, } { desc := fmt.Sprintf("%d repositories/%d updaters/%d transaction size", tc.numberOfRepositories, tc.concurrentUpdaters, tc.transactionSize, ) b.Run(desc, func(b *testing.B) { ctx := testhelper.Context(b) cfg := testcfg.Build(b) logger := testhelper.NewLogger(b) cmdFactory := gittest.NewCommandFactory(b, cfg) cache := catfile.NewCache(cfg) defer cache.Stop() database, err := OpenDatabase(testhelper.SharedLogger(b), b.TempDir()) require.NoError(b, err) defer testhelper.MustClose(b, database) txManager := transaction.NewManager(cfg, logger, backchannel.NewRegistry()) housekeepingManager := housekeeping.NewManager(cfg.Prometheus, logger, txManager) var ( // managerWG records the running TransactionManager.Run goroutines. managerWG sync.WaitGroup managers []*TransactionManager // The references are updated back and forth between commit1 and commit2. commit1 git.ObjectID commit2 git.ObjectID ) // getReferenceUpdates builds a ReferenceUpdates with unique branches for the updater. getReferenceUpdates := func(updaterID int, old, new git.ObjectID) ReferenceUpdates { referenceUpdates := make(ReferenceUpdates, tc.transactionSize) for i := 0; i < tc.transactionSize; i++ { referenceUpdates[git.ReferenceName(fmt.Sprintf("refs/heads/updater-%d-branch-%d", updaterID, i))] = ReferenceUpdate{ OldOID: old, NewOID: new, } } return referenceUpdates } repositoryFactory, err := localrepo.NewFactory( logger, config.NewLocator(cfg), cmdFactory, cache, ).ScopeByStorage(cfg.Storages[0].Name) require.NoError(b, err) // Set up the repositories and start their TransactionManagers. var relativePaths []string for i := 0; i < tc.numberOfRepositories; i++ { repo, repoPath := gittest.CreateRepository(b, ctx, cfg, gittest.CreateRepositoryConfig{ SkipCreationViaService: true, }) relativePaths = append(relativePaths, repo.RelativePath) // Set up two commits that the updaters update their references back and forth. // The commit IDs are the same across all repositories as the parameters used to // create them are the same. We thus simply override the commit IDs here across // repositories. commit1 = gittest.WriteCommit(b, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithParents()) commit2 = gittest.WriteCommit(b, cfg, repoPath, gittest.WithParents(commit1)) storagePath := cfg.Storages[0].Path stateDir := filepath.Join(storagePath, "state", strconv.Itoa(i)) require.NoError(b, os.MkdirAll(stateDir, perm.PrivateDir)) stagingDir := filepath.Join(storagePath, "staging", strconv.Itoa(i)) require.NoError(b, os.MkdirAll(stagingDir, perm.PrivateDir)) // Valid partition IDs are >=1. testPartitionID := partitionID(i + 1) manager := NewTransactionManager(testPartitionID, logger, database, storagePath, stateDir, stagingDir, cmdFactory, housekeepingManager, repositoryFactory) managers = append(managers, manager) managerWG.Add(1) go func() { defer managerWG.Done() assert.NoError(b, manager.Run()) }() objectHash, err := repositoryFactory.Build(repo.RelativePath).ObjectHash(ctx) require.NoError(b, err) for j := 0; j < tc.concurrentUpdaters; j++ { transaction, err := manager.Begin(ctx, repo.RelativePath, nil, false) require.NoError(b, err) transaction.UpdateReferences(getReferenceUpdates(j, objectHash.ZeroOID, commit1)) require.NoError(b, transaction.Commit(ctx)) } } // transactionWG tracks the number of on going transaction. var transactionWG sync.WaitGroup transactionChan := make(chan struct{}) for i, manager := range managers { manager := manager relativePath := relativePaths[i] for i := 0; i < tc.concurrentUpdaters; i++ { // Build the reference updates that this updater will go back and forth with. currentReferences := getReferenceUpdates(i, commit1, commit2) nextReferences := getReferenceUpdates(i, commit2, commit1) transaction, err := manager.Begin(ctx, relativePath, nil, false) require.NoError(b, err) transaction.UpdateReferences(currentReferences) // Setup the starting state so the references start at the expected old tip. require.NoError(b, transaction.Commit(ctx)) transactionWG.Add(1) go func() { defer transactionWG.Done() for range transactionChan { transaction, err := manager.Begin(ctx, relativePath, nil, false) require.NoError(b, err) transaction.UpdateReferences(nextReferences) assert.NoError(b, transaction.Commit(ctx)) currentReferences, nextReferences = nextReferences, currentReferences } }() } } b.ReportAllocs() b.ResetTimer() began := time.Now() for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ { transactionChan <- struct{}{} } close(transactionChan) transactionWG.Wait() b.StopTimer() b.ReportMetric(float64(b.N*tc.transactionSize)/time.Since(began).Seconds(), "reference_updates/s") for _, manager := range managers { manager.Close() } managerWG.Wait() }) } }